Aloha and welcome to The Joy of Conscious Evolution, building an awareness of yourself as energy, and experiencing the ability to operate clairvoyantly.
I invite you to read the introduction to my book and come take a journey into the possibilities of expanding your energy field and meeting abundance and sustainability in your every moment. Learn how to grow and ultimately heal yourself through a changing awareness of just who you are and how to meet your experience as a consciously evolving being.
Jro has read the introduction himself and shared it with you!
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Unfasten your seat belts and get ready for a joyride into your experience. This is the experience of your lifetime from a conscious intention of fun and amusement. We are going to do it without booze, sex and drugs and still have fun! What I’m getting at is that conscious intention is, in and of itself a high, and distraction from it is a suppression that only causes us pain.
Perhaps you don’t believe me, but this ride is for the people who are not afraid to let go and give life a great big HELLO from a completely conscious experience. This book is dedicated to the people of planet Earth who are making an effort to change a big mess of a reality. I don’t know about you, but it hurts when I take a really close look at things in our world today.
When I was a child growing up in Ohio, I assumed the world “out there†was a lot like Ohio. I wasn’t a very smart kid. Nevertheless, I soon learned when I started to travel and visit other places that, yes, things were a bit different and the scenery changed a lot, but the experience I was having came with me no matter where I went. It wasn’t long before I ran out of “new experiences†because they never were truly new, just different circumstances and people. My consciousness traveled with me wherever I went and I was meeting my experience over and over again.
This book is about you as conscious energy. What exactly conscious energy is, and how to experience yourself as a conscious energy system is something we will cover in the pages of this book. Everything is energy and, as a clairvoyant, I see this reality in the people I meet. This simple JOY of conscious energy is everywhere. The evolution is you and your experience. There is nothing that can match the excitement of the ride into a conscious expansion.
It is about having the thrill of your life simply because you are occurring. If you want to play and explore outside of three-dimensional reality and discover the universe of your being then hang with me. Together we can share our ability to let go of the contained, over controlled, and abrasive engagement with life as poor poor pitiful me. This book is not for sissies or complainers. If you want to enjoy your life you have to be prepared to meet and confront the opportunities and face the challenges.
[focus_color]THE JOY OF CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION – CHAPTER 1[/focus_color]
One of the most burning questions asked of conscious evolution is to illuminate the asking, why are we here on Earth? We are conscious, and aware of ourselves each in our own very unique way. We often compare ourselves to others just to find out things about ourselves. We also learn by observing others information that is relevant to ourselves.
Clairvoyant readings have taught me that why we are here on Earth is to succeed. People desire to succeed, and have success, and in most cases will stop at nothing to achieve this end. Experience has shown me in thousands of clairvoyant readings that success looks very different to everyone, and this often expresses the actual reason to be or to do anything. The fundamental need to survive as a species has been accomplished yet the survival-drive is still very much visible in peoples energy, and the experience they are having in present time.
What are we here for as conscious creatures?
Is there a reason we are here?
Each of us are here for different reasons, each of us have to answer this question for ourselves, but one of the most obvious is to experience life. Nevertheless being here to experience life may not be a reason relevant to you, and the experience you are having right here right now. However if I were to tell you that you could succeed, and have abundant success just by experiencing yourself as energy would you consider developing an identity of yourself as energy?
The drive, and desire for a ‘better’ life is always a part of the experience I witness in readings, and see as the possibility of change. Each of us appear to actually be here for different reasons, and one part of the life experience could be finding out the reason why you are here on Earth. In a clairvoyant reading people generally know themselves very well, and have a very good idea of who they are, but they may have absolutely no idea why they are here or what the reason is for them to be here now, and despite having a good idea of who they are they still may come across as confused, and bewildered by life, and having a body. They more likely than not have never imagined themselves to be energy or what that even means.
Yet I have never clairvoyantly meet a person who did not want for more from their life experience be it material, spiritual, passion, grace, money, and just plan old more from the life experience. This quality seems to be born out of the consciousness driving the body of the person having the experience. What we currently believe to be manifested reality is drastically different for each person.
It is very obvious from doing readings with people that we are here for very very different reasons. The only reason I know this is because nobody ever looks even remotely alike as energy, and yet they occur exactly in that way – as energy.
This was something that was not obvious to me at first mainly because I was trying to learn how to actually read a person as energy, and all of my attention was on just trying to figure out what that was about, and how do I actually do this? As I grew, and changed I became aware that I had a reason for being on Earth or at least I thought I did. What startled me was the fact that my reason for being here changed a lot, and along with that change came shifts in what I considered my identity.
So now when I do readings with people I assume I know absolutely nothing which is totally true until they allow me to look at them, and show me the reasons they are here now. We each experience a very different life, and despite the fact that some lives look very alike it is in appearance only because it is these differences that actually allow us to consider our purpose as life. The ability to live, in part, is the joy of life itself. That being said does not mean that life is an automatic joy ride, and that the ability to live is even reason enough to be here now.
The consciousness changes we encounter literally deal an entirely new set of experiences into what we identify with as reality. Our conscious awareness is changing, and we are embracing a very different Earth. We are learning how to BE PRESENT in our experience, and with this learning comes never before realized success. We are together entering a new age of being present, and that subtle shift in consciousness will change everything we currently accept as manifested. We are about to have a very different experience because we can, and it is obvious that it is possible if you understand how to embrace yourself as energy.
In this book we are going to learn how to be energy identified, and go on a journey together. On this journey we are going to meet each other as energy, and not as people walking around in a physical body. I will teach you how to build an identity of yourself as energy, and how to actually extract information about yourself as you build this identity. This identity will allow you access to parts of yourself you have never been to before, and this experience will change you forever. This information will help shed light on the reasons why you are here now, and why you are on Earth.
The purpose of building an energy identity is so we can share an experience, and more importantly learn how to access our full power. Most of us are barely consciously present in our experiences. We exist through what we do, and basically accept what life throws our way. This unconscious way of going about life keeps us separated from our full power
Stuff doesn’t just happen everything happens because of you. You are the reason stuff happens. This suggests a responsibility to ourselves that can be daunting when first encountered or considered a possibility. In every reading I do I never ever see anything just happening out there somewhere. Everything, and I literally mean everything is happening inside of you, and you stream this through you, and that is the experience you are having in present time. Exactly like you stream a movie on your computer or television your life experience is streamed through you, and you are the receiver as well as the source of the experience.
In one sense you are having an experience in present time, and in a completely different sense you actually are this experience. These slight variations can if embraced consciously mean the difference between success, and astounding abundance. It all depends upon how you are present in your experience. By being the experience you bring your whole source into focus, and that is your ability to have full access to abundance in the possibility of energy potential.
All energy potential surrounds the physical body in a resting state until you place your attention on it. This action is usually done through your ability to choose. This action is what makes things matter into your experience.
We together are going to learn how to manage our energy, and build an energy identity, and experience the abundance of tapping into your source. Learning to be the experience makes use of all of our potential. Together we are about to consider a very different reason for being here on earth NOW. Each of us have different reasons for being here now but all of us have access to the full abundance of our source potential simply by being conscious of our ability to change, and to change well. The ability to consciously change is the purpose for creating a identity of ourselves as energy.
Our source potential is the energy or power that streams through us, and brings success and abundance. This source is your life force coming consciously into being. Coming to terms with this ability is the journey we are about to take, and will access your full power. Countless clairvoyant readings, or looking at peoples energy, has taught me some of the ways that people are actually going about ‘being this presence’ in the NOW. They have transitioned from DOING their life to BEING their life, and this has changed their experience. Learning to take this journey is about tapping into your abundant full potential. We want to making choices that activate the changes into your experience so you can have a present time experience, and meet your manifested reality unafraid to use the power you have within you.
This is a process that is very much like building a relationship. In our relationship you, and I have just meet, we know nothing about each other but I know I’m interested in getting to know you better. The best way for me to learn more about you is for me to reveal more of myself to you about me, and from here we will proceed step by step discovering new things about ourselves as we engage in a process of learning how to see each other as energy and see where that takes us on our journey together.
In a clairvoyant reading life as an experience is often a story told frame by frame, much like a movie. This movie is your life and it can be seen exactly as if it was a movie, or as if it was a snap shot picture. It can actually be told in many formats, and this is one of the joys of a conscious mind we get to enjoy the process we are experiencing. The one thing that we are definitely doing as we have our experience is we are aware that we are moving through space- time. You have to build a relationship with the physics of your body, your life, and your experience, and you will succeed in ways you never knew where possible.
I like to say that we are having an experience, or that we are an experience. One way to consider your life is that you are having an experience. If you are willing, and able it helps a great deal if while you consider your life an experience you also consider yourself to be energy. Use your imagination which is a part of your conscious experience to imagine what you would look like if you were an energy image, and that image was the star in the movie of your life happening right here, and right now.
Lets agree that your experience tells the story or projects a movie that is yours, and that you are showing this to me clairvoyantly like in a reading. Also be aware that I am showing you my experience as I imagine my energy to look like, and allowing you to read my energy clairvoyantly or what you imagine that to be for you, and this is what we can share, our experiences as energy using our imaginations. Our goals can be different because I rarely see two people who have similar goals, and the point being it’s not about the outcome it’s about the now. Set your goal on whatever you desire, and accept the consequences of your actions based on the choices you make matter.
