Just like your basic five senses, some of your extrasensory perceptions are stronger than the other ones. Of the five basic senses some people can see better, or hear better, or are very sensitive to touch. In these ways we are all very different. These differences make our experiences different. You probably are well aware which of the five basic senses you are stronger in.
We have to find out which of the extrasensory perceptions best suit you. This is not a contest or a comparison and has nothing to do with anything other than coming to a realization of what extrasensory perception best suits your experience. If you want to manifest a house on the beach you have to be clear about your abilities.
Some examples of extrasensory perception are psychic abilities, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, gut instinct, intuition, clairaudience, psychokinesis, automatic writing, channeling, clairsentience, psychometry, divination, empathy, levitation and telekinesis, to name a few.
Hollywood has glamorized the extrasensory perceptions of X-Man and Superheroes. We all have a lot of pre-programed information clogging our minds, as well as, our entire energy system. With this in mind, take a leap of faith and with some amusement consider what extrasensory perception best suits you. You have to be realistic and honest. If you want to manifest a house on the beach you have to be able to tell the truth . . . Especially to yourself.
Ask yourself using your inner voice (fifth chakra) what extrasensory perception is most available to you. The fifth chakra is another energy center of the body and it is located in the throat area. This energy center is very important because it connects the head with the torso. For more information see my blog about the fifth energy center of the body.
Have you ever felt or thought that your mind and body are on two separate journeys? To manifest a house on the beach you will need to connect the head and its abilities with the torso and the abilities found there. Â If these abilities are not working together that would be reflected in your experience.
By learning to talk to yourself and get answers, you can begin the process of manifesting a house on the beach.
extrasensory perception
Ask yourself what extrasensory perception is your strongest similar to your five basic senses. Which is better suited to your experience?
I have alway been able to see clairvoyantly. I located this ability around my eyes, head, heart, and abdominal area. Â I realized as I grew, that I use a combination of extra sensory perceptions to get through life and meet my experience. In most cases my extra sensory perceptions are more available to me than the regular and basic five senses.
So find out what extrasensory perception is most available to you as you experience this moment. You have to develop a RELATIONSHIP with YOURSELF. Locate your fifth chakra, and inner voice, and be AWARE of what extrasensory perception best suits you. Locate your first chakra at the base of the spine and positioned in the pelvic area.
Here is an outline of what you can do for the next three days to manifest a house on the beach.
1. Â Locate your first chakra at the base of the spine, and position it in the pelvic area.
2. Â Locate your fifth chakra and position it in the neck area.
3. Â Locate your inner voice and build a relationship with yourself.
4. Â Locate the extra sensory perception that best suits you and your abilities.
Location, location, location is the second step to manifesting a house on the beach.
Write everything down so you don’t forget and remember to do your practice over the next three days so you can manifest a house on the beach.
Remember I am here to help YOU help yourself, so text, call, or email me any questions that come up. As you move through this process you may need a deeper understanding of what you are coming into as you meet your experience and perhaps it is time for a reading and healing. Booking a session now will greatly and graciously reveal information to you about you.