Often there are undecided events in our lives that seem random and inexplainable to us, things just happen, and as if we had no choice. This is the flow of your energy, and it will elude you unless you pay attention to it, and just how it works for you, and against you, and what you currently perceive as your conscious awareness of the present moment.
So just how do you “pay attention†to your energy flow, and what exactly is “energy flow†in the first place?
Whenever I do a reading it is obvious that energy flows into and out of the body constantly. You don’t have to be doing a reading or in a trance to be able to see the energy flow going on in people, just the process of talking and movement alone is evidence of flow.
It flows into the front of the body, on the left side, including the left arm and left leg. This is all part of your incoming energy (space), or future (time). To the right, and on the front of the body is the outflow of energy or past.
I generally consider the front of the body the conscious part of people’s energy system and flows left to right.
When doing a reading, I consider the conscious being to include everything you know, think, believe, value, talk about, trust, intuit, connect with, control, feel, survive and manifest, in other words reality.  This includes everything we collect into our space, and generally call the  experience, or an event, this includes dreaming and sleeping, The list is endless as is your energy flow. Even when you are dead the energy still flows, but that’s a whole other story, and for another time to tell. It is tricky to talk about the conscious being when so much of our experiences are for the most part unconscious, and pretty much all the time. Time, yet another whole other story, and we will talk about that too, but at another time.
I guess this is as good as a time as any to remind you all out there that I enjoy hearing from you and will consider any questions or topics you want to talk about or would like to watch in a video, just drop me an email, jro@jrohealing,com, or post to this blog.
So lets continue, with the energy flow, turning our attention to the back of the body now.
The back of the body is different as it is what I consider the unconscious part of being, and the energy flows in the opposite direction as from the front of the body, with the incoming energy – or future – entering on the right on the back and the outgoing energy – or past – flowing out on the left of the back of the body.
These two flows, front and back, are very important to your life force and the experiences you are having within your self-designed container of space and time, more commonly referred to as the body! Â Both of these energy flows are within the space time reality we all perceive ourselves to exist in day-to-day, both conscious and unconscious.
In addition to the flows in front and the back of the body is the flow from head to toe, and toe to head, this energy flows in both directions at the same time. They provide the axis we stabilize upon.
The most interesting – to me – is the side flows. On the left side of the body, including the space around that area is the flow of conscious energy from the front left – and future – to the unconscious – and past – on the back left. The opposite flow is on the right, unconscious future flows into conscious past.
The combination of all of these flows are what gives our body momentum, and this momentum gives our energy mass.  It looks to me as though our energy system is deeply invested in obtaining mass, mostly so it can “stick†to reality, and it seems to have always been this way, but to us it appears to have evolved over time and space, as if in stages through history. The body is a remarkable energy experience. It is the momentum that has my attention these days and something I’m learning a lot about and pay more attention to, in my work, just by hanging out and watching other people.  Who doesn’t like people watching?!
It is only now and perhaps only in some people that the extent of this “awareness†is current and in a sense accessible to the consciousness perceiving the energy system occupied. But that is just a perception, my perception, and that is subjected to my unconscious judgment, because energetically it is obvious that what is has always been, so awareness and accessibility are just terms, and unfortunately it is the best I can come up with, at this moment. As we chat and video about this stuff more we will, together, create the vocabulary and dialogue that tells this story, in present time!
The  curious thing is that within each of the flows, front, back, left, and right  there is contained a present moment. Each flow contains a future and past as well as a present moment. One directly out in front of the body, one behind the body, a left and a right, multiple present moments,  suggesting a multidimensional energy system or being, able to experience multiple moments all at once, but perceived currently as one moment, or this moment.
This could explain why effort has to be made to stay “in the momentâ€, we have several, but they are all the same moment, being experienced differently due to our conscious and unconscious perceptions. The head to toe and toe to head flow is ideally always in the present moment but often we adjust that to suit the unconscious demands put upon our energy system for meeting the demands we place upon ourselves throughout our daily lives. Everybody does this differently and unconsciously. This connection and flow can be brought into conscious awareness and adjusted, and this WILL make you feel a whole lot better as you go about your day. Trust me, I was the most ungrounded person, ever! I learned how to ground and activate my head to toe flow and, toe to head and my entire life changed, or healed. At the time many years ago, it felt like a miracle, and in many ways changed my life so I could continue and enjoy my opportunity to be alive and continue with my purpose here on earth.