The story or movie that emerges is different for each person, and it can help us understand why change adds to the joy available in that process, and why change is perhaps the single most important event experienced on Earth. By sharing our experiences with each other as energy we actually change the way that we relate to each other, and this change is very much a part of what most all of us experience here on Earth. We experience change. Everything changes constantly continuously, and is an inevitable event of the life experience we have on Earth. If you can embrace change as energy identified you will never look back because you will not need to have anything except change. This is a consciousness shifting opportunity, and you have to participate in order to accomplish your mission or nothing will change, or it will change but you will not be able to experience who you ARE in that change, and lose contact with your source.
This process reveals information that is about the relationship we have to ourselves, our lives, and how each of us show up for that experience. By offering each other a look at ourselves as energy or as we imagine that to look like we are offering an actual “how to†for meeting change, and making choices that lend direction to discovering why we are here, and why we are here now.
Conscious evolution affects everyone differently, and by actively asking yourself for the answer to this question you will begin a journey. Consider where you consciously are at right now, and be honest. In a clairvoyant reading the conscious experience is visually obvious, and filled with a paradox of intelligent information. Honesty can become compromised when your desire to succeed is trumped by you unconscious lack of perspective, and holding on to an identity based in fear. Fear is the number one feeling that compromises your life experience by keeping you unconsciously locked into past time, and controls your ability to survive.
Past time unlike present time occurs as a reaction to the experience you are having , and always is a unconscious behavior. If you are in past time you will not be able to be fully present with what is going on in your life.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy, and the experience the person is having is visible as an energy image or picture. Consciousness itself is the experience that opens us into a journey. The journey is having a maximum presence in each moment as you meet your manifested experience. Your manifested experience is reality – your reality. We are energy systems that have form, and consciously exist on a planet orbited by a moon, in a solar system with other planets centered to a star, in a galaxy, in a cluster of galaxies in a universe that is expanding. This relationship is stellar, and organic to our being, and this perspective has to be at the very least suggested into our reality belief structure or the manifested event you meet will be compromised, and locked into a three dimensional space with a fourth dimensional time element.
What this looks like is a life set by limits placed upon your conceptual space or the idea you carry that defines your reason for being alive, and in a body. The three dimensions of length width and depth are accented by the fourth dimension as time. Confinement to these dimensions are accepted unless you can consider more. Busting free of these four dimensions is what is happening right now in present time. You can not be in past time or unconscious of your experience if you desire the joy of life through conscious evolution.
This circumstance of conditions ( four dimensions) perhaps presents a trap lacking enough conscious awareness necessary to a experience that when imagined allows us to meet opportunities beyond identities composed of jobs, money, sex, and survival based in fear. We are taking responsibility for our destiny, and we are going about it with a method being revealed to us through our conscious awareness, and clairvoyantly as told to me by people actually going through the experience, and willing to share their story teaching us how to expand, and grow into the powerful beings we are right now. So let me share with you the stories people have told me and we will create a step by step method for a revelation into a revolution to our conscious awareness, and experience.
We are encountering our source. Our source is the consciousness we often perceive as a life force. Without the proper conscious relevance you will not reach maximum flow. Consciousness flows through us within us, and out of us, and is reflected in the reality you experience. Without a strong awareness of your consciousness your energy will suffer as will your body. Our source is very powerful, and as it moves through us it clairvoyantly looks like a flow literally moving in us, and around us. Understanding that your physical body, and your energy are basically the same thing is essential to success. Missing your opportunity is an easy thing to DO however it is not a very difficult thing to BE. We are learning to BE fully present with full presence in the NOW, and meeting the manifested experience (reality) with this power, and ability to evolve.
Accepting conditions that are anything other than your full presence will become your prison of choice, and you will relish in the confine of beliefs limited by space, and controlled by time, and the egocentric mind of limited presence. Ask yourself if this is what your intention for being on Earth is about. We are capable of making up any story we want to believe is the point to our purpose as we walk this Earth.
There is nothing wrong or right about being identified by your job or what you do. There is nothing wrong or right about basing your identity upon your sexual desires, and ambitions. If you are identified by how much money you have or do not have that is entirely up to you. You have the ability to construct an identity that meets the experience you are having, and be willing to accept the manifestation of that experience without judgement. The truth however is that we often do judge ourselves, and our identities, and the identities of others weather we are conscious of it or not. The duality of our experiences is often the entire purpose of having the experience, and the consideration that we are meeting our experience or even just having an experience is just not relevant to our identity. A delicate matter yet matter is exactly what happens when we choose to place our attention on anything be it our identity or our dining option for this particular day. What we choose is what we make matter.
Together we are going to make what matters an abundance only attainable with a conscious presence fully embracing the potential offered exclusively in the NOW. If you are saying to yourself “I don’t know how to do this†you are exactly correct with this insight. You are going to learn how to BE this not DO this, and this subtle difference will bring to you the full abundance of more space – time as energy potential, and possible manifested experiences.
All of the “new age†opportunities we so easily access today with technology is only now being deeply supported by the science of physics, and the possibilities that are held outside of our belief structure, and the realization that there is nothing new age about any of the information we encounter today. The reality that we are energy, and exist in a complex universe where the majority of the energy, and matter found there is completely unknowable to us is because we choose to think three dimensionally using the fourth dimension as time.
Anything that rocks the reality boat based in fear is unacceptable. Fear controls consciousness and unconsciousness. Fear literally controls all of our resourceful energy as human beings through survival based in fear. Fully present consciousness is a threat to the dynamic of money, fear, control, manipulation, and a reality generated out of unconscious behaviour patterns locked into past time. The energy we invest into economic and political exploitation is deliberate, and intentionally set to manipulate our conscious expansion. Our current conscious evolution is expanding faster than our universe because as I have seen in peoples energy in reading after reading a transmutation is upon us, and we are presently unprepared to meet that manifested reality. However we are learning, and learning fast, and what is being shown clairvoyantly is nothing short of a mass expansion into multiple dimensions simultaneously. People’s relationship to money, survival, and life style is very often deeply invested in past time, unconscious, and ultimately controlled by fear. You can not think your way out of this ‘reality’. You can change it by becoming fully present, and conscious of the ‘reality’ that you are the experience you are having in present time. This slight adjustment in perspective give people totally new experiences. This begins the process of expanding your experience ( energy) and locating the source of your experience.
This event is an experience, and looks differently in each person’s space because of whatever their particular life experience is manifesting into in present time. This is how,and why we are different especially as energy – what is manifested for one person is not for another, and is a very common reality belief structure supported by fear, and survival based in fear. Clairvoyantly fear shows up in everyone all the time but as we emerge in and as a presence in the NOW that changes and those differences fade or change.
One of the most common shared images or pictures I encounter when I do a reading, and the person is consciously expanding or evolving is a questioning of their fear, and how to meet that fear with full presence. They want to know how, specifically how, to integrate fear as a useful energy into the moment, and use it to fuel the experience instead of controlling it or stopping them from doing something. This is of course an excellent question, and can only be answered if the person getting the reading is willing to build an energy identity into the NOW of present time. It is from this presence that the ability to actually use fear as an energy like fuel rather than an emotion of reaction, and perhaps unconscious that we begin to understand how all feelings are energy, and a potential sustainable resource of our fundamental source energy. We are learning to use our feelings as BEING our presence, and not control our circumstances or compromise our desire to succeed or have major success in whatever we encounter, moment to moment. This moment to moment is the FLOW of your energy, and a vital component into realizing your source, and the ability that each of us have to stream a reality experience through us as we meet our developing relationship with the NOW.
Don’t be in a hurry or expect anything. Expectation is the biggest compromise to resourcefulness. We are learning how to stream a multiple dimensional event into your experience naturally, and with ease. Nothing is broken, and nothing needs to be fixed but it does appear as though things need to change. That is what we are all here to do create change. We are learning how to make a choice from within your source, and bring that power to Earth using the current body you believe you have. Make an agreement with yourself that you will construct an energy identity and learn how to BE that as you also learn how to meet the NOW, and BE present.
A person I read recently had an encounter with fear that was a specific fear that hit in the midsection or sternum. Because of this position It was apparent that power was under consideration and compromised. This person was also placing their attention on a point to their left, and outside of the body into the energy field that surrounds the physical body. There was an actual flow of energy from this point as a ‘possible potential’ experience. What this looked like was that this person’s attention was strongly drawn to a point outside of the body to the left which in this case was a new dimension to space-time. Attention was being placed to the left or upon the possibility of accessing power, and having more success an abundance be a part of the experience this person was having in present time. So in this case two actual points of reference were showing up in this person’s experience. One on the sternum and one directly to the left of the of the physical body about twelve inches from the midsection.
Also connected to this sternum was a energy image or picture that formed a direct link that synced the sternum area with the point to the left side. This suggested a conflict of interests surrounding power and the ability to have more. The possible potential area off to their left side was another dimension opening up to activation. By placing their attention on this point off to the left a new possibility was being considered. This person was wanting to draw the energy from that point to the left into their physical space, and include it in their experience but could not.
