I know, heavy right?
What inspired me to write about this is I often witness pain when reading people’s energy. Â Pain comes in many forms and is likely to pop up anywhere inside the physical body, as well as around the body, especially in the unconsciousness. The ability to use pain as a tool to expand into the present moment is overlooked because the experience of pain carries a huge charge. Remember, you are energy as is everything, and that has a signature frequency or charge. Being able to have pain be a learning experience, and not a expression of who you are, takes developing a relationship with present time.
We often just want to get out of pain or away from it as soon as possible. I’m not talking about physical pain here, but rather the feelings of pain or any uncomfortable feelings that consume our attention. The reality is that oftentimes this pain has absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. It has been dragged here, into the now, by the mind and is the story that the person is telling themselves about themselves. This is an example of multiple “I’s” participating as one. This experience is not validated as a multiple dimensional influence, and why would it be considering the circumstances? The collective investment into pain and suffering holds the trump card in the game of life.
Suffering seems like the only option as the person tries to both manage or distract themselves from the pain. What I have seen in everyone’s energy is that there are endless options available in the moment, and pain or suffering is never the only possibility. Quite the opposite in fact, but when you are in the pain, it can feel all consuming. Remembering that infinite potential within your manifested space is the actual spectrum of your radiance. Your energy field has a torus shaped radiance, and this means you have lots of options, and oftentimes you can be completely unaware of possibilities. Having an awareness is something most of us are just beginning to be able to articulate and is the foundation to the experience of being. It is is a part of our conscious evolution in present time.
Being able and willing to have pain be just a part of the experience takes a conscious intention to deconstruct the feeling and all feelings as they become present in your moment. Suppressing, medicating or just not giving a shit about yourself is totally understandable. However, we are now manifested at a time in space where we are not victims to anything ever, and allowing the heart-mindedness of your source to participate with your presence authenticates the experience by delivering options in the form of potential possibilities, and choice. Choice is the new reality maker by giving us all the power we need to sustain our pain as optional. It is very useful as a tool that allows us to feel into the moment, but not collapse the wave pattern and fixate on a mind contracted and conditioned to suffer. You are not your mind; you are not your body, and you certainly are not pain opting to suffer. That is old school paradigm programming and you, my dear dear friend, are a spectrum of radiance choosing to meet the moment and have an experience.
What this often looks like is that the person just cannot be or get present. It is not an option realized or considered, and often because they just don’t know how. It is, of course, very possible to learn how to be present, but the desire to be, let alone present, is an acquired choice that is able to feel pain from a neutral perspective. This choice is something we can learn how to be present with, and does not involve doing anything whatsoever. Choosing to just be is an acquired experience met and evolved into as we notice that there is only the now, and nothing else matters. Only the now matters, and when you begin to choose in alignment with this principle of operation the change is apparent in the experience. The reality for me as the person offering the reading is, why is pain so all consuming? Why does suffering seem like the only option?
It is a lot like being on a loop of energy that keeps you locked into the same reality day after day. It is actually moment after moment, but without placing your attention on the now of present time the drone of day after day separates you further and further away from your source, and is what we associate to as time. Â Without presence in the now, change with awareness is undetectable and hope is diminished, depression results, and a cycle of negative feelings becomes the foundation to your reality structure and life. If the pain is not screaming in your face, it is somewhere in the back round, and can do the opposite of evolve and go into depression, or devolution. Â This loop is like a sting of energy and it resonates at a pitch we often cannot actually hear with our ears, but are nevertheless very aware of as noise, uncomfortable noise. Everything is changeable including the noise, and willingness is a necessary ingredient for the recipe of your energy system to evolve.
Thinking that you just can’t, giving up and praying for salvation, is understandable. This conversation is had in billions of heads every single day by billions of people who are suffering from pain, isolation, aloneness, fear and hopelessness. Stop thinking. You are not your mind, but you have a mind. Call me or anyone who is of service to our conscious evolution and begin to make pain your ally. Choose to consciously evolve and set this as your intension. Once you have given yourself the support of conscious choice you will still have days and moments that feel like shit! But another moment is on it’s way and you will quickly remember who you really are in the presence of your experience. It is a process and all you really have is this moment.
That clairvoyantly can look like a long long journey. It is as if many many steps have to occur before pain is met in a different way in the experience. However, in the process of a reading, information and truth are exchanged. This action may strongly influence the moments structuring the events that are composed and that occurs after the reading. After all, the person did show up for the reading, and participated fully so the resulting healing or change may offer them access to a presence within them that before they were unaware of as possible. The key to meeting the moment is possibility. The potential of possibility is literally vast and visible in a clairvoyant reading. However, of what use is it if the person is unaware of the possibilities within themselves? This can sometimes be the case when the pain is all a person can access because of a lacking in their ability to change beliefs or even have an environment that will support an option outside of a containment to few choices. This is an epidemic in our world today. Some of us lack self-love or the ability to give ourselves permission to access all of our potential. Â We never learned how to make an original empowering choice or set ourselves up within the present moment with power. Â In these cases, there is no original power and resource to meet pain and end suffering.
I see this all the time as a choice. A choice just not made by the person as they go about their journey. This happens for many reasons. They may be addicted to the story they are telling themselves about themselves, and do not consider breaking the cycle despite the suffering they may find themselves in at the time. So when the choice to take another road in the now is available they say, no. This “no” is a a reaction, usually because of fear. Fear of going down a road unfamiliar.
