BEHIND OUR PERCEPTIONS –  PART II Behind perception is a lot more perception. This ability opens us up to other worlds within ourselves. These perceptions and other worlds are actualized by investigation  and asking questions. The realization is equivalent to your momentum. What does momentum mean? Momentum within your energy is a conscious relativity of space and time.  We move […]


ALTERNATE REALITIES People visit and experience alternate realities all the time, at the same time, they occupy the body and the reality frame of Earth. While reading people’s energy I see “energy trails” that show a visit to an alternate reality has occurred. It’s like the receipt you get from your airplane ticket, it’s a statement that tells you where […]


COLOR Color is the GPS system into the energy field of the individual the collective, and the experience of life and reality. Colors guide you to all the points of healing and growth, be it conscious or unconscious, present, past, or future. Color is a visual perceptual property derived from the spectrum of light. The eye is the receptor and […]


THE CAUSAL BODY There are five subtle bodies that I know a little about from doing readings: physical, mental, ethereal, astral, and causal. We are subtle energy beings. We do not consider our physical body to be subtle, but as energy it is, and in relation to the other four it is the most dense followed by the mental, ethereal, […]