Choice is the number one energy dynamic of the presence held in the now of present time. The picture I saw and connected to both points was this person alone drowning in a few inches of water. They were unable to actually see that they were only in a few inches of water, and all they had to do was lift their head out of the water. The picture of drowning was scary, and the person was very afraid. In other words the fear was much much bigger than the actual ‘reality’ of the image or experience. The feeling of drowning was filled with fear but the reality of being in only a few inches of water created an illusion.
This person was drowning in their own fear of imagining another perspective to an experience. They wanted more but could not have that abundance because they were blocked by fear. This made them feel a lot of feelings, anger, frustration, and tired with low energy. They could not let in potentially abundant energy to their left because they were afraid of drowning. They literally could not see or feel another option. Time had conditioned the sternum a part of the skeletal foundation of our form to hold back on power or perhaps hold back on too much power because this drowning or lack of air was an element missing in this persons chemistry to BE fully enriched as a conscious presence.
Fundamental elements are what compose our bodies, and lives. Never overlook the importance of the chemistry of your experience. Think of it as a recipe, and if you leave out an ingredient the outcome changes perhaps not in a way desired or anticipated. Mistakes are made all the time but keeping a check on your personal chemistry is something you have to develope as you build your energy identity, and expand into accepting the change possible. You may discovered energy potential in a state of rest waiting to be activated by your conscious attention BEING placed upon. This is one way of activating the resource held within.
Once we deenergized the drowning picture or made it less aggressive to any experience this person’s ability to meet the manifested changed. They chose to look to their left dimension and chose to lift their head above the waterline, consider another option and with that choice set into motion a healing or change that allowed energy to pour into their NOW from the opened up left side. This action in part brought consciousness to the unconscious and changed the manifested experience by meeting it fully present, and with what was now more power or possibly full power.
This may sound like ‘not much’ or ‘what’s the big deal’?
The big deal is that this person had never been here before, ever, and with this slight adjustment to their energy as they presented it into present time as their current version of conscious presence, consciously changed. They added an experience into their reality structure that NOW was only about the NOW – they shifted the paradigm of what space- time means to them. Not only did this person challenge our current fourth dimensional structure of time but they extended their energy AS energy into a new and unexplored space.
Suddenly having access to an abundant energy supply allowed this person to change rapidly. They decided to leave a relationship that before now they were too afraid to even consider. They were able to show up at a job that they had always loved but was always too tired to invest much of their energy into, and succeed with a promotion once considered impossible. The promotion came with a lot more money and new location. This person was having a very different experience and they were grateful for the conscious awareness that guided them. They started to show up fully present, and that offered joy, and happiness to the people in her experience.
They along with countless other people are consciously reconfiguring space- time using their brain, imagination, heart mindedness, and conscious intention to make use of a scary unconscious energy pattern that in the past definitely held back the source of their power in what we commonly call the third chakra, or energy center of the mid section. This energy center is about the abilities of trust, have power, and control and we need to have a rational and clear understanding of situations in your life. Sitting with your head in a few inches of water drowning does not offer a clear and rational understanding of a situation in our life and with that the ability to trust having full limitless power, and a sense of control over our experience becomes greatly reduced or unavailable to us.
This person by sharing that picture reconfigured, and transmuted their energy dynamic. It took a lot of courage by them to trust me with that responsibility but that’s my job and I take what I BE very seriously because your healing is my healing and here again together we met change. Yes it is a small step but the momentum set in motion by this choice will lead to other choices, and more choices that make what you choose matter. You make what matters matter by the choices you make every split second. We make choices that make things matter and we experience change. Thats what we do here on planet Earth we choose to make things matter, and we meet our manifested experiences, we drown or we breath it’s your choice that is the power of change.
Once you comprehend the power you possess with your ability to make choices your life will never ever be the same, and you will consciously evolve. Everyone in your experience we be affected by your healing simply by you being present to meet the experience, and know that is what you are actually BEING. Now you can allow yourself to embrace the DOING of your experience but only after you have mastered the ability to BE present in the NOW with full presence.
We are here on Earth to evolve, and consciously enjoy manifesting as a body. We get to experience form. I make every effort to meet my experience present in the now, and able to fully access all of my abilities including my ability to imagine. I desire this so I set all my conscious intentions, and actually what I do, and be in my day to be just that – a opportunity to meet the manifested enjoy through my body, and to fully experience my energy, and my reality of form.
Some of us are here to have an experience that takes us on a journey. A journey that with intention sets us free. It is obvious from doing clairvoyant readings that we are already free flowing from within a source, or perhaps a resource, and expressing that moment to moment is the journey of your particular life energy. The differences as well as the similarities we see in each other is our source meeting another source or being. I call this BEING to BEING contact and we can actually do this by being this with every person we encounter throughout the day. Actually say hello to them as a being – your being to their being. This is a simple acknowledgement that “I see you and, I see your source, and i’m allowing you to see mine†It’s basic to kindness, and the grace of the moment you share with this person. It happens quickly and without any pretense – this could be the person bagging your groceries at the store or the postal person helping you mail a package – you are acknowledging them by using your extra sensory perceptions. Practice this ability you will quickly get use the ability to be seen as a BEING and as a body.
It’s obvious to us when we feel a connection or an attraction. These are experiences, and are but manifestations of source meeting source. The joy of life is moving through it unafraid of the road ahead, and able and willing to meet your experience, and make the choices that allow you possibilities either contained within a three dimensional universe or expanded into options outside of the three dimensions, and into the unknown or both. It’s alway a choice, and this is what I see in peoples energy clairvoyantly – a flow that takes them on a journey. The most important thing is the choice, you actually make things matter by choosing a particular dynamic, and with that simple action activate possibility, and potential is born. Never before have any of us had the ability to see let alone experience our attention as making anything matter, and yet we DO this all the time, and now we are learning how to BE. We consciously be, and matter by meeting our experience knowing we have engaged with the manifested. This can ONLY be experienced as we learn how to BE.
Some of us experience a struggle to survive very often because we have actually set it up that way or have allowed someone else to DO that for us. If we allow ourselves to be frightened by outside vested interests,(banks, corporations, governments, money, no money, sex, drugs, basic fear based survival) this may begin to look a lot like a reality television program. Clairvoyantly it looks exactly like programing. This unconscious energy pattern is often in past time, and woven into our energy system. This keeps us in check with beliefs and perpetuate us into making unconscious choices that compose our life into an experience much like a scripted reality television program.
It is not unusual or ironic that reality television is so popular today because these experiences provide us with example of how to DO this life exactly. We long to be a rich housewife from Beverly Hills. We laugh at their bickering, and fighting when in fact the viewing of these programs grip your ego, and mind into believing what you see to be a possible purpose to your own experience. In this way it is very much like comparing yourself to someone else in hopes of finding out something about yourself, and the REASON you are here on Earth now. Trust me it is never that specific or clearly intended but it is very much meant to keep you entertained by something you can not have, and yet desire. It separates you from yourself, and so DOING teaches you to conform to the values, and beliefs put forth as something everyone wants, and desires, and for what it is worth for you to do. This is just one example of how we get distracted from our source separated from our wholeness, and taught to want and desire without giving us the CHOICE of meeting the manifested experience we see before us.
We are being commanded to pay attention to values, and beliefs that purposely separate us more, and more from our source, and reinforce only the ability to survive to be based in fear while all the time looking like something we want, desire, and actually are completely unconscious of as an energy pattern in our physical body that is in control of our journey.
Making a choice that separates you from your source is usually felt as a feeling that you want to change. It’s just a process of learning, and a little reality television is the current manifestation of providing an excellent example of choices that separate you even more from your source, and are obviously based in fear. So use the opportunity to learn about yourself, and what is the reason you are here on Earth now. If it is to watch reality television then so be it. It is your life and you have every right to make your choices, without the fear of judgment. Never underestimate the power of television especially on children let alone adults. Television is a powerful tool used to keep you in check, and locked into a three dimensional paradigm believed to be reality. More importantly it is the most powerful tool being used today to manipulate time. We can easily be separated from other dimensions where time actually flows in all directions rather than as an arrow or from the past to the future. This illusion is strongly involved with our energy dynamic, and breaking free from this fourth dimension fixed as time is the single most important dynamic we will learn in this book.
This controls us by providing televised examples telling us what we want, and need to be happy, successful, and survive marketing us as economic commodities to ourselves, and into meeting our life as an experience separate from our wholeness. We learn, and are encouraged to reach for things outside of ourselves to make us happy, and complete. We are not supported as whole, and that we are the experience we are having, and always the source of our manifested reality. We are encouraged to be the opposite frightened, evaluated, seduced, by our own fear translated into telling us what we want, need, and must have in order to be further separated from our source, and this is usually done with money, fear, or both.
