We exist in a world that can be viewed as operating for our heads, mind, and brain. We tend to think our way through each and every day without even noticing that we are doing it in that way, much less caring about it and the consequences. Often we say, “I have to think about it† or “I’m thinking don’t bother me right nowâ€. The entitlement we give to the ability to thinking, make decisions, having choices, solving problems, planning our day, and making progress is absolute. Everything in reality, including the very definition of reality, is a result of thought and the mind’s ability to solve problems, and create new and better ways of living. We have narrowed our perceptions to meet all of the demands of existence within our mind and our relationship to thinking our way through things.
Well let’s face it, not everything we have come up with through thinking is working or bettering our life and the future of our Planet. Operating exclusively from the head is, of course, one way to go through life. Let’s consider the rest of the body since it is there and all. Let’s consider the abilities found in other parts of the body and the usefulness they have to our conscious survival and evolutionary necessity. Some examples of these abilities are, feeling, authentic self, forgiving, gratitude, appreciation, kindness, telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, knowledge, wisdom, presence, being present, intuition, connectedness, teaching, and learning. It is a long list.
When I speak of operating from the heart, what I mean by that is to shift perspective from trying to negotiate a problem or issue, solve a problem, or taking any kind of action using your mind, thinking it through exclusively. Consider including and using the information stored within the heart to find resolution. The information stored in the heart is nothing like the information we store within or brain. In fact, we have to consciously put the information we select to store in or heart there by making that a priority and by choice. Oftentimes it is just a matter of remembering, everything is within us always.
So when someone asks you, or you ask yourself, “What does my heart say?â€, you have an answer, an answer you can take into action. Just like the brain, the heart can make a decision based upon the relationship you have with affinity and the information you stored there, or now remember.  This information may be in direct conflict with what the head wants to tell you to do and that can be challenging but not confusing if you are committed to operating from the heart.
In today’s world there is so much talk, dogma, preaching, self-help, rhetoric and basic crap out there it is hard to embrace anything at all. Everyone has some recipe for how to be a better person, like just open your heart and let the sunshine in or out, whatever! Love and you will be loved, love thy neighbor, give and you shall receive, just love everything and everybody and everything will be all right. I don’t know about you but it smells kind of “fishy†to me and none of it at this point in time makes sense in having a connected experience. That is because all of that is made up in the head and projected out into the world mentally and without regard for the rest of the body and its needs. This method often excludes subtle abilities being considered or held in the space of the experience.
To operate from you heart is not some magical solution to our problems. It is however a different perspective into our evolving consciousness and triggers responsibility to ourselves, our purpose, and the experience we are having in present time. To activate the heart and get it involved in your day-to-day existence requires an inventory of your qualities. Name the qualities you possess that you consider your very best. It can be anything from, ‘I’m a good cook’, to ‘I know how to love’. ‘I’m an excellent gardener and grow prize-winning roses’, or ‘I know how to be kind to others even when they are being unkind’. A little pride goes a long way here so don’t go overboard with the “stuff†you do well. Focus on qualities of “beingâ€, not “stuff “you do.  We are attempting to shift the paradigm held within you to BEING rather than doing. Too much doing is exhausting and distracts you from the moment and your presence.
Once you have your list, start with a few simple things, such as, I am a kind person. I do not react and put anger and frustration on other people. I intend to enjoy each day, and if circumstances are uncomfortable for me I can take the necessary steps to change, without blaming others or causing them to suffer. These examples are perhaps not your qualities but it does not matter, just put the ones you have on your list even if there is only one. It is not about having a ton of qualities, it is about shifting your attention.
We have to teach ourselves how to operate from our heart. We were born with the ability to do it but we have forgotten. Once you do it for a few week, months, years, you will learn as you go and discover a new direction and decision-making process, and quite different from making all decisions from the head. We are not trying to exclude the head but only to include the heart.
Once you have your list together start the practice of literally putting those qualities into the chest area including the shoulders, arms and upper back area. Remember, and here is where you can use your head, that this is where these qualities exist, breathe, and live now. They are as alive as you are and can be included into everything you create by way of your arms, and hands. Feel a connection or affinity to those things you do, participate in, agree to, connect with and ultimately bring into the world as you. You may have to use your imagination here to accomplish your mission. Imagination is key to possibility, healing and change. Don’t overthink this, you will be back in your head and out of your heart. Operating from your heart is something you have to remember how to do because we all forgot collectively.
So what would be an example of operating from the heart and not the head? Let’s pretend you are driving alone on the highway and so far your day has been going as planned and things are going as they should be in your world. Suddenly you get a blow out and pull to the side of the road. This is the opportunity to check in with your heart based on your immediate  reaction to being faced with a flat tire. My guess and perhaps my reaction would be F_  _ _ ! Then I would collect myself and accept (heart) that this is the circumstance I find myself in NOW, the present moment. Nothing else matters or exists, only the now. You then realize you do not have your smart phone nor your AAA card. F_ _ _ ! Collect yourself and proceed to the moment you are now in, up s_ _ _ creek without a paddle, (head)? Or perhaps an opportunity for some creative solutions, (heart). Every moment is an opportunity, period. Someone pulls over and asks if you need help? Instead of blasting them with what a huge bummer you have on your hands and the urgency you are in to get to your destination, etc., etc. Bow (not literally) to this person and understand that there is something in this moment for you and for your new friend coming to your much needed aid. Proceed from the heart using your connectedness to all things and utilize the qualities you have available to you because you put them there. Perhaps no one stops to help you and you have to actually change the tire yourself, what a shocker! Resourcefulness is a virtue, perhaps stored within your heart and head both. Check out which one works for you best under stress. Remember we are attempting to change perspective here, and ultimately the experience.
Learning to meet the moment
It is all a process, a process of learning to meet the moment no matter how hideous, and offer your heart as a token of your appreciation for being here now. If you hate your life and wish you were dead, go deeper, you are definitely in your head. The head has become our prison and it is relentless, because it is unconscious, and can be ego driven. It is unconscious because that is what it needed to do to survive and get us to where we are now. So thank it and yourself and move on to the next conscious evolutionary step of the human energy system.
No one I know is completely operating from the heart or knows how to, but I do know a lot of people who are making the effort. This takes time, patience and the desire to become a conscious human being, by changing direction and basing perceptions form the heart. In time your head will follow. Take small steps and understand you only have the RIGHT NOW, use it wisely.