Oh yes, the money driven world we live in is quite a site. Especially now when everyone looks dazed and confused with options limited, or so it seems.
Just about everyone comes to me with questions about money. How can I get money? Why don’t I have money? What is the best way for me to make money? There are endless ways to phrase the inquiry into money and the impact it has on our experience. Yet money on its own has no energy. We, however, give it a ton of energy and activate it through our perceptions and relationships. This piece of paper has a strong hold on our psyche, our bodies, minds, interests, pursuits, choices, lifestyle, and our experience.
When I do a reading and the issue is money I always look to the legs and hips. This is where we carry information about our relationship to money. These areas can tell the story of you and the way you interact with money, as well as, what does money mean to you. The pelvic area is based in survival and in a healthy energy system its job is to manifest and take care of the body, in exchange for that service it needs, pleasure, comfort, and health. This, of course, covers a lot of ground and can and does mean different things to different people. It all depends upon what your life experience has been up until now. Stored in the hips and thighs is information about the emotional investment you operate from when it comes to money and survival. The knees are very mental in that they need to understand the direction you are going in at this time in your life. The lower leg has to provide clearance to embrace what you choose to connect into. The feet are the ultimate connection to Earth and the path you are on.
We neglect the fact that we are free to choose and unconsciously robotically repeat energy patterns that often no longer serve us and interfere with the need of the pelvic area to have pleasure, comfort, and health. Without these basic needs being met the ability to take care of ourselves, including having the money we need to survive is compromised. Money becomes the enemy and the lack of it becomes the problem when, in fact, it is not. Fear is our best friend and worst friend. It is necessary to feel fear so we can get out of the way if a truck is heading straight at us; flight or fight basically. Fear of money is a common misuse of fear and will derail any attempt you make to have some or compromise you to settle for less.
Untangling a person’s pelvis and legs from other people’s energy is key to freeing up the flow of energy into this area and having money. Often I find mothers, fathers, bosses, boyfriends, wives, you name it, they are there and wreaking havoc on your body and your ability to flow through life and ground with the Earth. Of course, there are the people with money, lots of money who seem to be unencumbered by anything when it comes to making or having money. Why is that?
We worship money
They are driven by money and we as a society collectively worship that drive, and we worship money. The drive for money is very strong and some people have it and others do not. They will live their lives money-driven and have a perfectly happy life without giving a second thought to the less fortunate because it works for them that way. They are not bad people, there are not bad people, we define good and bad. They are, however, on a different path then perhaps you find yourself on. When you see the person laying on a street corner begging for money, you realize we are all on very different paths. Yet the fear of becoming the person begging for money on the streetcorner is real and present in all of us and we conform so as to not become our worst fears. We settle for a job we hate, a relationship that is abusive, take less money, and worry about our future that isn’t even here yet. Remember you only have the NOW, and this is where you operate from consciously or unconsciously, that is your choice.
Also, at this time there are money driven people who operate from their heart and they are a part of the evolution of money. More about this later.
Money honey is the drive we live by and strongly believe. It is completely accepted as it is and considering anything else is unacceptable. So you have to build a healthy relationship to money and what it means in your life. You want to consider just how important money is to you, and it may be very very different than the person standing next to you. Everyone has to come to this realization on their own, or with help from a neutral perspective, and taking a look at what you currently have in your space that defines money and your ability to have or not to have.
Our legs play a vital role in the relationship we have with money and having-ness. Each step you take within your experience here on Earth is defined in part by the need to survive and have money. Our left leg tells us just where we want to plant our foot into the experience and draw energy, or money, into our space.
If you find yourself concerned about money, in need of unraveling the story you hold onto regarding money, or want to heal or change the relationship you currently have with money, email me and let’s take a look at your energy. You can change the energy and honor who you are without sacrificing your integrity or compromising the life you desire to live. Having-ness is a
part of the life experience here on Earth. Knowing and feeling just what that is, is different for everyone. Understanding what you have to work with allows for change to take hold and offer options you may not know you have available to you at this time in your life.
Money honey is evolving and changing just like everything else here on Earth. Being present to meet these changes is something I can help you do, when you are ready and willing.