Here in a prosperous country, we are the example for the less fortunate who do suffer from lack. We can provide grace, through our experience, as examples of how to end the suffering and pain that many people just do not see, and cannot see because of the dynamic deflecting the possibility of potential that they have just as we do. All pain and suffering is changeable and is not as overwhelming as a course of action as it may seem. It starts with you and me being able to be the experience we are having by meeting our moment responsibly. The intention is linked to your server, the source of your experience, and through grace of loving kindness given to yourself by yourself. If this sounds easy then please go ahead and be that experience, and begin the chain reaction of depleting the energy of pain that blankets the Earth. For some people pain is a cruel reality perpetuated by our obliviousness to just how their pain is our pain, prismatically prisoning everyone through the interconnectedness of the random potential we all generate out of no matter who you are or where you live.
the energy system
The mind is deeply invested in reality structure and will override any conscious new option. This is an energy loop I’m talking about, but it is changeable. Â The option to not choose pain is in every moment, but you have to have your presence in the now in order to even consider the choices. A consistent engagement with the now of present time will highlight the many possibilities within the energy system of each person. Even the people you don’t know and will never meet are still within your experience. The all encompassing holographic connects all of us to everything, always.
Choice is really one of the most powerful actions we always have available to us. Even when we unconsciously or egotistically choose the pain over meeting the now, the options we don’t choose still exist as potential. The option to bring the pain with you into the now and look at it, and feel it with the full power of presence is a very different experience then just doing the pain choice. This type of choice is very much a being-option and not a doing-option.
This conflict of interest confronts us each and every moment. There are obviously many roads always, but really only one present moment. In fact, we only have this moment, nothing else exists except the now. When I fully experience this, my moment becomes a vastly expanded moment and the now grows in all directions as dimension. This experience is something I’m just now learning how to be present with, and it is changing my life. I also see this happening in the people I read. They are changing right before my third eye!
It is not about knowing where you are going or how to do this thing we call reality. It is a completely new valence of energy within each of us. As I Â have often stated, and always witness, nothing is ever happening “out there” it is always entirely within each of us. It is exciting to witness the intense amount of information contained as potential to possibility of experience. Each of us is unique, and each of us has a unique relationship to pain, and of course, suffering.
The past time pain we originated into as birth is really the only “true” pain. If you must consider this pain try not thinking about it, but rather authenticate the pain as a texture within your full capacity of expression. Pain is just one of an infinite potential of possibilities, as is everything else. Â When it comes to pain, exploring the possibility that it is made up by the mind can really alter your experience. Â It seem so very real, and for what it is worth it is real, but what is real? Real is an agreement, check your agreements in present time, and find out the structure of your reality. We have evolved past the illusion of reality and expanded into the knowledge of potential states of being. The experience of now is just one potential state of being. If you are interested in investigating pain then be sure that you are in the now, because anything else is an illusion many times over.
This is of course challenging to know, feel, imagine, think and ultimately experience. You are having an experience. The experience is nothing like it seems when we apply the application of mind to it and this is where the suffering can become a very very seemingly real experience, and perhaps feel like pain is all there is to the experience. Waking up in the now is what you do each and every moment over and over again until you lock onto the server. What exactly is the server?
The server is the source of your experience. You are an experience of the server, and you have many applications. Some of your applications are over used and in past time. This has a huge influence on your experience. Pain is an application as is everything we experience. Consider the download of a new application in present time. You are constantly uploading and downloading into the experience as choice. The download is consciousness and the upload is unconsciousness. Both applications are necessary and extremely important to the experience. Never ever underestimate the power of your server, it is vital to your experience and the event of you, and only in present time. It is no coincidence that we have fashioned our computers and internet into our likeness. You are not a computer and you are not the internet, just as you are not your mind, and you are not your body. You just are, and you are having an experience.
For some people it is the story they are attached to telling themselves, often very past time. The truth is so not about pain and suffering, but we are separated from truth. Now that’s painful! I mean that as a joke because the pain is all a part of the illusion we call reality. If it feels like pain, it looks like pain, it walks like it and talks like it, you will lose your mind. That is the entire point to lose your mind, in a good way. Remembering that the mind is just one part of our experience, and we are an infinite potential of possibility. This is a staggering consideration of a reality. You may not be able to handle it, but I can guarantee you there is nothing you desire more than the wholeness of your experience.
By entering this conversation as experience, pain and suffering are rendered powerless over the now of the presence of you. You are not a victim of your experience you are the experience. This reality takes a lot of getting used to, and that is not the point. The point is that there is no point, only the now. How much you invest into pain is entirely up to your experience and how you choose to meet that with your presence. This can be very tricky to digest because it is an entirely different paradigm than we are even remotely aware of as reality. You have to give up to get in. It is as simple as that, dear one.
I have had a reoccurring dream where I am asleep, dreaming, and I wake up. I’m certain I am awake, but within that experience I wake up again and I wake up into the experience I’m having as conscious reality. What’s real? What’s asleep ? The entire experience does not fit into any container I have of who I am or where I am and so this is my event within my experience. Multiple “I’s,” all me, but more than one for sure. It’s not the “me” that is multiple, or is it? Consider for a moment dimensions and the relationship you experience, or perhaps not? That is truly the question. What is your relationship to abstract reality and the ability to be present with that as a reality possibility? This, my friend, is the potential within.
So is the pain and suffering real? It sure feels real to me when I feel that way in my experience, but I also am aware that it’s just this moment and nothing else. This awareness is the now and in it is power and the ability to learn how to have a different experience. You need the time, space and desire to break free of the pain, and learn how to use the pain to set you free. The pain is yours to behold as a potential within possibility. Suffering in almost all cases is an option. There are, of course, disorders that limit options, but they are, in fact, rare and often misdiagnosed. You have to take being in the now fully into your embrace and look at what potential choices are YOU as experience. Take fear and pain and use it to meet the moment. Let whatever you wake up to be YOU.