There are five subtle bodies that I know a little about from doing readings: physical, mental, ethereal, astral, and causal. We are subtle energy beings.
We do not consider our physical body to be subtle, but as energy it is, and in relation to the other four it is the most dense followed by the mental, ethereal, astral, and the casual. In energy and energy readings the causal body is interwoven into all the other subtle bodies. I have always witnessed the causal body to be connected into the physical body through the middle finger and middle toe of both hands and both feet. The mental connects into the thumbs and big toe, the physical is the little fingers and little toes, the ethereal is connected to the ring fingers and second to last toes, and the astral is connected into the pointer fingers and second toes. This “mapping†is a consideration that allows for the subtle bodies to be readable and to share information about the experience in present time. The subtle bodies show up as deeply interwoven into the energy field, and the experience we have individually and collectively.
The hands and feet are an extension and act as an anchor to the subtle energy bodies for the purpose of referencing information. In a reading and in order to research the information about WHY an event is happening in the experience, the person has to be conscious and aware of their actions. If not, the causal body will not be visible in this way, and that level of information will not be available. The Information that would be available would come from the unconscious involvement with the causal body and reflect that also in the experience. Healing a behavior or changing a circumstance in the experience requires a person to be conscious of the causal. Any unconsciousness will drastically slow down the healing or change and may block it entirely because of the lack of awareness.
The causal body contains information about the personality contained in the being embodied. It is what gives the being the characteristics we recognize, and is a record of all time and space up until NOW. It is here in the causal body that all events and actions take place in the experience. It literally contains all the information or cause relative to the outcome, and ultimately past time. Looking here gives you insight into why particular things happen the way they happen. Without a conscious awareness and presence the unconscious is operating through the causal body and that information is what will show up in the reading. Just having this looked at and explained is very helpful in bridging the gap of unconscious behavior and why circumstances are as they are in the experience of this person’s life.
The causal body is where healing takes place. If you are challenged by your experience, BE present with the causal body, and the pictures will show you the energy pattern responsible for events in the experience. It is the subtle bodies that hold us in this paradigm of being and doing. Without the subtle bodies you would not be HERE. You would be someplace else. This world and this experience require the five subtle bodies to have presence in the NOW.
The causal body of experience
It is called the causal body because it is the cause of you and what the five senses tell you about your experience. Changing energy patterns or shedding light onto unconscious behavior happen in the causal body of experience. Each body is a separate experience linked into one by perception and consciousness, and is our collective conscious or unconscious. If we make changes or heal how we ARE in our causal body, we will alter the collective as well, and often this is accomplished by the authentic self BEING WHO YOU ARE in the causal body. All of these events are being played out in people’s energy field right now and it is obvious in a reading just how we all are going about this as a evolutionary occurrence to our consciousness. Whether the person is conscious or unconscious within the causal body, change is happening; it just is happening faster and more efficiently with a conscious awareness. Over the past three years I have not met one person who is not undergoing a transformational experience. They may not call it this but it “looks†like it with the pictures and energy images being displayed in the causal body of information.