Organically ready for what?

A natural feeling . . .

A natural feeling that comes from within yourself is organic. It is as real as it gets.

Ready for what?

Anything no matter what!

I am organically ready to meet anything no matter what. Maybe not but I’ll give it a shot. How about, I’m willing to consider being organically ready to meet anything no matter what.

Let’s also consider and be willing to accept absolute existence in a complete or perfect state as BEING.

A living present time being. A conscious fact of existing, and organically ready! Try this on and see how it feels.

A being is composed of fundamental ORGANIC MATERIAL matter and energy. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

A being is what you ARE. This is your AUTHENTICITY.

This being exists primarily as ENERGY, and understands that it is energy. I am willing to consider that I exist primarily as energy.

This energy has a flow. In other words, you move. I am willing to consider that as energy I have a flow. Put some music on and dance, this is your energy flowing as body!

My energy flow is SUSTAINABLE and RENEWABLE.

I am willing to consider and accept that this is something I can not KNOW because it is not mental or belief based.

This is something we are willing to consider as a possibility of an experience, that I AM sustainable and renewable.

The awareness of this flow as a sustainable and renewable energy resource is an emerging capability. It is an energetic ORGANIC technology.

This FLOW has a torus shape of momentum (something like a doughnut). This flow circulates naturally and is involuntary. It is like breathing, you just do it. Breathing is necessary for a conscious life, it is the same way with the flow.

The flow is happening right NOW!!

The  AWARENESS of being and flow linked with other awarenesses (other people) exponentially generates power.  I am willing to consider . . .

KNOWLEDGE generated by AWARENESS allows us to consider that this power is unlimited. This unlimited power is an experience.  It is not a thing or stuff like a motor, fuel or electricity.

The only place you can experience this unlimited power is in present time.

Presence as being TURNS ON the power through the connection to source, which is you.

You, your body, and your experience is the power source.

Being alive has A PRESENCE in both consciousness and unconsciousness, and  is only relevant in present time.

As a being and with your presence in present time you expand your ENERGY FIELD.

The expansion is exponential in growth relative to the awareness that it has of itself.

The more you embrace a lifestyle reflection of AUTHENTICITY, the more you change or heal space and time.

A being understands that it has multiple identities but has only one authentic self.

What you do, your relationships, sexuality, hobbies, etc., are all identities of YOU. Different versions of you in different circumstances, we have lots of these!

Authentically you just ARE always. You ARE a living consciousness.

Being alive means that this being (you) is aware that it is undergoing a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL  expansion into space-time.

In other words, you can exist in a completely different way then you have up until now. I am willing to consider that I can exist in a completely different way then I have up until now.

I know this may FEEL like a stretch. It is time to stretch. We are just playing with our ability to consider something different. Consider it like a game, and be WILLING to play.

I am a living conscious evolving present time being and I am ready to meet my EXPERIENCE.

This is the most important element of our playing this game. So I will state it again . . . I am a living conscious evolving present time being, and I am ready to meet my experience.

So it goes something like this . . . I am a BEING composed from ORGANIC MATERIAL that is primarily ENERGY. This ENERGY is SUSTAINABLE and UNLIMITED. With AWARENESS, KNOWLEDGE emerges that allows for my PRESENCE to be realized within my ENERGY FIELD. My presence is AUTHENTIC and provides for me to have a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE.

I am organically ready, baby!


This may be asking too much. If it is please do not read any further. Just working with the statement above is totally enough, and thank you for participating.

If you are ORGANICALLY READY, let’s go!

To change the world, you as BEING are willing to consider and possibly accept that you are a VITAL SUSTAINABLE SOURCE of ENERGY.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you participate in gets your energy.

Your job, relationships, family, politics, media, economics, driving, walking, anything and everything you do, gets energy from you whether you are intentionally giving it or not.

Everything takes energy . . .  It MATTERS how energy is taken as well as given.

