The authentic self is BEING what you ARE. This may sound vague only because we are not used to the experience. We have been separated from our authentic self since birth. This is when the ego created a false self to help us with this separation. This shows up in a reading as what is happening to you unconsciously and is always the false self or a superficial identity being revealed. The pictures that describe this event usually pop up from the back of the physical body and are contained in the unconscious energy flow. Most often in a reading what is being healed is the unconscious becoming conscious and presented as ISSUES around topics such As MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTH, SURVIVAL, CONTROL, THOUGHTS and a pressing need to know the FUTURE.
Some information about the authentic self is found in the energy center located below the feet. The authentic self is always a presence within us but it is not always generously participating in our experiences and obvious to us. In our world right now the authentic self does seem to be showing up A LOT more in readings as we heal the separation and start to feel whole. This experience is often very private and feels vulnerable and difficult to articulate. The ego and false self want to upstage the authentic self. The authentic self wants to say, I AM NOT JUST OF THIS WORLD but of many worlds.
The AUTHENTIC self and the IDENTITY are not the same thing. This is how it looks in a reading, sometimes you are looking at the authentic self and sometimes you are looking at the identity. You were born authentically and everything in-between was programed into you by culture, society, religion and day-to-day existence. These events shape your identity. The identity can be a false self or ego and can be a lifetime of self survival experiences of always chasing something, dreams, goals, money, aspirations, wants, etc etc…
As you can see it is much easier to say what the authentic self is not – than what it is – within your experience. To consider your authentic self you must ask; what is happening in my experience right now? It’s not what you see, taste, smell, hear, or feel. It is not thoughts. It is not feelings. Authentic self is simply what you ARE before perception, and before perception is BEING.
So what are YOU? You ARE everything always. You are everything you see, taste, smell, feel and hear because these senses are within you and a signal within your brain. This is not what you are, these are an experience and you are having an experience, but you are not the experience. The experience is a result of BEING. YOU are what is having the experience. What is sending the signal to your brain? What is the source of the signal? The authentic self is, in part, the source of the signal. This source is what you are, and this source is BEING. To BE is not the same as toDO. Within our experience we do and this doing creates and sustains our self identity. Our self identity is fractured off from the authentic self at birth. If you really take a close energetic look at your energy field you are many things at once, and this may be tricky to comprehend. Thinking about it is one dimensional, and what we are dealing with is multidimensional within our experience.
A lot of what’s happening with the authentic self is REMEMBERING who you ARE. The separation from authentic self is often only remembered at death. However it is very possible to reconnect and become whole while still in a body before death. It is possible right NOW. If you examine the the energy center below the feet you come to understand that this chakra gives us the stabilizing presence that holds our physical body. Without this energy center we would not be having a SHARED experience with other beings.
Whenever the chakra below the feet comes up as a part of the reading it tells me that this person is asking to be whole or embarking on a journey that will take them to this experience. People always want to know what they can DO to make this happen or how to KNOW more about this authentic self. The answer to this is outside of our current paradigm and shared experiences we generally understand here on Earth. Investigating into this energy center shows the pictures that explain YOU beyond how you LOOK or FEEL. You have opened up the unspeakable and unknowable that IS outside of the reality bubble we identify within us as our experience.
People come to me and want to know what is the authentic self, who is that in me? They often feel that just being who they are is not enough, and that they need to do more to validate the authentic experience. The authentic self is so profound that it does not actually fit into the container we know as our day to day experience limited by just the five senses and the result is that there is a feeling of – there HAS to be more to this, it can’t be this simple. But the truth is, it is very simple and pure and most importantly WHOLE. We are not used to the experience of wholeness and we do not understand how this sensation and sense of being can fit into the paradigm of reality we see as OUT THERE. The truth is that it cannot because it is too vast a revelation to be contained and controlled by power and will, authentic self is about trust and truth a being and not a doing.
Service of PRESENCE
So each and every moment in your day is you as your authentic self, you ARE it! When you are at the grocery store and checking out feel and know that your authentic self is at play here. What you say and how you are giving to the person checking you out and the person bagging your groceries. They too long to BE authentic and, in that moment, you and they are revealed as one and whole as you do for each other the service of PRESENCE. The ego and identity will take care of the mundane business of everything else so it is in this way that the ego and identity can learn to love the authentic self. The ego is lost and afraid to come out and play. The contraction of withholding any presence is the fear that separated us in the first place and through authenticity we are healing that hurt. Every moment is your opportunity to heal your pain, as well as, share with the person standing next to you just by giving them the honor of your FULL participation and PRESENCE in that moment. No matter how mundane the circumstance may seem to be, every moment is the perfect moment to lay all your cards on the table and play with the person you see before you. It is not about whether they GET IT OR NOT, all you do is give, everything else is a gift.
The more readings I do the more I get to see just how fast all of this is healing and changing in us at this time. Our evolution is designed to make us WHOLE. We are becoming more and more authentic as we consciously embrace the NOW and what shows up in the experiences we have with ourselves, as well as, our shared experiences with others.