Color is the GPS system into the energy field of the individual the collective, and the experience of life and reality. Colors guide you to all the points of healing and growth, be it conscious or unconscious, present, past, or future. Color is a visual perceptual property derived from the spectrum of light. The eye is the receptor and our brain defines the color by the degree of stimulation it receives from coordinates identified by a color space. Color is categorized and has specifications based on physical objects, light absorption, reflection and emission. The color of anything depends on what it is composed of, the environment, and the character of the perceiving eye and brain. In a reading and especially a healing color is personal, unique to the observer, and observed.
We all pretty much agree that color is red, blue, green etc. Color is universal because it coordinates with sound and vibration. Color is a wave pattern of light and also fixed as a particle when doing a reading on someone. In an energy reading, color acts both as a fixed property, as well as, a wave potential. Depending upon what you are looking at in a person’s energy system compliments the color choice and determines the direction of energy flow. This applies to both future time and past time and the probabilities of both as space-time.  Color can mean a lot of different things depending upon WHERE it shows up. When a person wants to know what color their aura is, the color visible is the energy emanating off of the field that is their experience. These colors are always changing because all there really is is change. You do not have to be aware of change to reflect it; it’s just is a part of the experience.
When a person starts to ask questions about themselves the color indicates the tone or frequency of that happening or event. Color is always there whether you are asking questions or not, but asking a question suggests a direction and that gives off a color. The question or event does not have to be spoken or asked, any fluctuation within the energy field is expressed by color. In a reading following the color pattern, a story emerges that described the events of the experience.
All the energy readings I do begin by identifying a color for direction, and so I can connect with their energy data flow. Consciousness is part of a larger reality than our contained reality system. Color allows for a connective link into the subjective reality system, as well as, the larger reality system of consciousness. A reading would not be possible without this link established. Our reality is digital in foundation, and so readable as coded by color. The information in a reading is non- physical, yet the reading is about the content and the coded symbols, like a book. Color reflects the experience much like the book. Because there are A LOT of reality frames in existence we use color to delineate what frame we are looking at in a reading. Often what people want to know about is accessed within the reality frame we live in, which is contained. Reality frames outside of “ours†are not always relevant to a present time reading however the connective link is what some people refer to as “guidesâ€. It is only important if it is important to you as part of the journey you are on, as an evolving conscious energy. It is not about belief; it’s about knowing. These are very very different energy patterns coded by color.
We are all here to LEARN
Understanding that you are conscious energy is perhaps the most important link in a reading dynamic. No one comes for a reading unless they have this awareness as a part of their consciousness or unconsciousness, and that reflects a color. Color is the slingshot that propels me into your energy system and your journey as an evolving conscious being and this reality.
The only thing I have been able to “get†from all people I read is that we are all here to LEARN. Color reflects the learning journey you are on in present time. We are all here to learn some very basic stuff. We are here to learn duality which is in some ways a system of how to measure stuff. Good & bad, movement & resting state, here & there (distance), pleasure & pain, etc etc. These measurement experiences are very different for each person and color will show the details of that learning process. We are also here to manipulate energy. This has LOTS of applications from moving your arm to rocket science, to reading energy patterns and healing. We are here to develop intelligence and bring forth knowledge, which is our authentic selves. All of this has a color application as coded information and linked into consciousness.
I have never seen anyone who does not have color in their aura energy field. It does not matter who you are, good or bad, right or wrong, everyone is and evolving conscious energy in a human body and that body is color defined. When you look at it energetically it’s all just color. Color as momentum and as intention.