If you stop participating you stop giving your energy away.

If you stop giving energy away in exchange for THINGS, you stop the flow of energy going to these things.

Examples of things we give our energy to are money, gasoline, shopping, sacrifice, jobs you don’t like, people who you don’t feel support you, any addiction, taxes, past time unconsciousness, lawsuits, illness, etc etc.

Voluntarily identify the stuff you absolutely need from all of the stuff you don’t need. Make a list.
Consider making a list . . .

Even by WATCHING politics on TV you are giving your energy to government and the political interests that control it.

By using and BELIEVING in financial organizations you are giving them your energy.

BELIEF is a huge way we give our energy away.

FEELINGS are also a way of giving energy away.

Awareness of this ENERGY CONDITION is something we are able to consider NOW.

We are not ready for this level of responsible behavior or existence in past time. Therefore I am in present time.

I accept that I often ACT OUT of past time in present time and I am changing or healing that behavior.

The internet and communications have allowed for all of us to wake up from our deep deep unconscious behavior and change or heal. THIS IS A CHOICE.

We are ALL connected. I am willing to consider that we are all connected.

If you want a different world experience you have to stop giving your energy away to the things that do not serve your best interest.

Align your precious energy with the things that SUPPORT YOU as a SUSTAINABLE RENEWABLE SOURCE OF ENERGY.

Your energy has VALUE.

Organically ready people value their energy as a precious commodity.

The only thing that would allow you to compromise your energy is past time programed unconscious fear.

Unconscious past time fear is ALWAYS in past time, even in present time.

Unconscious past time fear manipulates your energy field and controls your space.

You would be completely unaware of this energy because it is unconscious.

Becoming conscious is a process of awareness of both consciousness and unconsciousness.

A Being in present time can make an effort to NOT PARTICIPATE with situations or organizations that give its energy away in exchange for STUFF that does not serve our best interests.

Generate a NEW LIFESTYLE that feeds YOU, the nutrients that sustain your ENERGY FLOW and supports your ability to provide limitless power.

Why is present time so important?

Because nothing relevant is happening in any other time-space.

Behavior locked into past time unconscious energy patterns keep us locked into giving our energy away and has complete control over our power.

Energy manipulation is the purpose of mass programing. Mass programing shows up in a person’s energy as unhappiness, a job, rage, education, suffering, hunger, starvation, poverty, genocide, suppression, terror, loneliness, road rage, greed, indecisiveness, manipulation, an inappropriate energy structures within the energy field of the individual, to name a few.

If you do not already know how to meet a lifestyle that supports you, and your power, start by examining EVERYTHING  that you are currently doing. Slowly start to consider any and all conditions you are dependent upon for pleasure, comfort, and health.

Surround yourself with the people who will support your new lifestyle.

Ask questions and talk to people.

Call, text or email me I will give you the tools to expand your energy field and start connecting to your unlimited power.

Get a reading and healing to jump start your new lifestyle and LEARN how to live a life that changes the world.

Don’t participate with institutions or people who drain your energy source.

Banks, gas stations, government agencies, political parties, doctors and hospitals, alcohol, drugs, lawyers, casinos, non-organic farming, animal stock yards, worry about money, addiction to shopping, sex, technology, substances, control are a few examples of things that may be draining to your energy source.

You have to be very very selective who you give your time and energy to.

Ultimately you exchange YOUR ENERGY for everything always. Start to build awareness of who and what you exchange your energy for, and how much.

Time and energy are generated BY YOU from within your energy field. Never forget WHO YOU ARE.

This may mean quitting your job! Starting over by completely changing your LIFESTYLE.

This may sound too hard to do, but let’s consider what happens to your body and ability to be alive if you stay connected to the very things that ultimately take all of your energy.

The reason we look like a dried up old prune at the end of your life is because every last bit of energy has been completely drained out of you.

In your final days often the last drops of energy are absorbed by the hospital or institution that houses you or people waiting for your stuff.