Consumption becomes glorified as we attempt to fit in, and be content with what appear to be what is the only option, and yet our energy system tells us differently. It tells us to expand not be afraid, know when we are afraid, and go on. It has become obvious as witnessed in reading after reading that we are alway changing, and that is the the very possibility we are afraid to accept as a possibility to feel, and be whole. We become afraid of change. We have grown very use to feeling separated, and alone and are often not even aware that we feel this way. This separation would feel like we are very tired a lot of the time. It would look like a filthy house, no house, no money, addictions, lots of money but needing more, shopping for entertainment, dieting, any compulsive behavior, mental illness, and watching television all day. We have grow so use to being separated from our abundant source that we actually have to NOW learn how to BE whole again, and we will together. By the end of this book you will be connected to your source and you will never ever be the same again.
Any global crisis is the crisis within each of us. We articulate our consciousness through what you think you see as reality. In order to be a consciously aware being you have to take a giant risk into your personal vested interests as you define yourself consciously or perhaps completely unconsciously. If you look around and see insurmountable problems politically, economic, or whatever you are ‘doing’ your life and as you learn to ‘be’ your life you will heal the crisis within. Learning to articulate your conscious presence as reality will become something very different for you, and the people in your life. This choice is entirely up to who you are as you look into yourself, your life, and how you meet the manifested experience you see before you and assume the responsibility necessary to your particular conscious presence. This can be the joy of life through conscious evolution. You don’t have to be clairvoyant but I can assure you you are and so is everyone else but it just may not be your ‘thing’. You are conscious or at least you can agree to make the effort to BE conscious whenever possible. Conscious evolution may not be everyone’s idea of what they are about in their life, and that is the beauty of our planet you can BE whoever you desire to be. This is what we are learning right now in this book – how to BE whole.
Conscious evolution is a joy in your life if that is your purpose. This purpose is to just be. Take a deep breath and notice how it come into your nose or your sixth chakra area, and travels into your throat, and fifth chakra area, and fills the lungs of your fourth chakra area. This breath brings all the information of life into your body and fills you with purpose to be a living expression of your consciousness. Each breath moves you closer to your destiny as an evolving being. To be conscious of this is what you offer to the moment allowing you to stop the madness of doing your life, and start being your life, and see what that awareness brings to you, and those around you. The biggest challenge is to not BE afraid to try on a very different way of being, and if you are afraid allow yourself to use this fear because it is only energy just like everything else
The joy of life is making choices consciously that meets your manifested experience as the evolution of your source energy, and as you currently are expressed as form, have a body, and bring change or healing into your life. Making conscious present time choices is the power of now, and we want this very much to be our experience.
This action takes you into new perhaps challenging directions but knowing, and feeling the joy of that moment being met by you is the steps that evolve your presence, and the world you are embracing now. Every choice you make from the NOW moves you along your path on your journey on Earth in present time, and moves you into the stream of you source energy, and the unlimited power found only there. People who come for a clairvoyant reading are radiating from a conscious presence streaming the source of their very being. They know they are making their own choices for their own manifestation, and by being this presence they meet the world. They use the energy they have available right now, and commit to a life that can not be sold, manipulated, or brainwash by asking you to DO the very things that perpetuate a intentional global separation intent on disconnecting you from the source you have within you. The source is within each of us always, and only available in the present moment. If these people can be this presence I assure you so can I, and so can you.
Stay present make conscious choices, and accept when you make a choice you sometimes wish you had not, move on trusting that everything is already inside you, your source, and a streaming of this energy brings you to the now. This is the self love necessary to keep your flow going, and generating the respect necessary to your process. Learning to never judge yourself or others is a global growth cycle we all embrace as we consciously evolve. The joy is found in that freedom. The joy is found in change.
If your life is about the exquisitely displayed elements of what you see on television as advertising, situational programs, scripted reality, and reported to you by the mass media then you are never ever going to BE, you will use your source energy streaming your life DOING the very things that keep you a slave into a life of unconscious past time energy patterns operating as a drain to your energy by compromising your consciousness.
There is nothing wrong or right about a life choice to live in this way, like all things it is a choice, and it is up to you how you met the experience. However a compromised energy system from what I have seen in clairvoyant readings brings suffering into the life experience, and maintains this paradigm by not questioning the structure of reality, and finding out if in fact this is your reality of choice. The joy of life through conscious evolution is the awareness of the power your source has as choices made, or not made by you consciously or unconsciously. I always check peoples energy if they tell me they have pain or suffer or have any uncomfortable sensation because there is ALWAYS an answer to any question, and that can lead to change or healing, and usually does if the person is willing, and ready to go there. If they are not that is perfectly fine because maybe this was not the appropriate moment for the healing to occur. Clairvoyantly it is possible to see exactly what is appropriate, and that is the relationship we develop as we meet each other as energy.
Sustainability is a virtue offered through you as you experience your presence. This means your energy never runs out, and that learning how to fully sustain yourself as an experience is what we are learning here now in present time.The self awareness we all have flowing through us is a possibility realized as a sustainable experience. A sustainable experience is a lot like a repeated thought pattern or feeling, or a song you can’t quite get out of your head. Your sustainable energy resource isn’t driving you crazy, but rather providing you an example of a renewable feature of our energy experience. Practice this internally. You will start to see the beauty of this ability, and the duality of this experience contained within each moment. You know that what you are experiencing is a feeling that you can sustain as a possibility into anything. That song you can’t seem to get out of your head is just a example of this manifestation of renewable energy, and while it may seem to be driving you crazy, that is your perception of it, and that is actually your renewable energy trying to surface, and show to you an ability you have deeply held within you that is sustainable, and fundamental to your source, or in other words where you are coming from any time all the time.
Sustainability is an experience of abundant power always available enabling your consciousness stream to be aware of itself, and whole within you. It is sustainable because it does not ‘run out’. It is a self perpetuating momentum to a commitment to conscious presence. The more you invest into your conscious presence the more sustainable you are in the now of present time.
We have been programed for whatever reason, usually money, power, control, and profit to not explore our internal power source as a sustainable resource, and learn how to operate our energy system. To do this, and to be this would change the paradigm that operates within us, and is a restraint to our consciousness, and the abilities we have get compromised. I do not know why this chain of events occurred in this way but perhaps it was necessary to get us to survive and flourish as a intelligent species. Intelligence without conscious awareness seems doomed to failure. The responsibilities that come with being fully consciously aware are when looked at from a three dimensional perspective overwhelming and of course ‘undoable’. The problems we see as global, and unsolvable are actually all within us, and the expressions of the separation we feel from our wholeness. We are powerful creatures that when witnessed clairvoyantly makes each of us an obvious example of what is contained inside of us as the source to our being. We are capable of literally anything, knowing, and believing you can be anything is the joy of life with the momentum coming from our conscious evolution.
This may not BE your definition of what the joy of life is so I’m asking you to look inside yourself, and find an answer, any answer, and allow that question to change as much as it needs to change because as we now know change is what is happening here on Earth. Being able to have anything, knowing, and believe you can BE anything is not a secret or magic trick it is a reality option, and it is up to you to build an energy identity that allows you to access your source so that you can build a momentum to you energy as a body, energy as a source, and energy as a connection to everything else.
Obviously not every single person is ready or interested in a conscious experience, they are not ready and maybe don’t even care. There are many many different reasons for being on this Earth. Some people are here to take drugs and party, some people are here to get married and have children, some people are here to collect motorcycles and ride with a motor club. It does not matter what so ever what other people DO all that matters if you are interested is what you BE. If you are interested in conscious evolution you will be well aware of that as a journey you are on, and you may in this moment know absolutely nothing about how to BE that or consider how to even do that. The only thing that matters is that you remember we are BEING this together, and I will share everything shared with me as energy in clairvoyant readings, and we will learn together how to meet our experiences no matter how different, and embrace our source as it streams through us, and meet change.
A fundamental purpose that begs the question, why do I want to consciously evolve?
For me it is so I can have an affect on my reality. I take noticing of how I show up. I ask questions about my experience, and realizing the amazing amount of answers, all different. The reality you experience is shaped by your ability to meet your manifest experience, sustain it, and renew yourself. You can have this going on by being aware of yourself moment to moment. If you want a happy, and experience a successful life you must meet it in the way that suites your experience intentionally conscious of the events that shape a life constructed out of the materials that contain happiness, and success. Clairvoyantly I see people having to make drastic changes in their manifested reality by choosing to meet themselves perhaps in ways they never imagined. This action is joyful even when the pain of growth is obviously asking us to take 360 degree turns in our road on a moments notice.
Your ability to go with whatever is going on joyfully is consciousness aware of the present moment. If someone is giving you a hard time, questioning your worth, and a struggle to be around. You must thank them, and know that they are a reflection of your own conscious evolution showing up in your experience.
The situation, and people, as well as you are a manifestation of energy. Once you start to meet yourself as energy The “hard timeâ€, “worthâ€,and“struggle†are all you, and once you accept this as within you, and not “out there†or “them†you will BE truly free to meet your conscious evolution, BE energy, and make choice from the pool of possibilities that are the expanded energy I witness in countless readings as a personal choice.
