August 2011,  Redfish lake, Idaho


Friction and the feelings of not being able to connect is a giant growth step for the heart and fourth chakra in general. Is there friction between us and the people around us or are we adjusting to a new ability? Perhaps both!  Friction is surface resistance to relative motion. Friction is what changes the flow of energy coming towards a person – a received energy – and also considered a future time energy. Friction also affects the flow of energy leaving a person – a giving energy – and considered a past time energy. The friction of today deeply affects the flow of energy tomorrow.  Friction causes you to stop, look, listen and determine if it is safe to proceed as usual or better to not. You need both energy entering your space and body, as well as, energy leaving your space and body all the time, it is a continuous flow.

Pay attention to resistance or friction that permeates a room, a situation or a relationship. Friction will cause you to feel into a circumstance to find out more of what is going on. You have to look deeper than what you are thinking and check in and find out if you are connected. Is it a temporary disconnect or something more permanent? Ask questions of yourself by sensing if you are, in fact, connected and just how? Has the connection you once felt changed, have you lost interest and desire? Are the other people involved acting differently towards you and are your needs being met? Have communications broken down and are issues unresolved? You may be experiencing friction and it may be time to have a different experience.

When dealing with friends or people close to you, and you feel or sense friction, often the cause is deeply held and is perhaps undergoing substantial change within you, your friend or your relationship to your friend. Sometimes a complete separation is necessary in order to fully heal and move on. Often the friction is unknowable except in hindsight, then time is the only medicine that will correct a resistance to the flow and motion of your relationship and continued friendship. Other times the opposite is in fact true, you have completed your contract with this person and it is best to move on no matter how difficult that may seem at the time. Don’t forget that tomorrow is another day and a possible new beginning free of tired old agreements and worn out behavior.
There is a lot of friction in our world and the reality we live in, and most of us have just gotten used to it or do not realize that there is something else available. It borders on abuse and we fail to see anything outside of the pain body, and cannot feel outside of that experience. We get very used to unhealthy situations and neglect the dangers of blocking energy flow to and from the body. This blockage of the flow of energy to and from the body can result in suffering or just barely existing. Without an inward and outward flow of energy to the body, the body suffers, systems break down and wholeness is compromised.

So on one hand friction is beneficial and on the other it is not. We need it so we can grow, change, and consider new abilities but we don’t want it to block our flow.  When we block our flow it is really a reaction to friction, and a way to not feel fear, pain or suffering. We sort of knee jerk reflex attempting to deflect or get out of the way of friction and its often difficult experience. This is a great move, but it is also a temporary fix because friction will come around again and meeting it is the only effective way to “deal” with it and learn how to embrace the awkward feelings associated with friction and the opportunity it affords. We are always being reflected through the experience ourselves.

Friction is any event, perception or person, including yourself, that stops the momentum to relative flow, it is a lot like surface resistance, causing the situation to pretty much come to a halt, so much so that you cause to notice. This is the perfect time to reflect and consider your abilities to meet this friction rather than react or feed the friction more ammunition to perpetuate its resistance. You may have to remove yourself from the situation – to gain perspective – or ask directly what is this about, both to yourself and any others involved. Often you will find that there is reason for friction and it is simply opportunity to reflect about what is going on in any given moment. Someone or yourself is not being felt or considered and needs to be in order to heal or change the friction. It is an opportunity to grow, and perhaps awkward and uncomfortable but usually resolvable if all parties involved are open to healing.

The key phrase here is “open to healing”. Just how available are you? Are you willing to take the great courage necessary to move on from an old friendship or deconstruct your relationship in order to grow and change a friction riddled situation? None of these choices are easy and we learn by trial and error if at all. You have to be the brave one and step up and say, I feel something is not not right here, I sense friction between us, what can we do about this?  What do you need? This is what I need. The people you feel friction with are only the messengers allowing you to witness the message within yourself.  Friction is an indication that something is just not right with the flow of energy within you. Take the necessary risk and address friction as a possibility to a way better communication and life circumstance. Hanging on to unhappiness or settling for less than a strong flow both into your space, as well as, in the experience is not healthy to you, and the well-being of our relationships and the people we care about. This process is not always easy to pull off and often we get stuck in the fear of confrontation and difficult changes. Yet, without a present time conscious healing there is only more friction, a difficult and ultimately way harder lesson to learn.

Friction held for a long period of time results in anxiety, and restlessness, feeling hot, shortness of breath, or shallow breathing. Chronic friction is often just unbearable and may cause sleeplessness. It is a very deep hit to the third chakra and ultimately our power, the trust we want to have about the future and the ability to have a connection into what we create now, and our past. Friction will disrupt the outlook to the future, so it may not make sense and feel scary. Friction will tighten our need to feel in-control and distort us into overly controlling everything.  A rational clear understanding of events in our lives becomes unhinged and fear and anxiousness become overriding feelings. People often turn to medication to find relief from the symptoms of chronic friction, and it can often appear as depression. Managing our reality becomes an overbearing chore and the sweetness of life is gone. Diabetes, drug addiction and acid reflux become a vivid reminder of unchecked friction. All of this, from the earliest sense of friction to chronic disorders, is treatable and with even the slightest attention being paid to the friction can help a great deal. So, as you can see, it is a BIG DEAL and tons of time can be spent just trying to address the friction of our lives and the flow of energy to our bodies. Without considerable attention being paid to friction, especially in present time, life can take a very very unfortunate turn.

Matching energy

You can appear to be the healthiest person around and still suffer from friction and what it does to our energy systems. It is pretty much a daily check-in with yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in at any given moment. No one is exempt from friction, it is a fact of life. You can be involved with friction at some point in your life and be free of it in another. There is no guarantee;  friction can be brought on by many factors in your experience, and it has nothing to do with outside circumstances; other than you find yourself around someone or something that is blocked and energy is not flowing. It is alway about you. Your presence is enough to trigger a friction based reaction within your own space and is in this case a matching energy pattern. You matched the energy around you and you have no choice but to go from there and do your best. We are often very unprepared for this and have to adjust to meet the demand of the circumstances at hand. It is always best to notice when you are matching energy, and access your ability to be connected to your space in present time. Present time is the only sure cure for matching energy based friction.

Embrace friction and don’t be afraid of the power you have to completely change and heal not only your life but the lives of people you know and love, and even the people you are just acquainted with. Your presence and awareness will be reflected into the experience and the people surrounding you. Your healing becomes their healing simply because you made the effort to uncover the friction that you noticed and offered change by pointing out the problem of flow. This little gesture of consideration is all that is needed to unblock the flow. By unblocking the flow you move on, and take the steps into a new direction. Friction will most likely pop up again but this time you are better prepared to handle the generally awkward and uncomfortable circumstance. You no longer are afraid to ask the questions necessary to resolution of blocked energy flow. You upgrade your life and the ability to use friction to awaken you to the potential of healing your body and the space of your experience. By healing the space around you, you are an example of how to unblock flow and allow others to witness your change and invite them to share in your good fortune.