Slowly over life, day by day, you give your energy away without being aware. Constantly buying things, especially large quantities of anything draining your energy through consumption.

We are the source of ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD and we have forgotten this because we have been afraid and unconscious all of our lives.

It is obvious that the world situation is in dire straights and will continue down that very road unless you pull the plug on its power-this is you, the source of all unlimited and free energy.

The reason you feel any discomfort this way is because you are being drained this very moment and unconsciously agree to this condition of living.

Silent and private suffering becomes your best friend.

You may look to the few who have success as idols and worship their lives believing that this is something you want and that it is attainable–like a carrot being dangled in front of your very hungry nose.

There is NOTHING RIGHT OR WRONG WITH SUCCESS. Success is already contained within your energy system and each day you give it up for something way less, complacency.

Success is EVERYONE’S right.

Trillions of energy units are used in the form of money to manipulate perfectly good intentioned people every day.

Controlling people and institutions are unconscious, and believe and feel they need ALL the energy.

This is an out of control controlling energy, and it will consume every last drop of your energy if you let it.

Look around you in your experience for examples of energy draining circumstances, people, or things.

You  are addicted to the things that you believe are provided for all of us by conditioning, fear, and manipulation of your energy source.

We are literally selling our energy to exist and we are selling it for absolutely nothing except our lives, and all our power.

Everything you need is contained within your energy body. You are a completely self sufficient renewable energy, and you don’t know it or feel it because you have been programed since birth.

You have been brainwashed and to even consider a different approach to life is absurd and that the people who promote alternative options are insane or criminals.

If you start to embrace the power you have within you, nothing will be able to compromise this energy. This is a source of energy for the care and self sufficiency of ALL LIVING THINGS.

When you stop giving energy to things they disappear.

Energy is the currency of  the life force. If you are careful and intentional with your investment you will reap huge returns.

All people are both good and bad. Consider surrounding yourself with people who can perpetuate a LIFESTYLE that includes all people equally and with the freedom to witness themselves as sustainable and renewable power.

We want to stop taking people’s energy and harming them because they are a precious commodity.

I encourage everyone to wake up and realize who they really are and start the flow of energy in their lives as an energy reactor that offers a natural organic and ready energy.

To be organically ready you have to be in your body in present time.

You have to have a flow of energy moving in the front as well as in the back of your body.

There has to be expansion of the space to the left and to the right of the body. The head and the feet both have to be pulling energy into the body at the same time.

This energy flow is involuntary. With awareness this flow becomes momentum and with other energetically aware beings it becomes a new paradigm.

The flow in the front and back of the body propel the sides outward. Your energy field looks kind of like a doughnut but with tetrahedral holographic presence. It helps to have a picture in your mind of what you look like energetically.

You do not look like anything that you see in the mirror.  MIRROR = ILLUSION.

Start the process of BEING ORGANICALLY READY.

Start slow to find YOUR rhythm.

When you feel afraid or start to think unpleasant thoughts, or feel uncomfortable feelings, ask yourself if this story is in present time?

Is this story true?

YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF can change the story you are telling yourself, if the story is coming from past time and no longer true.

Use your inner voice to ask the authentic self for help.


You are organically ready and you are a self-sustaining system of energy. Any doubt or uncertainty will cause you to default to the unconscious past time setting of fear. Never go there, ever again.

Remember this fear as a reminder of your power and accept that it WAS a part of your energy in past time. It is not in the NOW of present time.

Learn from your awareness.

Forgive yourself for being an energy slave in your past time unconsciousness and move on. Never ever go there again. It is past time and has nothing to do with you in present time.

Give yourself permission to make mistakes, once.  Compromise is not an option to fully sustainable power in the Now.

Commitment to changing the world requires presence, and nothing more.


Contact me if you have any questions or need support. There are literally billions of beings just like yourself present and organically ready to change the world.