Your sustainable power in this three dimensional Earth manifestation with times as a fourth dimension is based upon the choices you make. Once you realize that that a difficult person or event is your energy talking to you about you, you will suddenly see the manifested possibilities change right before your very eyes. The pain or struggle suddenly becomes the joy of moving on, often times leaving people, and events alone to have their own experience as you feel the joy of your life consciously evolve.
Change is the whole point of MY experience in a body on this Earth. This is what I desire, and this is what I intend to master as a conscious presence. I intend to give clairvoyant readings, and share this information, and help people help themselves. This is what I like to BE, and what I like to DO is have fun. Helping people help themselves, and being of service as an energy being on this planet Earth in my full presence in the NOW is something I know I can BE. I feel I can have fun doing this, and you are all welcome to come along with me on your own journey adding new dimensions to the dimensions I have emerging through my source NOW. Join me because we are going to experience the joy of life through conscious evolution, and we are going to meet change.
Don’t EXPECT any outcome, and you will be lead by the source that streams through you into a manifested reality specific to your BEING. Back off DOING, and reacting and you will start to teach yourself how to exist as a multidimensional event. A sustainable resource offered to our collective experience – Earth. The difference between doing you life, and being your life is very obvious once you make the effort to communicate with yourself consciously, intentionally, and in present time. What I like to DO is have fun while I BE a conscious presence. This one way to consider the subtle difference of being vs doing.
In order to sustain your energy you meet it as renewable within yourself. This means trust that you are abundant energy. You project energy outwardly by moving on or taking the risks that changes your experience, and often times in ways you could not know or feel unless you are present. Let it happen by letting go of doing your life, and start the sustainable presence of being your life.
The energy system that is the physical body feels happy when you consciously participate with yourself. People who invest into their manifested reality get to enjoy the returns. In clairvoyant readings the people who look the happiest are the ones who are successfully meeting the events of their life consciously, and make an effort to override unconscious behavior or reactions. They appear to ‘be’ their life, and are not ‘doing†their life. Sometimes these life experiences hurt or feel uncomfortable but the joy of life is having the conscious awareness to be present, and not judge it as good or bad. The people who are not BEING don’t even come for a clairvoyant reading because they can not relate to the responsibility necessary to the joy of a life as a presence, and the possibilities available in the NOW. They are here for different reasons and that’s acceptable to me. If you are here to be happy then let me show you how to participate with yourself, and wisely invest your abundant energy into meeting a manifested reality filled with power, success, and money if that is what you desire, and learn how to be this without anyone else having to do without or having to suffer or have less so that you or I can have more.
The material comforts of life defined as wealth, power, lots of material things, become altered by your conscious presence. You stop wanting, and desire success and abundance that do not look like what we are use to seeing. There is nothing wrong with material things like money, fancy houses, cars, or wealth in general however abundance and success is personally defined by the consciousness that streams through you. If having lots of stuff is a part of your conscious evolution than you will have that experience. If being poor and have nothing is a part of your conscious evolution than you will have that experience. However once you make the effort to be present, and fully a conscious presence you will pull your attention off of those things outside of yourself, and become aware that within you is an abundance, and success that is not reflected in the material world commonly seen today. This is why the paradigm shifts because investing in the things that matter to you changes. What you put your attention on is what you make matter.
Knowing that nothing is “out thereâ€, and that everything is within you presents a wholeness to the experience you meet, and this allows you to HAVE without taking from outside of yourself. This awareness is a reality shifter, and has to be managed, and practiced like anything else we want to become great at being. Together we will learn how to be whole again, something we just forgot and are NOW remembering.
Often times a happy life has plenty of unhappy events, and has nothing to do with feeling happy or unhappy. To be happy stop doing things to make yourself happy because you only reinforce the structure of happy-unhappy by DOING that dynamic. Experience your moment, and no matter what it looks like or feels like you be that to yourself, and others. What does it take to be happy? Absolutely nothing, DO nothing and you will BE happy. This is a tricky way to meet your manifested experience because it goes against the willfulness of what is believed to be true. Truth is relative, and has nothing to do with happiness. To be happy trust your truth as it shows up right now, and let it go as you take it in. This is your flow of energy. This validates your energies flow, your conscious evolutions momentum, and enlightens you to be a fundamental principle sustained, contained, and renewed in your being present right here, and right now.
You can not BE this unless you make the effort to risk the safety net fear based reality promises. We have to make the effort to change the structure of our thinking mind (ego), and the way in which that obvious occurrence makes you believe that your reality is unsafe. The moment you stop trying to feel anything other than what you are feeling in the now of present time is the moment you are whole, and your source stream will pour out of you as it pours into you beautifully fearless.You have to think, feel, and BE outside of the boxed in reality structure of doing a life filled with “stuff’ but empty of consciously aware content.
Consider being a sustainable resource that is capable of streaming your source into the now of your experience, and be aware of that ability.Â
If you desire to be happier you will meet that in every moment sustaining this resource knowing you are renewable, and it will all come through you as well as to you. The most painful moment is also the most happy when you realize you are the source of your experience, and that you are changing the way in which you meet any duality. As energy you will be happier just knowing that you exist as an energy idea taking form. Earth is a manifestation meant to be meet, and challenge it, by being the presence empowered to bring forth change.
What I have been witnessing in the energy of the people I do readings with is that they are always changing relative to their awareness of themselves. The changes happen so automatically within each moment that to notice change you have to make the effort to be present in the moment to witness the differences as fundamentally a joy. This presence is an awareness that adds more to everything we meet as we make this effort consciously. It is meeting this experience that often is shown in a clairvoyant reading as a deep desire to have more change, and this ability to have more is the evolution. The evolution is not “out there’ somewhere. Perception of what is manifested is inside you, and inside of each of us sustained as our source streaming through us, and experienced as our flow or as time. Often woven into the purpose of our conscious evolution is a desire to survive, and to survive well. Survival is a major force of energy that has delivered us to this moment. Our relationship to this force is an ability emerging as conscious awareness. No longer is survival enough of a vested interest without a relevance capable of conscious evolution. This is the fate of the intelligent being.
I want to consciously evolve because I have no choice but to change. If we activate the changes as they occur by being present we suddenly have a purpose constructed out of elements of our own energy that propels us around a fixed three dimensional space into a free fall clairvoyantly witnessed as an expanded presence moving outside of the confinement of a physical body into a multidimensional sustainable renewable resource. This involves all of the space-time surrounding the physical body. This experience is the NOW and we are within the creation of it all because we are the consciousness streaming the source of that power. Exactly like a satellite uses the gravitational force of an orbit around a planet or celestial event to increase it’s speed using the slingshot method to gain momentum and change time, so too are we in this exact position to use the energy available to move through space-time. This ability is something we have never imagined before NOW. Making conscious choices that matter into our experience, and accenting our ability to BE here now, expanded, and growing – A big bang into being.
No matter what you place your attention on you will evolve, but this is of course the lazy method. You can never be certain of your presence if you do not pay close attention to the choices you make and those things you choose to make matter with your attention placed upon the desired intention. What you place your attention on is what you make matter. This is a very important ability because as you make choices your momentum matters you into meeting your experience. What exactly happens in your experience is there because you placed your conscious attention on what you now see in front of you. That action Friends, family, money, happiness, fame, talent, anything and everything that seems possible on this Earth is but a fraction of the conscious evolution emerging into being as you, and the experience you are having, and it only matters in present time. Checking in with yourself often, and find out where exactly you are coming from can tell you everything about your current state of conscious evolution.
I just participated in the death and dying of a eighty three year old woman, and because I was her caregiver I spent most everyday all day with her day, and night. I made sure I was present with her every moment, and so in the exact moment that she told me “I want to die†I was able to hear her because she said it energetically, and without speaking those exact words.The “I want to die†was an energy image or picture that appeared within her flow as her energy moved through her. I was very use to reading her energy because she could not hear an I often communicated with her telepathically. I also used clairvoyance to see the pictures or images that came off of her energy field. From that point on I made sure she received the care she needed to complete her mission in her body, and evolve out of it with dignity, and grace. Consciously and unconsciously she was evolving out of this body on this Earth.
People, and energy is communicating with you ALL THE TIME, and they are not necessarily speaking to you with their mouth, and words. I often hear peoples thoughts not intentionally because I consider it rude to look at peoples energy unless I have their permission. However the reality is that I always see images around people in the form of pictures or snapshots, or with clairaudience the ability to hear images or just plain old psychic information is always present, and visible. I usually wear dark sunglasses, and a big straw hat to “block†out some of the never ending in flow of information. This is just the way it is for me, it’s not a problem unless I choose to make it something like that which I never do. I accept that I see energy all the time and it is something I am very use to, and comfortable with as I meet my experience.
The odd part of my friends death was listening to other people express to me sentiments, and condolences that were alway coming from an unconscious of frightened reaction within them as they tried to process the feeling coming up for them as they watched this woman approach death, and meet her moment. Clairvoyantly I could see they were making things matter by choosing words, and body language that had nothing to really do with this present moment. I learned a lot about how death is just like any other day an a event made to matter by our individual, and collective ideas of rights of passage. My friends dying was a transition of consciousness out of the remains of a dead body, nothing more, and nothing less. It was my conscious evolution that allowed me to choose from possibilities I never before that moment had been aware of as a manifested reality event. It was a successful evolution into the moment that lead to another moment, and another after that, a momentum of space-time, and an expanded presence to my consciousness, and her consciousness.
