UNCONDITIONAL LOVE There is no universally agreed definition of unconditional love, except that it is selfless and not outside of the experience. There are times when we believe and feel we are loving unconditionally and others that are obviously conditional. Unconditional love is an ideal held high and mighty. An ability seemingly few can demonstrate, perhaps only available to some. […]


maui september 2011 MATCHING ENERGY A matching energy is when your energy matches the energy of someone or something else.  Of course this is dualistic since we exist in that paradigm and it is an element of reality. You will match both “good” and “bad” energy depending upon what is going on with you in any given moment. So let’s […]


MAKING SEPARATIONS Sometimes you just have to say goodbye, let go, move on and begin again. Easier said than done. However, there are steps that you can take to make the whole business of making a separation  from someone or something way easier. I say easier but the actual process of separating takes time.  A position of neutrality is necessary […]