The fourth chakra is perhaps the most famous energy center of the body in our present time experience. Nowhere do you hear more chatter about energy then when we talk about the fourth chakra, because it is the heart. “Open your heart”, “Operate from your heart”, “What does your heart say?”, “Come from your heart” are all things we hear all the time. The demand is upon the heart. We often think that the heart is deeply involved with the reality we exist in and the lives we live. That is just it we, “think” about it a lot, but overlook feeling into the experience.

The fourth chakra is about the ability to connect and to have affinity. Loving connections to family  and to friends. Family means different things to people these days and that is reflected in this ability of the fourth chakra. It is perhaps the most changing energy center of the body in present time. The fourth chakra is evolving at a rapid rate because it provides abilities we desperately need at this time in our world. Without empathy and love toward others, our world will reflect that and the fourth chakra will bear the burden. Its need is global as we move into a new age here on planet Earth.

The fourth energy center of the body is one of the places it is appropriate for other people to connect with you and share your space, like the second chakra. The fourth chakra asks a deeper connection and commitment from you and is often referred to as affinity. It can run the whole gamut of connection from a natural liking or attraction, relationship by marriage or blood, an inherent likeness, resemblance in structure or essential parts, or a force by which atoms are held together, or just shared interests. It means a lot of different things but is generally thought of in energy work as a bonding or “like” energy.

“In charge” of this area, which is the upper chest and upper back, is the thymus gland of the endocrine system. Located at the base of the neck and lymphatic in nature, it has to do with T-cell production of the immune system and is active before puberty. After puberty the tissue is thought to degenerate. So in some ways the gland is a “ghost” and says a lot regarding the nature of this area. I see it as evolution and necessity for change. The fourth chakra is in a constant state of change or healing, dependent upon your level of affinity in present time. I always refer to present time because almost all energy is a result of the past and is lived in present time created in the past and is unconscious.

If you love someone or something connect with them in the fourth chakra. This even goes for things, for instance if you like a house and want to buy it energetically connect to it from your fourth chakra and let it go. By doing this you have made a mockup of what you desire and if it is in fact in affinity with you there is a good chance it will be realized. Not everyone is operating in this manner nor is it a method useful to everyone. Knowing yourself and having a natural affinity with yourself is important to mocking anything up in the first place. For some people this would just seem plain silly and just not speak to them at all, while others it makes perfect sense. Keep in mind that you are not creating it, (mental) you are connecting to it.

It is here in the fourth chakra that we start to really see just how different we all are despite our similarities. No two people are alike energetically and it is at the fourth chakra that the line in the sand is drawn clearly. Either you have an affinity to yourself as energy or you do not. One is not better than the other just different. It is very helpful to know yourself in this way because it enlightens you as to your sensitivity. Energetic sensitivity is a quality of living witnessed and realized in the fourth energy center of the body. This separates us into many different groups of beings vastly different in how we exist and how we desire to be connected. Only you can know this about yourself and it was created in the past by you, your childhood, your DNA, your environment and is a direct result of how you live today. It defines the entire quality of your life and your life purpose. It is why some people seem to have a heart and others do not.

The subtle abilities

It is here at the fourth chakra that we start to develop the subtle abilities that continue as we move up the body and the remaining energy centers. The fourth energy center is really want links the upper chakras of five, six and seven with the lowers of three, two and one. Some people never visit the lower chakras existing only in their head. They live a life that lacks integration and basically think their way through life exclusively. The heart as an origin suffers under the stress from lack and the lungs become congested without expression.  It is really an example of, “If you don’t use it you’ll lose it.” Exercise on a regular basis is one way to start to bridge the disconnectedness and often plague the individual who thinks their way through life. The heart chakra is perhaps the most important energy center to overall well-being and fulfillment in life and takes regular attention being paid to its needs. A feeling of connection and affinity is the key to a healthy heart chakra.

We all are aware that our universe is expanding and this quality is reflected in the energy of the fourth chakra. Expansion and connection to that quality is the ultimate purpose of the fourth energy center of the body, for some people. For others it is not at all this way and tells the story of their life purpose. Only you can determine your affinity and realize this quality in your day-to-day life. Visit the fourth chakra often, to gain understanding of what you create through the creative channels that run from the fourth chakra down the arms and out into the world. Witness your power to create change and to heal.