The energy of panic is visible clairvoyantly and has a distinct signature. In a state of panic, the lateral energy flow (left to right in the front of the body, and right to left in the back of the body) is completely shut down or off, and all life force energy is invested into the space below the feet. The energy of panic wants to drive into the Earth with a force that depletes and discounts all other energy dynamics of the body as an energy system. Panic separates and divides, splintering the naturally composed energy of the flow in present time. Panic is an emergency to all the other energy systems of the body, and so too the physical body.
This is an uncomfortable gripping energy onto the Earth dimension. Panic is forcing all attention and energy into a fear driven attachment to the spacial dimension of Earth. This shutting off of all lateral or horizontal flows is abrupt and very uncomfortable to the person having this experience. It can happen suddenly, but is usually associated with a slowing down of digestion and other naturally occurring systems of the body, often happening over a period of a few days. This can easily go unnoticed. This “blockage” combined with the slowing or shutting off of the lateral flow of energy usually happens slowly culminating the panic as “an attack.”
Too much stimulation, plus any past time abuse or suffering, can provide the unique recipe for a panic episode to occur. Panic looks like a very specific set of energy dynamics, unique to the individual’s life, building to a panicked state and set in motion by memories, actual past time events, current physiological stimulants and a predisposition to panic with lineage. Panic does not appear to be a simple recipe, but rather a complex multi-layered event that can be deconstructed clairvoyantly. However, understanding panic, while helpful, does not stop it from occurring over and over again unless the person feels safe and often that is no guarantee.
Energetically, why a person has a panic attack is an inability to flow into the spaces to the left or right of the physical body. Possibility becomes narrowed and few options seem available. Â This usually translates into the experience as a lack of momentum or things just not happening or working out, or a feeling of being stuck, often combined with frustration, usually completely tied up in the unconscious dimensions of being. Literally nothing else matters, and the ability to make things matter at all is diminished or completely shut down. This directly affects abundance and sustainability. The dimensions to the left and right are where the potential of all experience is realized and brought into matter, and with this flow shut off, so too is the abundance and sustainability of the experience. After all who would want to sustain a panic attack or consider the abundance of this experience?
Panic could be resulting from day to day events not having an outcome or resolving in a way that is planned or desired.  Panic is easily and often a breakdown in communication, where the ability to speak your desire or will is compromised or cut off completely. The energy center of the throat, or fifth chakra, is held back and the natural extension of will is not forthcoming. All of the energy centers below the throat, fourth (heart), third ( solar plexus), second (navel), first (pelvic), all slow down over the course of a few days or are constantly in a state of sluggish energy. Digestive issues, indigestion, shortness of breath, and frustration can be experienced, along with events not going as planned or hoped.
Often when we are processing a new or different relationship to fear is when we can start the slow build to panic. It is hard to believe that panic can be a process of healing, but this sudden all-consuming attack of panic can offer each of us a hint of a need to change or heal. The circumstances we find ourselves experiencing are almost always reflecting to us the panic of the elements composing the situation, and the panic is a rebooting of our system uncomfortably. I have never met anyone who says that panic is a good feeling and I have learned to look at fear as a healing energy, often very misunderstood. Â Who wants to feel a panic attack? Yet in a reading this energy is always an opportunity to advance to another dimension within ourselves. This can be difficult to embrace, because we don’t want to meet the healing or change necessary in our experiences to comprehend the energy of panic, and our relationship to ourselves with the deeply uncomfortable feeling of panic.
Panic is a complex but obvious interruption of the flow. It can happen when circumstances break the natural flow and force the body into a sort of flight or fight relationship with itself, apparent in the experience we are having in that moment. Often the panic is too uncomfortable to process an investigation of our experience in the timeframe that the panic attack is happening. Â This condition is visible in people’s energy and happens because the person is vulnerable and unsure of the outcome of the experience they are meeting in present time. Panic is, of course, fear driven and can be a very scary experience. Some people have told me that it is a feeling of death or dying, so uncomfortable and impossible to stop, despite knowing that the panic will fade in time, but the suffering can be unbearable.
