There are so many factors that play into our general well-being and happiness that it is often difficult to say what is the most important. Whenever I look at a person’s energy I like to get a sense of just what kind of environment does this person exist in at this time, and in the past. What is their present time experience? Are the people around them an appropriate energy match or not? Does the work or relationship environment provide the necessary chemistry for this person to do well and grow? If the environment is not suited for the person and it shows up in their energy it has a really strong influence on their ability to flow. This includes taking in data, and having a conscious or unconscious experience in the present moment. Also affected is the perception of what just happened in the present moment. In other words, did they get to have the experience of receiving and giving. Was the experience more of give than of a receive, or more receive then give?

Environment is the key to how all that happens and to what degree. If the environment is not supportive to the person’s well-being or perhaps blocking their flow, problems occur. People say to me they feel stuck and in a funk. This is often an environment problem and a healing or change is necessary for the feelings to change. Sometimes the change needed is drastic like a divorce, moving away, changing jobs. Not alway easy to pull off and often we settle for less than optimum environments until we can make the change.

Sensation, perception

The thing I most notice is that there is a big difference in having a conscious sensation (feeling, second chakra) and a conscious perception (thinking seventh chakra). The environment is the factor that seems to determine what you are having with regards to sensation or perception and may be why we feel uncomfortable or cut-off within any given environment. To have a full conscious experience you need both sensation and perception, it is what makes life magical, and fun. If we find ourselves in an unhappy environment we shut down one or the other to protect our space and the experience suffers. This usually shows up in the out flowing energy of the person and a compromise is evident. I try to find the reason for the person not having a full conscious experience. It can be because they have given up and stopped replenishing  their system with the inflow of energy, or receiving. In other words, they are giving more than they are getting and this is stressful and uncomfortable. There is no simple solution to this problem and can be lifelong if the person is unable or unwilling to heal or change the environment. The good news is that no matter what everything is happening within you all the time, as the experience you are having in present time. This includes your environment.

This is why people come to me to find out what is up with this situation and to heal the problem. Just knowing what, or who it is in relation to you and your relation with yourself can be very helpful and make the change more possible. Cut off from sensation makes waking up in the morning a dread and lackluster moment. Dragging it through the day is painful and you overwork the perception aspect of your consciousness to fill the void of no sensation. Perception alone without sensation is very black and white. Sensation without perception is demanding and feels like you are going nowhere, and you are, fast!

It takes a change of environment to heal the flow and create balance. Even a vacation can be a huge help. Taking time to just get away is, of course, a temporary fix, but until you can pull off a major adjustment to your space and even consider approaching your life differently, a vacation is great. It gives you time to adjust the flow so that you are aware of your imbalance and know just what to do. Usually a real awareness of why and how you create this situation – too much going out and not enough coming in – is in itself life healing. I find that if this is the case, accepting that you are just this way is helpful, and go from there with an understanding of yourself you may not have had before. It sets you up to continue on the road to heal and change your environment whenever you need  to ensure a healthy flow, and a conscious sensation, as well as, a conscious perception of the moment you find yourself experiencing.