Each person defines success relative to their conscious consequences. The drive to succeed is contained within the evolution of each person, and that definition is literally played out on the energy field that is the destiny of your life. What is important, and of value to one person often times is not to another, and that is the conscious evolution of that particular being. Expecting, and wanting everyone to behave, and DO their life in a similar fashion is the insanity of our world today. You start to believe that the only thing that can make you happy or give you reason to be on Earth is fame, money, isolation, a relationship, or a rejection towards anything that gives other peoples lives meaning. Not only is this a mean spirited behavior it is destructive towards any honoring of the differences that make us unique and genuine towards ourselves or others.
The madness restricting the inforced containment of a life into a three dimensional space with the fourth dimension held as time intentionally separate us from our source, and is what fuels the fires of politics, health, lifestyle, television, war, killing, and is an expression of a conditional prison we accept as life on Earth. Denying the conscious imagination an opportunity to explore outside of what is decided is right or righteous, appropriate and ideologically correct is what kills the spirit of people, and why we see so many people choosing to leave their bodies long before they actually die. The need to conform, and restrict free thinking, and by not allowing people to express themselves without judgement or ridicule is the pain filled reality many people find themselves trapped into, and do not understand that there is a way out.
The way out is in. I will offer examples of how to fit in without having to compromise your life experience. Simply by beginning a process of exploring yourself as an energy is one way to get into your energy field. Your energy identity will allow you access to your full power, and the abundance already within your conscious matter. Much like the phenomenon of our universe chaotic, violent, and a wonder to behold we are no different. Our universe is an experience containing information showing us exactly what is going on within the fabric of space-time. We are learning how to meet an experience showing us exactly what is going on within the energy field of our consciousness. We are able to explore the opportunity to find, and to BE a power filled universe within our own source. Only NOW do we understand that nothing can stop us except ourselves by agreeing to limit our perspective to what we only see with our eyes, and existing without truly thinking with our imaginations.
Many things may be of interest to you but you have to ask yourself if you are currently only willing to meet a manifestation of a three dimensional space with the fourth dimension experienced as time. You have to know this about yourself and your willingness to risk everything for a drastic change in consciousness. You and I may change in ways unknowable right now because as our universe expands it has an affect on us as we have an affect on it, and the entire occurrence maybe synced in ways we just can not detect using three dimensional minds.
If my experience is nothing but a drive to arrive at my reason to be here now as the joy of life through conscious evolution then the day to day concerns of television, news, and entertainment, may be of little interest to me, but thats MY experience and other people may feel quite differently. Weather you like it or not you me, and everyone we know is evolving consciously in one form or another. It may be very important to you or it may be of no interest whatsoever. It is however apparent that the flow of life that an evolving consciousness seems to demand asks us to consider as a part of our experience to be an expanded relevance similar to our current understanding of our universe. We are locked into a dance that takes this waltz from the matter, antimatter, supernova’s, neutrinos, quasars, black holes, galaxies, planets, and Earth all spins us around, and around until we meet the experience by accepting responsibility for our creation
One of the major changes I see going on within people’s energy field is that as they become aware that they are energy they meet their experience very differently. It just is no longer about what you thought it was about before you took the leap of faith, and chose to BE energy, and accept the responsibility that comes with that choice.
This simple awareness shifts the changes that occur, and are a result of the choices made as people meet their experience. In other words you start to have a very different experience, and you notice it, and that leads to another choice which leads to another until you are in a continuous awareness of change. This experience is the joy of life through conscious evolution.
We can use this information, and build an identity useful to the the application of change as something that while unavoidable is also a conscious perspective. This perspective is capable of an expanded experience, and is the conscious change or conscious evolution aware that the realization of self as an energy is life lived as opportunity. An expanded presence within an experience is established as an ability to meet your life consciously, intentionally, and manifested out of the choices you set into motion. This action is joyous when life expands, and we understand how, as energy, we are the source of our experience, and meeting our full potential is always available. Commitment to the construction of an identity of yourself as energy, and learning from the growth that is stimulated by this action allows for the meeting of your experience to sync into your full conscious potential. These choices produce actions that begin a journey. The journey guided by intention is a process that leads into possibilities oftentimes never before even considered without a consciousness aware of itself as energy.
I often interchange the words healing and change. Healing has so many implications and is a charged word, and can distort the meaning, and imply a compromised possibility. Healing as I use it, and put forth in this book, is about a commitment to conscious change. As we together build our energy identity we also make a commitment to change. Accepting that change is an inevitable event of conscious evolution promotes healing the perspective we generate from simply being alive. For this book, I will be using the word healing to mean change, conscious change. There is also an aspect to healing, and change that is unconscious, and we will discuss this throughout the book, and consider ways that our unconscious presence is interwoven into our conscious presence. The ability to access our full consciousness, and unconsciousness through being is an ability learned, and guided by the choices we make from our identity as energy being realized intentionally, joyously, and with the purpose of our lives prioritized to evolve. Don’t be discouraged if you do not always or even a little of the time feel joyous. It is part of the deal that we feel everything always, and accept that it may be funky sometime, and you could feel sad but still be great. This is a part of our journey learning how to take any feeling, and use it as energy to fuel our ability to meet our experience.
Necessity is the basic needs we experience from being alive, believing that to be true, and with our identity embraced as energy we expand our presence as necessity.This is just adding our ability to BE energy identified to the long list of what are believed to be the necessities of a living experience. We choose to make conscious evolution a necessity of life- Just like breathing, eating, elimination of wastes, and feeling are in part necessities of life so too is our emergence into being alive a necessity, and to be aware of the resourceful source emanating from within us. This energy stream is what we see as our experience. Our freedom from necessity is changing or healing as we accept that we are never the same, and always emerging into another moment of our experience. Working with the awareness of ourselves as energy, and as a necessity offers us freedom into our expansion, and our evolution. Joy can emerges as a necessity to our survival, and brought into our experience by choice. We are entering an age where we can choose this particular necessity, and unlike breathing this action is voluntary.
The energy stream that I often make reference to is also our source. It is a fact that our brain is basically the most complex organ of our body and we are our brain. Streaming information is a holographic experience, and so everything is a part of the whole. The substance of our universe is consciousness. The alignment of your energy stream is synced to the same energy streamed through our universe, and so we are one, and the same, and we are whole.
Your journey reveals to you why you are conscious, and why you are the experience you are having in present time. This journey is a story told over, and over again in reflection to the person having the experience. Everything clairvoyantly appears to be contained within you as a continuous stream of energy pouring out of you from within. The necessities of life all emerge out of your being. This is visible as people’s energy, and each person is having a different version of what exactly is the necessity of their life experience. We are probably in agreement that we all need to breath as one necessity of life, and yet everyone actually brings into being that action differently. Biologically we all pretty much ‘do’ breathing the same or similar, but as energy we ‘be’ that experience very differently. As energy it is possible to understand, and feel the intricacies of necessity as having an experience, and how this particular arrangement is you, and your life.
Put simply, the intentions of evolution as seen clairvoyantly is to bring consciousness to unconsciousness. It is in many ways the age old saying of bringing light to darkness, and is just another dualistic reality experience or event. To know nothing, and everything simultaneously. The composition of our physical bodies is a reflection of our energetic complexities. We are (born) and we are not (death) and we believe this to be true. We appear to be conscious, and unconscious simultaneously. The unconscious is many things, but in this book, and for the sake of a clairvoyant reading, it is an integral energetic presence necessary for the expression of the being that streams through each of us and is a part of the experience we have in present time.
The reality is that our bodies, lives, consciousness, and unconsciousness as energy makes this book possible. Knowing, feeling, and showing up as a presence of nothing, and everything is fundamental to building your identity as an energy being. We are here to discover ourselves as energetic systems that evolve, change, and grow as life forms, and that generate a conscious momentum. Life on Earth is one experience of a conscious presence. I am here to help you outline the energy system of your particular conscious presence, and consider the joy of the evolutionary process as giving momentum to the life experience.
Life as we experience it with our idealized perceptions is one way to face the life experience we might say is unfolding right before our very eyes. From reading people’s energy clairvoyantly I witness how this unfoldment for this particular person is vastly different from another person. Clairvoyantly it is possible to see how a person is arriving at a perception. It is relatively easy to see what the life experience is, and what this person makes matter.
Adding to any experience by intentionally engaging with the NOW, and using extra sensory perceptions is a choice, and this choice is clairvoyantly visible, and could as one possibility among an infinite number lead to changes. One change is our presence in the NOW of what we think of as present time. The NOW, and present time are not the same event. The NOW is a power, and an experience of BEING. Present time is a fourth dimensional consideration of space, and as we get further into this book we will learn that there are many present times. Each present time is a relationship to space, and involves time as a flow of energy. Time as energy is merged into the NOW. We can start to access time as a resource to our power grid, and very useful to defining the purpose or reasons for being here now.
