When people come to me and tell me they are unhappy but don’t understand why, the truth is they usually do but just need a little help remembering. Often I can check their space and find the place in their energy system that is the source of the disturbance. We lump unhappiness into a category that is oftentimes filled with other types of energy issues that generalize and blur the lines, unhappiness kind of sums it up.

Always and I mean always when a person is unhappy it is because they are stuck in an unconscious energy pattern and can’t get out. It is a lot like the hamster on its exercise wheel. You keep going around and around and you are going nowhere. Your experience alway reflects back to you. Sometimes the mind will not SHUT UP and the inner voice is not telling us nice things about ourselves. Depression is triggered and we contract our energy and keep recreating an old energy pattern that does not serve us and just cannot seem to stop doing that, over and over again. Sound familiar ?

How to be happy requires an “I don’t need to be happy” attitude.  As well as, accepting that you need to feel everything in present time. You have to meet the moment, thats it. Some days you are happy and some days you are not. Some days it is sunny and some days it is cloudy. It is all basically the same. Looking at it this way can save you a lot of time “off”  the hamster wheel. I am sure you have heard the expression; “It’s all good”, well that is not true for me. But it is on the right track. Obviously there is a ton of what appears to be not so good as well as a ton of good. The space between good and bad is the place I try to hang out in as much as I can remember to do that. It is in that place that I find peace and happiness. I witness a lot of bad things, mostly in the news or someone tells me about something not so good. Yet in my day-to-day life I rarely have unhappiness as a filter to events. The people I meet, the situations I find myself in and the energy of the present moment is neutral, and often does not feel good.

Neutrality is the vibration I bring to each moment, I make the effort. Sometimes I am scared of what I see and have to remove myself from that circumstance, which I do. But for the most part I find the world a happy place if I operate from a neutral perspective.  Bad feelings become useful and trying to avoid them is unnecessary . The easiest way to do that is to build a relationship with the ability to hold onto and generate a neutral field of vision. Know that what you see is flawed with duality, but that I am not a victim to that perspective and can re-frame it over and over again. After a while you get good at this and you stop attracting bad or unhappy energy to you and you free yourself of that endless need to judge everything. Judgement does and will make you feel unhappy because you are riding the hamster wheel of reaction to reaction. Exhausting and to what end? To be right ?

If you want to be happy, desire to be happy, live to be happy. You are the missing point of neutrality and the object of your desire. Happiness is not in the receiving of energy it is in the giving of energy. That momentum of – you putting out a neutral perspective on all you take in –  so to speak, is the motion that draws the kind of future time to you that is filled with the opportunity to see more neutrality. It is entirely up to you and has nothing to do with what is actually witnessed as what is going on at any given moment. This is a very different way of looking at things because everything is both happy and unhappy ALL THE TIME. The choice is yours to be. Be present, be a reflection of your neutral perspective and ability to bring that energy to every situation and person you meet. You will start to see the utter happiness that is within you and be able to notice when you slip out of neutral and start to judge, compare, control, blame, or in any way start playing an old unconscious energy pattern.

Your memory is of unhappiness

Old and unconscious energy patterns tell you you are unhappy because in the pattern your memory is of unhappiness. It is never really a specific event although it seems that way, it is always tied to a collection of unhappy past time events and is not the point. Often in therapy we try to relive the event that brought us such pain in order to remember why and in an effort to heal. This may work for a while, but it is like cutting your leg off because you have a sore knee. No amount of surgery, or reliving an old energy pattern can “make it go away.” It is a part of you, even if it is a bummer. So what? You suffer because you choose to suffer and often can’t seem to help it, but that is not true. You can’t seem to help it because this too is a part of the energy pattern. Your victim is built into it and you will never be free of it unless you accept; accept everything first. Accept the good, bad, ugly, beautiful and meet it all as the same thing. We are a collection of dualistic experiences and slowly as you move away from the black and white of that reality you merge with the neutral momentum of now.

The best part of this practice is that you give it freely. It becomes your gift to the world we live in and kindness is the driving force to your happiness. Well at least that is how it works best for me. Never let yourself forget the intention of kindness and what that can do for you and the people around you. Of course, you get mad and things upset you but you take that to your neutral moment and level the playing field. Never hold back and don’t look back, just keep going, giving the energy of your ‘how to be happy’. The push of outgoing energy from your space will pull the like energy into your space. Play around with this until you get good at it, be a master of kindness and you will have something very important to do here on Earth, be happy!