When I do a reading with a person who has had a panic attack it has always been after the fact, but the energy trail of the experience is always stored in the energy field. Looking back upon the panic and how and when it occurred is the only way I have ever been witness to the event. It is in the energy trail that I can piece together the story of the panic. Each person’s story is very different, but the actual way that the lateral flow shuts off and the gripping to the Earth occurs is usually similar in the way the energy behaves. This pattern is what I call an uncompromising vertical force. All energy is vertically driven and in this experience life shuts down and narrows to a pinpointed singular sensation of fear and dread. Clairvoyantly, visible panic is one of the most powerful energy dynamics I have ever witnessed, yet it so very uncomfortable. It is in this sense an opposing force, clashing in the third chakra and manifesting as a shortness of breath and sometimes a fear of death. This is a similar experience for the people I have read clairvoyantly.
Unbearable suffering is traceable to the hyper-sensitive nature of the person and the struggle associated with just how to be and behave with this as the reality of the experience. People who do not operate in the status quo of the current paradigm or conform to the expected behavior of socially acceptable lifestyle are often riding the edge of a panic momentum to their energy field. Their energy is rebelling against the conformity of a three-dimensional container because they as a life force just do not, and will not ever, fit into the casing of a forced expectation to behavior or reality. This is probably one of the most interesting aspects to clairvoyantly read and deconstruct, because it tells me that I am looking at a very unique being. This being is in a way alien to the overall paradigm design, and unless actively investigating this experience within themselves, often feel like a complete freak of nature when, in fact, they are a virtual prismatic display of conscious and unconscious growing pains.
Once the lateral flow is reestablished, the body adjusts gradually back to a rhythm it recognizes and often the energy centers of the torso open to possibility. This release is physically and psychologically freeing. The lateral flow is so very important to the “happiness” of the individual and without it life can not be present or fun. The panic is always an unconscious event happening in a conscious experience uncomfortably. It basically looks like a shutdown of systems, and from what I have observed, a wake up call to the importance of feeling safe and secure. Being able to build an awareness of yourself as a hypersensitive person and just how to be with that takes time. I have met people who have adjusted to the panic and say that it never feels good, but they know that when the panic is happening they can learn something about themselves.
Panic = Energy Blockage. This varies depending on how sensitive you are in meeting your experience. I have found that extremely sensitive people hover at a relatively mild panic state most of the time. These people’s energy systems are always on an alert of possible overwhelm and they learn, over time, that this is how they are meeting their experience. They do not feel it as panic, but it acts upon their energy flow in much the same way, and they  just get used to it and are able to be comfortable. Deeply sensitive people, and people who operate with extrasensory perceptions, are what I call “panic driven individuals,” and panic is an asset  to them most of the time. Only when panic blocks the inward and outward flows does the panic become uncomfortable. Breathing helps relieve the suffering symptoms, but ultimately it just takes time.
Clairvoyantly the energy field of panic looks like a definite stop to the flow.  A turn down to the openness of the energy centers one through five, and a  diminished possibility in the overall potential of expanded presence that looks like a flat gray color. Of course, all of these characteristics vary in each person and getting to the issue of panic can take a few sessions or readings to truly show up. Usually people are embarrassed or unconscious of why they feel the way they do and need time to trust the process of healing unique to their experience.
Compassion is the opposite of panic, in that, from within the physical, a generous outpouring of energy is streamed into the experience without any consideration to consequence. Â There is a carefree attitude to compassion that looks clairvoyantly like the energy field has no boundaries, and in the midst of compassion there is only the now. The energy of compassion is most effective if the person displaying it is unconscious of the flow. This is one of the truly beautiful examples of how unconsciousness can back us up in the present moment.
Compassion is most effectively visible in a person’s energy when that person is giving or releasing the energy from within their space. It is also visible as a healing energy when being received. The “giver” becomes the “receiver” to themselves and others in their experience. It is in this sense that compassion is a display of the lateral flows in all it’s glory. Compassion is both given and received and often at the same moment. Availability is the quality that gives compassion the energy of healing for panic, and why I often see them go hand in hand within a person’s energy field. Panic driven people are also compassionate people in a very general sense, and often the energy field shows this ability to flip from one state to the other seemingly instantaneously, and often at the same time unconsciously.
Panic “knows” compassion and compassion “knows” panic. The dance of beautiful movement that brings grace to the moment. It is difficult to see how grace and panic can go together, but that energy of one easily flows into the other, often completely unconsciously. Once again, the art of energy emerging as  an unconscious backup to our every moment as we emerge into a conscious evolution of human form.