The thyroid is the gland that keeps the fifth chakra engaged and functioning. The neck, front, back and sides are all a part of the fifth energy center of the body. It is the neck that connects the head to the torso and is the bridge that information crosses in getting to these two areas. The torso and the head are very different in the energy they possess and what they bring to the life experience we are having in present time. The thyroid regulates the metabolism of the physical body, as well as, the energetic body and is a part of the endocrine system.

The fifth chakra is all about communication. The communication we have with ourselves, as the inner voice, as well as the with the world around us. It is also the home to our subtle abilities of telepathy, intuition, clairaudience, precognition, psychometry and our ability to speak. Perhaps the most important feature is the inner voice, or our ability to talk to ourselves about ourselves. Communicating internally is vital to our survival and integration socially. This ability is multifaceted and we use it without thinking about it; it can be and often is unconscious. Consciousness brings all the abilities of the fifth chakra into focus, available for our use.

Truth is the need in the fifth chakra and having truth in all things. Truth can be relative to the person seeking that incoming energy.  It is common to be unaware of this need or overlook the importance and settle for less. All sorts of problems can arise from this consequence and will impact your life in negative ways. Truth can never be compromised or negotiated. Without a feeling that what you hear and experience as true, you lose trust and the will breaks down. We look for trust in the incoming data, both conscious and unconscious, engage with it as true in present time and release it as outgoing energy as our will. Trust-truth-will, is how the fifth chakra operates and stays in touch with reality and shares this with the rest of the body.

The fifth chakra is a very appropriate place to connect with other people and allow them to connect into our space. This is often done with energetic cords, created by having matching energy or pictures with other people. This action can feel great but too much of a good thing can result in being over corded and will cause neck problems and even extend into the shoulders as pain or a headache. When this happens it is time to pull your energy back a bit and regroup around your social engagements, and may indicate that a break is in order, as well as some rest. Because this is a social chakra, it is easy to overdo it and moderation is the key. Know yourself well enough to realize that you have, or will overextend yourself through conversation or a desire to connect with others.

The fifth chakra is also a place that we can and do communicate with other beings, be it imagined or channeled. Many people have a very highly developed ability to contact dead people or being not in a body. This is really not something I personally find attractive to my clairvoyant skills but I believe other people can do this connection very well and find great comfort in this technique. As energy we are connected to everything always and how that plays out for you is unique to your experience. Being open, available, and in affinity with this ability is one of the great experiences of life and to the overall impact it can have on others when you share your skills with them. It does take some practice and of course surrounding yourself with like minded people.

Explore the fifth energy center of the body and learn what skills you have within you. These abilities of telepathy, intuition, psychomancy, precognition, mediumship, basic verbal communication, and above all the ability to listen, are but a few of the fifth chakra inherent skills. Your interest and desire to learn and challenge yourself with your potential is all it takes to fully engage with your fifth chakra.