August 2011, Redfish lake, boat dock


Oh yes, the END OF THE WORLD is just everywhere these days. The Mayan calendar, the end of days, 2012, October 11, 2011, the ascension, Nostradamus effect, the rapture, you name it and it is up for consideration. Everyone is warned that the Antichrist is on his way and the Earth is headed south. I don’t believe any of this stuff in the literal sense whatsoever.  But I do see how it messes with people’s energy and causes them to have a disruption to the flow of energy within their bodies and the energy of their experience. I have noticed in everyone’s energy, when doing a reading, some traces of the effect the collective energy of our world is having on them at this time.
The major part that is missing from all of these scenarios is consciousness. Why don’t any of the TV shows or movies include our conscious perception of these “end of world’ predictions?  What are you doing to perpetuate this apocalyptic timeline? Have you checked in with any part of your energy, outside of your head, and asked the relevancy of any of this to you and your conscious evolution? Where exactly are you – or anybody for that matter – going with this doomsday time bomb?

All I can say is STOP IT PLEASE!  No one is going anywhere except the people who live their lives in fear and are invested deeply into the projection of this reality. Fear based reality has permeated all of the events listed above and it does not stop there. There is a vested interest into perpetuating fear and a thought driven reality. The people who live in fear are going down with their ship and the lack of insight into the other abilities they have to work with.

Why even go there you might ask? Because it’s fun! Yes, my friend, it is fun and they get off on it. They get something out of it, they make money, they feel a connection to other people who like to suffer, they basically live life fully and purposely from the opportunities available to them. They write books about it, produce television shows, make movies, and worship the model it illustrates.
This is why you hear so many other people telling you to listen to your heart, consider another option to fear. Take fear into your heart and look at it from the perspective of connectedness and affinity and see if fear truly fits you in this way, at this moment in time. We all experience fear all the time it is part of the life experience. There is healthy fear and unhealthy fear and this is where we have to draw the line. Be careful not to draw the energy of fear into your third chakra or energy center or you may find yourself out of control and plagued with panic and anxiousness. Each energy center of the body has specific abilities and needs, you are the caretaker and are responsible for the maintenance of your well-being.

So why is there such vested interest in unhealthy fear-based reality? Why even do that in the first place? People don’t seem even remotely aware that they are doing it and if they did they would not know how to stop. It is kind of like trying to stop a panic attack or anxiety. You can’t stop it but only meet it and take the steps to reverse the suffering. Own that you have this going on and learn how to live with any conditions you discover held within your energy system. It is not about control, and it has never been about control. Trying to control fear and the fear-based reality of the people who project that is pointless. Let them have their day and their way because they need to have it, but perhaps you do not. Only you can determine if you want to match the energy of reality based in fear or consider it as an option, but not a necessary choice for your reality.

I have watched the television shows that perpetuate the fear through the storytelling and the marketing. So much of what you witness is being sold to you in the interest of entertainment, and what a show you get for your viewing pleasure. All of it from what I have seen is just fear gone wild! What is the point of any of that to our common well-being and evolution into another way of living our lives? I don’t watch that stuff because it is not entertaining to me and I find it disrupts my equilibrium. When I’m out of balance I suffer and have to correct the flow of my endocrine system.
There isn’t any “point” from what I can see, and we suffer as a result. If there was one shred of truth there would be no fear. We ‘get off’ on fear and the marketing of our lack of light in the darkness of our mind and ego. We are being asked to look at ourselves as less than what we really are and that does not feel good at all. There is nothing you can do to stop it except stop watching and listening to prophets of doom and fear. Know that you have better things to do and listen to your heart, or go deeper and listen to the feelings you have or don’t have regarding your self-respect and self-love. This inquiring should shake you from cheap fear being sold as entertainment or worse, truth.

Listening to your heart is also something you hear all the time these days. There are a lot of people out there in this huge world of ours who what to consider another reality, a reality not locked into fear and who want to learn another way to exist on our planet Earth. This planet is where we manifest as life and it is something we get to use temporarily, kind of like our bodies. It does not belong to to us, but it is a part of us and without it we would not be having any of these experiences. Earth is a part of a much bigger connection, our solar system and our universe, something that we are also deeply connected to and have to consider in our event we call our experience. So when you are asked to listen to your heart, you are being asked to listen to our universe and the stuff you are made of and witness that reality. This reality is not fear based nor does it have a vested interest in the perpetuation of that myth. The truth is within you and only you can access your truth.

World ending

I don’t “see” the world ending or anything like that because it lacks truth for me. I guess at times it can be entertaining but is it really? Collectively we have responsibilities to our conscious connectedness. We are not here to pollute the minds, hearts, and bodies of the people we call our fellow human beings. The only Antichrist is you, each one of you are the Antichrist, if you want to be. We create all of our shadows and scary archetypes over and over again. We do it because we have not explored the possibilities of anything else. Now we  seem to be at the tipping point of our collective investment. You can continue to invest into the darkness and fear or we can invest into our love and affinity to ourselves and fellow humankind. Everyone knows the difference between fear and love, good and bad, darkness and light. However they may not be able to access the point of any of this and how it affects the energy of our planet.
My point is why go down the road of pain and suffering? Why consciously choose anxiety and panic? I mean do you like feeling that stuff? Obviously many many people do and so let them. It is the end of the world for them. I intend to survive and flourish with the rest of the people who desire a different experience and investment into the planet we get to live on, the universe we are composed of, and the stars we are born from.