August 2011
Well, yes, life does “seem†to have an up and down flow, based in perception, and duality. What if you could see it entirely differently? What if life stopped having highs and lows?  What if you could maintain a perception that was not structured in duality, and yet realize duality at the same time? Does this feel impossible or contradictory?
It appears as though we are expanding our consciousness right now in present time. Stretching your perceptions of reality is up for consideration. Not everyone is even interested in changing this quality of our perception, and could care less. However, a lot of people are and they actively pursue the steps necessary to have a more conscious experience in each moment. The whole point of this strategy is to change or heal our lives and how we live them. The possibility of having a different experience in each moment is profound and perhaps will shift the paradigm you live in.
There is a lot of investment made into believing that a high and low state of experience is necessary for mental health and overall well-being. The low or down filter placed upon events we witness is considered a benefit for the integration of information into the brain. A chance to step back and learn from the experience and another way to look at it other then up or high. The high or up state of experience is a time to pull and collect a lot of new data. Makes sense to me, but is it any longer necessary when considering what we have to deal with, if we want to survive and flourish on this planet, and perhaps stop suffering in past time relative to present time awareness?
You can still have the information you collect dialed through your duality filter, as a sorting option, and, at the same time, meeting it in the present moment and not necessarily good or bad, up or down, high or low. It is making use of your thinking to sort information, and calls upon the heart or connectedness to engage with the event. It is a lot like chewing gum and walking at the same time. Alright maybe a bit harder.
The constant pull to meet – and especially to judge – anything as an upper or a downer takes a lot more energy to process than to simply recognize duality, and checking if you have an affinity with your experience. You are still experiencing our dualistic reality but meeting it differently simply with presence and awareness in present time. This action allows you to practice not automatically reacting to everything as good or bad and lapse into an unconscious old energy pattern that takes you on the same journey you have been on at least a million times. It allows for another experience to happen. A chance to learn something new and different. A chance to be your experience and not do your experience, very different energy states.
This practice is not for everyone, that is for sure. It has to be of interest to you and a part of your life journey. I have always been challenged by what is just taken as “the way it is†and accepted as reality. Each of use is having a considerably different experience right now. I have been having one my whole life and this does not seem all that unusual or strange to me. We are alive in a time of great change and it appears as if we always have been, that’s how we got to where we are right now. This great change happening right now in present time is how we will get to where we are going. What many of us are looking for and desire is very different from what a lot of other people are looking for and desire. Yet there are many many like minded people out there so you are alway becoming a part of a greater whole continuously. There is radical change, intense healing and new communities forming. Pockets of people all over the planet are energized to shift the paradigm bubble they occur in and actively apply new and exciting methods to address conscious perceptions of reality. They are actually not doing anything they are simply meeting the experience they are having as present time.
An equally large number of people could care less and are not doing this at all in any way. This is where community comes into play and extends a very strong pull to be in a place that matches your energy. Also recognizing when you are not matching the energy of the community you are in and getting out. Making drastic changes if necessary. It is all part of the energy dynamic we are challenged by at this time, a pattern within our collective that has alway been there in one form or another. This drive, this force is what produces great leaps in technology, science, economics, and human evolution. We are facing a huge one right now with economics and life quality. The force is strongly pushing for a consciousness shift. What exactly is this consciousness shift?
Does anyone know for sure? The momentum is obvious and a destination or goal is not. It feels like a freefall into WHATEVER may be possible. Our consciousness is on a roll and you can be as invested as you feel comfortable. The opportunity to meet duality in a completely different context is coming into focus and we are the creators of just how far we want to go with this. The momentum is built into our DNA, it is hard not to notice. Do you want to keep going up and down or do you want to meet the experience to include more options? That is the question, and is it even possible?
Curiosity is the what keeps us engaged and enthusiastic about being and doing. Perhaps a little less DOING and a little more BEING can actually have an affect on our perceptions. The perception of ups and downs in life are really unconsciously embedded and a part of our flow of energy and perhaps unchangeable, and deeply contained in our past. Â We strongly believe in this perception and it influences our values, ideas, vision of the future, and the need to feel a sense of rapture as conscious living beings (sixth chakra). Noticing and accepting your duality based perception is a great way to consider other options, and not limit yourself. You are free to include other considerations and broaden your perception.
Yes, I understand that this is uplifting or that this is a bummer. At the same time, I’m intentionally experiencing whether I’m feeling a connection to this particular event or not and base my decision on how to BE with that in present time. Tell me what you are experiencing at this time, present time. Do you notice the restless energy of our world community? Are you aware of a consciousness shift occurring within you and the people around you? Are you in a community that supports your evolution? All of these factors generate a perspective into our experience. Ups and downs become less fluctuating and we witness instead of reacting. We BE instead of DO. These slight changes impact our experience in profound ways and we take responsibility to BE with whatever shows up as a reflection of US and begin the journey of not DOING anything except have the experience in present time.