I thought it would be fun to share all I have learned about the first chakra or energy center of the body. Everything I write about is based on the observations I have made doing countless readings over the past thirty years. I will begin with number one and proceed through all the energy centers and tell you everything I know and have seen reading the energy of people. Some of what I have seen is common knowledge and general information, but most of what I see is new to me and hopefully will give you considerations to apply to your own energy system based on my just looking at energy for so long and being very comfortable writing about the insights I have learned from so many people.
First of all let’s understand that the energy centers are symbols that map out the human body. They don’t look like the pictures you see in books and actually appear differently for each person in how they occur. No two people are alike and talking about the energy centers gives us an opportunity to consider our likenesses and give informational structure to our body, our existence, and our purpose as human beings living on Earth.
The first chakra in its most simple definition is an energy center. We are constructed of millions and billions of energy centers all held together by our physical outline and the reality of our being. You don’t have to believe in energy centers, it really doesn’t matter. They are there to help us look at ourselves and grasp who we are and how we occur. Energy centers describe a system to help us operate our our bodies in reality. Think of them as a map.
Generally we locate the first chakra at the base of the spine. This is where it should be but it often moves around and may not be there at all. It all depends upon the person and what they are going through in present time. Chakras are points of energetic power located throughout the body.  Usually the nine major chakras are along the body in a line, in a perfect world. There are lots and lots of “spiritualâ€, as well as, “religious†connotations, all of which I will try to avoid. The first is the base, the beginning, as well as, the seat that we literally sit on and ground into the body and Earth with. It is an ability of the human condition.
Generally the first is the ability to survive in the body on Earth. A “how to†when it comes to basic needs, like food, shelter, and clothing.  We experience needs and the first chakra needs pleasure, comfort and health in order to meet the ability to survive. It runs the full gamut from flight and fight, to identity, to general health, all the way to money, foundation, and day-to-day existence. The first chakra covers a long list of what it can and cannot do for us all based upon your personal relationship with yourself, in the past, in present time and the future yet realized. The energy of the first chakra is structured in our relationship to time and space. It is how you manifest through the first chakra. It makes evident, obvious and apparent our world.
Contained in the general area of the first chakra, is the whole pelvic area, including all the organs, systems, genitals and the way we relate to our legs, feet and connection to Earth. I talk a lot about being connected to Earth and the first chakra is the most important energy center providing the ability to do that in the first place. It is very common to witness people who are not connected to the Earth at all through their bodies, they do it some other way. I find it important to have a connection to your body and that connection be connected to the Earth and in present time. This is of course “ideal†and is alway the case for some people. Without a first chakra identification the body can not survive, or have a lot of trouble doing that at all. Any problem with health, body level comfort, pleasure, money, jobs, relationships, personal identity, and life structure has to be looked at from the first chakra in order to determine what is wrong or why there is a problem. Often early childhood sickness is a result of first chakra irregularities and lack of connectedness. Establishing a first chakra connection is vital to survival.
One of the biggest and most common problems is that other people get into your first chakra. That is a recipe for a lot of discomfort and a life of doing things we don’t really want to do but can’t seem to stop or know that there is even a problem or how to fix it, but it is fixable. Ownership of the first chakra belongs to you and to you only. Never ever share the responsibilities of the first chakra unless you are an infant. You do need your mother or caregiver to have access to your first chakra until you are around five years old, after that you need complete operational access to your first chakra, alone. However it is a common occurrence to have “other people†in the first chakra with you and not even be aware of that. This will have a huge effect upon your life, the choices you make, and the person you identify with as you. Getting other people out of the first chakra is a very common healing for a lot of people and until you do this you will never be truly free to operate your survival and energy system.
The area affected by the first chakra is not only contained within the body but also the space all around the pelvic area extending approximately eighteen inches in all directions in front, to the sides, and in the back of the body. I read the front of the body as the conscious being, time flows from left to right through the body and has influence upon the space we realize ourselves in, in present time. Time is a huge influence to our space and how we realize ourselves in the first place. Time flows in the front of the body from left to right with the future being out to your left as incoming data and energy. The large intestine is one of the first organs to meet the incoming energy arriving from the future into the present moment, as is all of the physical body on the left. Just before the energy data reaches the body on the left side it branches off into two flows. One passes in front of and into the body, and some of the energy goes through the left side to the back of the body where it enters the unconscious flow of energy in the back of the body and becomes past time. This is how your conscious being meets your unconscious. This is a way of looking at the entire body and each energy center.
This process is very different in each person and determines many particular behaviors unique to that person. I always read these flows to get an idea of just who this person is and what they are doing with their energy. Once the energy has entered the body in the front it becomes the present moment, this is the reality of your existence, now! It lasts but a brief split second before it moves to the right side of the body and flows out to the right and becomes the past. Time is relative to each person and each person has a unique relationship to time and space depending upon how the energy-data enters, is present, and is then released from the space of the body. It is this action that defines the wellness of the first chakra and its ability to meet your survival needs. If the flow is off, so is the ability to survive. If the pelvic area is congested with other people’s energy so is the ability to survive. If the first chakra is not engaged by your consciousness so too is the ability to survive. Everything and all energy is within the energy system of the person, nothing is out there or separate from the person, all is within, even time.
Your survival, your identity
As you can see the first energy center is a big deal and its well being is so very important to you, your survival, your identity, and the basic pleasures, comforts, and health in the life experience. Identity is always located on the genitals and any changes to identity is also found there. How you want the world to see you is determined in part by your consciousness of the genital area. Potential is located in the testicles for men, and in the ovaries for women. However the ovaries are located in the second chakra and is one reason why men and women are so very different energetically. The testicles and ovaries are “in charge “of the first chakra and part of our endocrine system.
The back of the body, in the pelvic area, is where I read the unconscious being and is a major part of who we are in present time. The energy data of the unconscious flows from the space to the  right side of the body as future time-data into the body. It branches off either up to the right front and enters the body leaving, as past time conscious energy, or it moves to the back as the present moment and exits to the left-back as past time unconscious energy. This is how energetically unconscious energy mixes with conscious energy. The recipe for this mix is unique to each person and determined by birth and life circumstance. Reading this area is complicated simply by being unconscious and because everyone relates to the back of their body differently than the front. It looks different and does very different things for us in the life experience. Primary to the back of the body is elimination of waste and the entire process that creates that system in our bodies. Pinpointing flow as well as energy images in this area will tell the story of how you relate to these functions.
So the first chakra is complicated and simple at the same time. It is complicated if you set it up that way or if life circumstances has congested this area. All the chakras flow in this way, but each is different in what it does for us, through us. We are the beings living and existing in this body and we manifest the relationship we have with the first chakra.