Sometimes you just have to say goodbye, let go, move on and begin again. Easier said than done. However, there are steps that you can take to make the whole business of making a separation  from someone or something way easier. I say easier but the actual process of separating takes time.  A position of neutrality is necessary if you want to make a healthy and appropriate change.
Separations are truly an art form because doing it well is the whole point. If you find yourself confronted by a circumstance be it a person, situation, job, relationship, business arrangement, whatever, that requires a complete change, then some form of separation is appropriate. Following a few steps will benefit all parties involved. You do not have to leave a situation with bad or hurt feelings that feel unresolved or incomplete. However sometimes the circumstances do not allow for a clean separation and feelings do get hurt and it just feels unresolved, then energetic separations can be extremely helpful.
Energetic separations are a way to meet unresolved or incomplete separations so the intensity is diminished and you can truly move on. If you find yourself having to leave or just need to get away without the time or available elements to do it gracefully, perhaps it is best to just leave and deal with the energy of circumstance separately. Taking the time to complete a separation without the emotional charge or awkward feelings getting in the way is way easier in this case.
Everything is connected to everything else
To make a separation you have to understand that everything is connected to everything else. This alone is a helpful consideration because it offers you the ability to not suffer. Interconnectedness is the way we roll here on Earth and tied to that is destiny, your destiny. No matter what you do or don’t do your life will play out. It is like life insurance, you are guaranteed a life. Interconnectedness is what does that for us, if you relax you can enjoy the ride. Moving through this connectedness is the momentum of you and your experience. Being able to manage the course your life takes and meet it every moment is the game we play. Playing it well often requires that you sometimes say goodbye to people, places and situations. Make a separation and you make a clean healthy break.
To separate, visualize the person or circumstance you want to separate from. Notice the lines of energy that connect you to it and gently remove the cords (see cords) or whatever you see connecting you to the person or situation. Trust what you see, this is very important. If you can’t see anything, feel resistance to this, or if are not able “to look at it, get help. Ask a person who can “see†to look at it for you and help you make the separation you desire. Once you have the connections removed, notice where to the energy flows. If it flows away from you it belongs to the other person, if it flows to you it belongs to you. This simple act is so very very helpful in returning energy to where it belongs in the first place and is a healing. By giving energy back to the person or situation it came from you are doing a great service to that person including yourself. It is like returning a system to its original settings.
The next thing to do is ask yourself, what is the contract or agreement connecting me to this person or situation? Everything is in some way agreed upon. Arrangements are a part of how we operate here and are energy derived. It is very important to get an understanding of the contract between you and everything around you. The agreement contains the outline of what you are doing and where you are going with the person place or thing. Oftentimes you will be aware that the contract has ended and you just didn’t own it in present time. The momentum of the relationship overshadowed the ending and we continue despite the fact of the matter. Usually by this time we have started to notice that things just don’t feel right and it is long past time to move on. Moving on is a must or create a new contract. A new agreement is only possible if it is appropriate and only you can know if it is possible or not. All of these applications require that you have a clear and honest connection to yourself and are able to have an inner dialogue with yourself, asking questions and getting answers. If you do not, go get some help from someone who can read your energy, or even talking to a trusted friend can oftentimes give you another perspective and clarity to see if a separation is in order.
Once you have made a separation you will notice a very different field of energy exists between you and and the experience. The charge on it should feel greatly reduced and space is opened up. You can repeat the steps of removing energy connections and updating contract often, but in present time only. Â This ensures your success in moving on and having created a separation. You can do this with anything and the more you do it the better you will get at delineating your space and the space of others. By returning their energy to them and you yours you have demonstrated your ability to create change and witness a healing. Making separations is truly the meaning of when one door closes another door opens. By moving on you open yourself up to opportunities and possibilities blocked from your space by outdated agreements and energy cords. It is like opening the water way on a clogged sink, the flow of fresh water is energy, cleansing energy that carries with it more. More and oftentimes healthy considerations for your experience.