Something else I have noticed from reading people’s energy,  is that what we perceive as conscious being, and our perceived projection of reality, is in almost all cases a conglomeration of our complex unconscious. The unconscious is deciphering the data picked up from our environment and that is what sustains our conscious reality. It has worked for quite some time now and has served the purpose of providing momentum to the energy being received (the future) coming up with a moment to moment experience (the present) and then witnessing an event (the past). All this happens without much consciousness as we like to think of consciousness being.  99.9% of consciousness is unconscious (perhaps a hard pill to swallow). It is strictly survival, or should I say it seems to be, and contained within survival is duality and the reality of that, my friend, is a whole other story to tell some other time.
We are no more †in control†of our consciousness then we are of reality, and its outcome. The unconscious and its mass composite of collected events and experiences is actually what gives us the life we perceive today. It has been a swift and efficient progression to “now†and it got us here – and here we are – and only now are we, as energy systems, changing or healing within ourselves because it is only now that we can.
The invention of the smartphone and the Internet are truly our offspring. A reflection of what is within each of us as we now continue to change. Just like our phone devices we have many applications that can work cohesively with many many approaches to the experience and meeting the moment.
Experiencing  actual conscious moment to moment reality, based on the enormously increasing input of data we receive from our environment, as the future, or incoming energy flow, is evident in people today, especially young people, and not automatically falling back on the unconscious, to create events, or our past, or the outward flow. This alteration to data input, perception, and projected data output, and the way it is happening, at this time and space, is a HUGE deal for us humans and we are now and actually always have been shifting the paradigm we hold within our own personal construct of reality. The paradigm is not shifting “out there†it is shifting inside you, or not. It is up to you, and at the exact same moment has nothing to do with you whatsoever. It is the momentum that we are all, in a sense contained in, there’s that word again, contained, we are not unlike the box within a box within a box puzzle. We have many containers, as well as, the opposite, no container at all whatsoever. That is what you get for accepting duality . . . Ha!
Oh, the story we have weaved into this ‘thing†we call reality, and yes reality does flow, regardless of time.
Our unconscious “applications†can be updated and improved upon to provide us with the services we now need, and those needs change, or heal constantly. This may sound hokey and new-age-y, but try it on, give it a test drive, and you will sense a difference, and it actually has nothing to do with “doingâ€. It is largely just Being.
All of this comes with a lot of unknowable perceptions. Consequences? Perhaps. It is impossible to anticipate except to know that nothing will ever be the same. There is no going back or falling back, by paying conscious attention to the present moments, you challenge the powers that up until now provided unlimited momentum to accomplish the self awareness of the universe you represent. We still have unlimited momentum. As witness to all of the energy systems I have looked at we always will have momentum, it does not seem to stop, energy never stops it just keeps changing.
So as you can see there is a lot going on in that little body of yours!
All of these flows are what influence events in our lives. The feeling of randomness or unexplained is our lack of noticing the moment, or of actually being present and responsible to the multidimensional aspects of our system and how to operate from that level of engagement. There is no user’s manual that I know of, but obviously many cultures have offered up their take on just what is happening here, not just in relationship to the container we call Earth but also to the container we recognize as our bodies.
What is this energy system that seems to operate from within us, is us, and identifies us as us?
Your purpose here on Earth
Regardless of how you desire to approach yourself – or perhaps not – the one thing I have found helpful is to consider your purpose here on Earth. Accept the body you have, and give some of your attention to momentum. Everything is moving all the time.
Everyone from what I have been able to see has a purpose, mine has always been to observe. That’s it, observe. Nothing fancy or seemingly profound in that, but yet going with that purpose has given me something to do and what feels like a good life, and it is something I CAN do. It is not hard or accomplishment oriented, it just is what it is, observe.  By observing what is happening around me I have unfolded into sixty years of “my life!† There is no outcome or goal that I am aware of, but – in the moment of moments – there is plenty to do and the most important part to me is that I can actually do it, or not, without really “doing†anything. I just meet the experience as consciously as I possibly can, with my presence in the present moment.