St Thomas Caribbean

September 2011


Anything I talk about in this blog is from a relative perspective. I say that because I offer a  reflection of what I have learned from doing readings and witnessing healing. I am by no means an expert, but I have a good “eye” and have seen a lot and have learned a lot simply by observing, and observing is what I have always felt is my purpose here on earth.

This  beautiful beach is an island I visited last fall. I sat there for a long time meditating in the shade of a palm tree. It was a pretty quiet beach and I did not run into many people during my time there that day. Today in present time I realize it has been a long road from that pretty beach less than a year ago to today. I have done probably a hundred readings since then and notice a giant shift in the experience I received, and the experience I perceive now.

I say received then because my meditation is very active. It is basically a download and integration of information I use to meet the experience I have on Earth. The most outstanding and obvious thing I notice is that EVERYONE seems to be healing their heart, chest, lungs, upper back, thoracic vertebrae, shoulders, and to some extent the arms and hands. I see it in everyone’s energy in varying degrees, but it does show up all the time. I refer to this whole area including all the parts I listed as the fourth chakra or energy center. This area appears to be undergoing a change and identity shift, different in each person, but nonetheless an event in each person’s space. So what does this mean? Does it literally mean everyone? I have only looked at one hundred people perhaps a few hundred more in casual encounters, but there is definitely a trend and the fourth energy center is growing and changing. There seems to be a lot of learning going on, people are adopting new ways to use the abilities of this area.

The ability of this area is to connect. To seek out and create affinity between yourself, your body and the people and situations you encounter. The emotional need of this area is for loving connections between friends and family. As our definitions of friends and family change so too does this ability. In this sense, an identity change or shift is occurring in each and every person who is open to that happening. I usually witness identity shift in the first chakra or pelvic area. This is often where a person holds on to how the world “sees” them and how they identify with the world they live in, usually through survival, or what they do. We often need to know what line of work a person is in so we can categorize them and create an image of who they are in the experience. Everyone literally lives in their own reality experience, and that appears similar to everyone else. We need to feel that in order to survive.

Necessary to survival and changing reality

By shifting a portion or all of the identity to the heart or fourth energy center, the focus changes and so too does the experience. Today we are flooded with heart meditations from many different sources, and a focused intention of looking at our world from our heart chakra rather than from our head. It is an attempt to include abilities unused before and necessary to survival and changing reality. An identity shift is a major undertaking and often only occurs once in lifetime, but perhaps more often in certain people. When your identity shifts your world can be turned upside down and there is often a feeling of directionless. It is as if you are unable to identify with your own reality and how you fit into it. This is a good thing, but does not alway feel that way. I am one of those people who has had many identity shifts in my life, so I get how uncomfortable that freefall feeling can be. At least until I let go and accept that “things are changing, again!”

By shifting your identity to include your fourth chakra you are opening yourself up to the possibility to connect with the people, places, or things you love and feel a deep connection to. This is a new part of your identity that may not have been even considered before as possible. We may have had to do things with or through our identity that were not great for us just to survive. This can really bog you down and make life seem uneventful and take a ton of effort. By including a meditation and consideration of affinity into your identity, you open yourself up to a very thrilling ride here on Earth. You get the opportunity to live from a doing and a being of love as your experience.  You ultimately receive love as well as being love and often give love without even being totally aware of it because you are wrapped up in it and this journey is the beginning of a new reality. A reality that not only is you but is a reflection of your new identity. A identity you constructed not just to survive, but to live a full life and perhaps a way more balanced experience.
We all go through challenging periods sometimes on a daily basis and it is healthy and necessary to accept where you are at right now. The ability to not judge yourself or others as to where they are in their journey is vital to heart open meditation and engagement of each and every moment. This is the potential of the heart and the heartfelt identity we can bring to ourselves and the people we encounter. It makes us “bigger”, there is just more to us than a person struggling to survive and being pigeonholed by what you do. You are way more then what you do, you are a vibrational presence and a physical tone that offers others a chance to learn how to be a heart thriving being. A person who cares about yourself enough to embrace an offering of affinity to our world and give and receive it freely.

Identity shifts are alway available to you if you desire. You have to want that and need it in order for you to make that shift happen. You have to take your identity and shape the texture of it to target your heart as a necessary and vital component to how the world sees you. You create the picture of how you are perceived, judged, accepted, rejected. When you identify from the heart you will find that you are welcomed by almost everybody who can witness your light and that can be a good feeling. Because not only do you have something everyone desires to be given, but you also receive all the love and appreciation for what you are doing to enhance the experience of this world . By helping yourself you help others who help you. This is not a perfect world and so do not expect perfection in anything you bring to your shifting identity, but be open to the possibility of a completely different experience than what you have had in the past. Be ready to be felt as who you really are being and not by what you do. This is a very very different way of being here on Earth, but it can be deeply satisfying and give purpose to your life in ways you never considered before simply because you stop trying to know and let go and be.
I mean what have you got to lose? Nothing really only a lot of struggle, and identity locked into someone you long ago perhaps knew but are now long gone from. You have to constantly add to your identity and expand your presence through the practice of affinity, actively seeking it out, drawing it to you, feeling it and having it, and letting it go. This is so you can have the continual flow of energy coming into your space and leaving you space. This action in the 4th chakra will change your life in way you never could think of because it has nothing to do with thinking or doing. It becomes all about being.
In todays world we have to look at everything that happens to us necessary and just the way it is, don’t judge it or label it for it will stop the flow. Just let it be, in yourself as well as with others. Let everyone have the experience they are having, don’t try and help or fix any one or yourself. because nothing is wrong or right, it just is what it is, if you don’t like it, drop into your heart and hang out there for a while, it will change, it will heal.