Contained within the consciousness of people using their extrasensory perceptions intentionally is a sustainable element. This means power, and resources useful to our experience as sustainable in the NOW. Those people interested in obtaining success, and abundance have an advantage over a limited three dimensional mindedness driven by a fear based set of ambitions. This sustainable energy is an element, and fundamental to obtaining the abundance of power we have available to us. To obtain this energy you have to BE able to make a conscious choice. This element is like any other element constituting the material universe and is also available as an experience that by BEING engaged with by itself is actually accessed through a relationship with the NOW, and developed into our life experience. This allows for sustainability to BE the element of a multidimensional being. This element can be felt, and there is power in the ability to meet that feeling. The feeling is joy. Taking the full responsibility of meeting that feeling within an experience is found in the presence of BEING, and is how the experience is powered and becomes available.
So as you can see we are on a journey to win, and to win big. This is not an ego driven I win, and you lose type of deal. That way of thinking, and doing is old school, and based in fear. No one is ever meant to lose so someone else can win in the paradigm emerging NOW. Winning on this journey is the intention consciously emerged from within your own secure energy grid. You win because you are abundant, and there really is no other option. If your intention is to play a three dimensional game where there is a competition implied or arranged, unconscious, and driven by a past time energy pattern that is of course your choice. Absolutely leave this type of gaming for the people that desire to engage with their experience this way sacrificing source energy, and lacking compassion for the someone who ALWAYS gets hurt.
Sustainability is a negotiated reality when the choices we make creates momentum, and events are set into motion with those choices. It is then up to us to BE able to meet the experience manifested, or not. Sustainability is always available, present, and exists as a possibility we ARE conscious of because we make the effort. Possibility exist in a potential state until you or any conscious entity places attention on it then the possibility births as a continued momentum or action, and is then related to the actual occurrences of the life force that activated it into BEING an experience or witnessed as the energy that streams through you as source.
Either way is a possible occurrence brought into a reality structure ( like our bodies or our life), and is a streaming, if you will, of all the events we witness as our lives, and the choices that lead to the actions that allow us to be aware of this as sustainable energy. You have to build this relationship with your own energy identity then this energy is available from within you, and a relationship to the source streaming through you is whole, and a presence in the now. Together we are taking this journey in this book, and together we will discover our wholeness with the source of all energy, and we will change or heal anything you desire to bring into your experience.
The NOW is exactly what it sound like and is – this present moment. Present time, and the NOW are different but the present moment,and the NOW are closely related. This moment is the NOW, and we are growing our presence into the NOW, and exploring that space-time as a multiple dimensional addition to who we ARE. If you are making an effort to be present more than likely you are building a presence in the NOW, and this is power. There literally IS nothing else other than the NOW regardless of what you believe or have been programed or taught.
There is unlimited power in just the awareness necessary to building a life experience that is conscious of the joy you are capable of bringing through you. This joy is your source. Feel whatever you feel, and know that by accessing your feelings you are accessing your source. Joyous is how it feels when you are connected into the NOW.
Your source IS the NOW, and you ARE that experience. You are the now, and you are having an experience, and so am I, and so are billions of other energy systems. Everyone I get to do readings with shows me that their energy at times is joyful and at times painful because the NOW is compose of both feelings simultaneously felt. The ability to know your full power is only the beginning of the journey as a presence in the now. If you have read this far in this first chapter and are ready to embrace yourself as an energy system whole, and consciously aware then we are going to bring through us the source energy that is change itself, and we will transmute our physical bodies, and the experience we are having, and nothing will ever be the same. It’s not magic, spiritual, or special it is just an ability we all have to consider.
We are evolving into a renewable awareness of our sustainability naturally. However to access sustainability as a power resource you have to make the effort to build a relationship with multiple dimensions intentionally, and most importantly BE a presence in the NOW. This experience is happening because of everyone, and their consciousness synced with their unconsciousness. You can not just leave out the parts you don’t like or find hard to deal with or are afraid of feeling. Courage is located in the fourth chakra ( chest, heart, lungs, and thymus glands) It is because of the fourth chakra and heart mind-ness that is the reason we are consciously evolving, and challenged right now.
Nothing is ever happening to us it is happening because of us. It appears clairvoyantly that you don’t actually have to DO anything to evolve sustainability. You have to BE that experience in order to have sustainability BE a part of the experience you are having, and this BEING is a choice. Choosing to BE a sustainable presence in the NOW can be an intention that is set in an awareness as sustainable, and this is also a choice. The experience of sustainability can be felt, known, or even imagined. Sustainability is the internalized comfort easily felt in the inhalation as you breath or the ability to meet whatever your life experience succinctly streams into reality with ease. Know that every clairvoyant reading I have witnessed where sustainability is accessed intentionally, and consciously, that person has meet success, and power in their experience as abundance, and they ARE able to meet a manifested presence streamed through them, and that is one of the most inspiring healings I have ever witnessed.
This book is a collection of the clairvoyant stories offering an example of just how, and why they renewed this capacity to sustain as we build an energy identity. Its obvious that it is “working†for them, and they are fully enjoying meeting their experiences. These stories tell us why evolution brings joy into our lives, and how sustainable momentum of the life force originates out of the choices we each make. These choices result into the actions that are the events that matter as we meet our experience. To change or heal what matters we have to change or heal the choice we make, influenced by our on going efforts to build identities as energy that flow from our conscious intentions. The basic relationship that we have to all parts of our being, both conscious, and unconscious, is the “story†of our energy. Together we are going to BE, and learn how to use our great power to meet whatever experience we intentionally, and consciously bring through us as we expand, and grow through our universe.
Awareness that one possible joy in life is an arrangement of energy tied into your particular conscious evolution is the current adventure unfolding as one possible experience. Everything is a possibility, and is tied to abundance within our energy package, or your life experienced witnessed as abundant.
Ask yourself if the joy is found out there somewhere or is it in here in you in this moment?
Each person has a slightly different story to tell themselves, especially when we leave the confines of a three- dimensional container of thinking, and feeling. We can believe that life happens to us, and not because of us, and this is a choice. Clairvoyantly the experience a person is having always shows up in here or inside of their energy field. It often looks like it is happening out there because of the lack of responsibilities necessary to admit we are our experience. People tell themselves the stories that they are able to hear accept as true, and this can set limits on what is actually abundant as well as possible. You HAVE TO journey outside of a three dimensional experience with the fourth dimension set as time or you will not BE able to access the expanded experience, and you will most likely settle for the reality you believe you see before you with your eyes. This is entirely your choice.
What is visible clairvoyantly is the consciousness necessary to express an experience growing into a multidimensional presence emerging as a reality as contained within you. This is what I see as I read people who are literally expanding into more dimensional awareness, and able to BE that experience. These people experience a life that is abundant. Things come to them naturally and without a lot of effort. They have stop doing their lives like making moves in a chess game. They are being their lives, and they flourish in whatever they meet as their experience. These people generally are super successful but they are not driven by the need to make more money or acquire things outside of themselves. They are content with the NOW of their ability to sustain, and be realized as whole. They are connected to everything and everyone desires to connect with them because they are available right now. They are easy to be around because there is a joy to their lives filled with conscious presence and success. They are excited about what they are being right here and right now. Content with the simple relevance of exploring the NOW and emerging into and out of a multiple dimensional awareness of conscious evolution. Their joy is infectious, and being in their presence is a healing.
This resource is streamed into being you, me, and everyone we know, however you may not BE aware of this possibility or that you stream energy. It all is very dependent upon what you believe to be true, and accept as the reason you are here on Earth. In this emerging multi-dimensional experience you seemingly know nothing about this space, but yet are aware that you exist as a possibility to everything. Nothing is out there, and everything is in here at the same moment. This shows up as an affirmed duality, and when energetically factored into your identity changes the experience. We will explore this layer by layer as we look into ourselves as energy systems, and how this impacts the reality structure emerging because our awareness as consciousness has an affect on everything holographically. This means that we are aware that we are apart of everything, and everything is a part of us.
The importance of having an experience based in the NOW is where our evolution is consciously tuning into. What is in it for you is an opportunity to BE aware of how filled with abundance your energy actually is, think of yourself as the universe, and how abundant that is to each of us as we become more and more aware of our home. You stand only to gain, and this is what is in it for you as an experience. You are about to BE healed by yourself, and you will be able to access sustainable power within your own energy system. There is no shortage of energy only the belief that such a shortage exists.
This also is a reflection of someone who believes they have no money, or lack in anything. It is all made up by your own conscious reality that you accept as true or not. It’s not magic or a “secret†of positive thinking or a law of attraction. It has nothing to DO with what you Do, and yet the lack of money, and lack of anything is very very real to the person having the experience. This will never ever change or heal because the momentum of the energy is already agreed upon, and set at lack, and to change or heal this takes the practice of a conscious mind ready to meet an expanded presence, and live the responsibility that goes with choices made, and actions set into motion by a presence (you) that can handle the necessary changes needed to meet a different manifestation of reality.
As witnessed in countless clairvoyant readings, no one is having the same experience, and yet we share our experience with others having their experience. The one thing most of us agree to is that we operate in a three-dimensional universe with the fourth dimension experienced as time. To experience yourself outside of a three-dimensional structure, and into a multidimensional expanded presence can be a joyful addition to your life, and possible with the consciousness that you ARE right now in present time. BUT it is not just going to happen (remember stuff doesn’t just happen) EVERYTHING happens because of us, and knowing this and using this energy is what is in it for you – an opportunity, a big one, and you will gain a great deal from embracing this experience intentionally, and consciously.
Remembering that your presence fluxuates, and sometimes you are present, and sometimes you are not is a natural flow of our composition as energy. Each time you intentionally ‘visit’ the present moment changes or heals your possibility, and your sustainability. You may not like what you see or be able to have what you want, and that is because you are learning how to BE present. You are intentionally building an energy identity so you can invest exactly what is in it for you in each moment. It is your investment so invest wisely and witness the healing. This potential sets up an energy pattern clairvoyantly visible in your energy field. There are an infinite number of ‘ways’ that you meet the present moment, and BE that experience. Invest in yourself with conscious intentions. It is entirely your choice.
Each of us as we consciously expand as an energy being, experience more content. This content is information, and intelligence. Like the snowball rolling down the hill we gather momentum, speed, and add mass to our conscious energy evolution as an accumulation into our presence with this particular manifestation (the snowball rolling down the hill) Suggested into our perpetual roll is the chaotic trajectory, and uncertainty of an evolution gaining consciousness rapidly. Updates to our growing conscious awareness necessitates self-responsibility, and self-determination. It appears as though going back up the hill is not an option, although I have witnessed clairvoyantly such efforts. The result is oftentimes pain, suffering or both.
This usually occurs because the person starts to consciously expand, build more content than because of usually an unconscious fear or self doubt or abuse or a pattern of struggle throughout life starts to try, and roll the snowball back up the hill. The momentum, and chaotic trajectory combined with an uncertainty of conscious intention causes a knee jerk, and the old familiar experience despite being truly unacceptable because it does not ,and will not ever give you what you desire is settled for, and the unconscious past time energy pattern usually based in fear wins the ability to meet the manifested even though the manifested is settling for less. This self defeating possibility is very real, and I often see people in this exact position. They come to me hoping I can fix the problem, and make it better when in fact all I really can do is explain the experience they are having, and this usually perpetuates a healing or change. If you think any of this is a quick fix or a magic solution to a very damaged energy system you are missing the point entirely.
It takes a person who is willing to risk everything in order to gain everything. They have to be willing to face fear, and any abuse that may have occurred, and combine the good the bad, and the ugly into a revelation that they are conscious beings evolving, and over, and over, and over again make the effort to meet the experience they are having, build an energy identity, and expand into the unknown possibility of an abundance of sustainable power. You have to be willing, and committed to the process of YOUR experience, and how that is reflected back to you in each, and every moment as you make the effort to BE a presence in the NOW.
So no is the answer to your question if that it is ever an option to push that snowball back up the hill. The courage you need (fourth chakra) is already within you, and as you roll that snowball down the hill, gain momentum, build intelligent content, and expand into a multiple dimensional manifested event you will emerge as the presence you are right now. It never stops it is a continuous presence of the now streamed through you as you consciously evolve joyously sharing this ability with everyone around you who is willing, and able to meet their experience despite it being completely different than theirs or mine.
To consciously evolve we have to be willing to make choices that support the experience of a multidimensional universe that we are very much a part of by choice. Making this choice in present time allows us to meet our experience as sustainable. Contained in consciousness is sustainable energy. People who I have the opportunity to read clairvoyantly show me the particular way they are meeting their experience, exploring this new space by including the three dimensions we already know well using our senses. They have the ability to expand upon their own energy system, and much like an expansion or addition onto their home, they are remodeling the old structure, adding new dimensions, and space, and improving upon what is already accepted as there, and intentionally making an effort to consciously evolve the reality of their personal experience. Built into this expansion is a relationship with sustainability, and hopefully a very refreshed experience AS time. The new additions are very sound investments and one way to look at this is to realize that you stand only to profit, and to profit exponentially.
This new space or dimension is an experience you are having, as well as a new manifestation of the time that went into building this relationship with yourself. To see it is to know it as it is revealed to you, through you, and a reflection of the choices you make. Your choices are reflected to you in your day-to-day experience, and tell the story of you, and your expanded energy, the momentum you have building, and what exactly is revealed to you, by you, and streamed through you as a life experience. This experience reveals conscious sustainability as it is evolving for you, through you, and is visible within your energy field. Clairvoyantly the entire “package†of your energy is visible as it “looks†right now, and as you now know every moment is change – all their is is change – and being able to accept this as an experience is how ALL time will BE revealed to you.
This book will go into great detail to explain how the human energy system is changing or healing. We will find out how other people are bringing this experience through them as an energy stream, what that looks like, and how their lives have changed in order to be present with whatever show up no matter what.
We have reached a point in our collective experience of life here on Earth, presently aware that this “we†is an accumulation of events, and that we have momentum or movement, and that we possess a sustainable renewable energy dynamic only available through building a relationship with your presence in the NOW.
We exist in a perpetual soup of probable potential energy states. Sustainable energy is streaming through our conscious participation or not. Internal leverage allows us our energetic birthright to consciously expand, and like our universe reveal our makeup. We have permission to influence those around us by providing an example of our capacity to BE a multidimensional experience. It is not our responsibility that other people “get it†that is very old school, and a three dimensional fear based belief.
Our perceptions are one of the forces we release from our space, previously believing events to be on a time loop, but we now know that the fundamental experience of time is vastly different for each of us, despite seemingly similar. The illusion of time is a complex paradox that we will build into our story because it is a universal experience that too is changing or healing to meet our conscious evolution. Time is the KEY component to our expandable energy perceptions BEING realized, and meet as meta-manifested or pertaining to or occupying two or more positions at the same “timeâ€.
It is within our relationship to time that what has emerged is an awareness of our ability to “be.†To be present. This ability has evolved rapidly, and it is within the paradox of time that the true expression of “to be†is manifesting. Our ability to not just “be,†but to be present, and to stay present is changing the way that our universe is manifested. The literal explosion of information appears to be happening everywhere to everything: communications, technology, science, society, ideology, economics, and, of course, personal identity. All of these changes, every single one of them, is your consciousness evolving. We are currently experiencing a revolution in our perception. This action originates in the choice we make to meet our moment with full presence, and this action impacts you, me and everyone in our experience.
We are entering an age of “being†versus “doing.†The power of being present is just beginning to show the signs of what can happen when we choose to meet our experience in this way. I will share with you the actual structural changes that present themselves, told in the stories that are revealed in a clairvoyant reading. These stories help us discover our own personal joy as we consciously, and intentionally evolve.
Once you have agreed to the possibility that you are energy as an experience, nothing will ever be the same for your conscious evolution or your perceptions of your life. It is common knowledge that everything is energy. Choosing to believe, imagine, know, and feel from within yourself as energy, and to construct an identity from this perspective is an on-going process of relationship within yourself. Any choice leads to the actions eventually reflected to you as your experience. Being able to imagine what happens to your experience as life, illuminated by conscious awareness, opens up the possibilities of the potential necessary to sustain, and renew exactly how the manifested world is revealed to you. This will literally change the way you go have lunch for example or if you decide to have children, or if you want to go to college. These seemly mundane events that can or may not occur in your particular life experience is how conscious awareness, and expanded possibilities begin to be reflected into your experience. These ARE the actions that ARE the result of choices you made or make, and as you expand into your presence in the NOW these actions start to look very very different because you have changed the recipe that contained the ingredients, and this changes how, and what you meet as an experience. Exploring the entire physical body as a metaphysical energy system is how I will share with you the adventures of a clairvoyant, and conscious evolution told to me by viewing the body, life, and the fundamental structure of reality as energy from clairvoyant readings.
In clairvoyant reading after reading for the past five years now all I ever witness in peoples energy is the intense desire to meet their experience, and have change. This desire has pushed these people into uncharted space, and this space is a result of their individual consciousness changing or evolving into something else or an experience currently unknown to them. This change is a healing or opportunity to reflect an ability to emerge from within, and to address the challenges facing our planet Earth today. So the day to day things we currently DO like go to lunch, buy a house, take a vacation, have sex, eat a particular diet, sleep, watch television, get married, lose money, go surfing, invest in a stock portfolio, run for political office, join a church group, believe in a religious ideology, host a dinner party, act in a movie, become rich and famous, be addicted to drugs, alcohol, work, food, shopping, laughing at a joke, studying biology or any of the things we DO perhaps will not look or actually be experienced any differently than they are right here, and right now.
This is of course entirely up to you. Everything could stay or seem to stay exactly as it is right now, and that is because of you. Hard pill to swallow I know, but this is exactly what we are right here and right now. Nothing will change or seem to change despite that being all that actually occurs here on planet Earth is change.
You can start to become more confident, and stable by putting a stop to your suffering. Clairvoyantly suffering looks like a choice, and often times a completely unconscious choice. If other people suffer because of you, and you are aware of that reality then you are responsible for constructing that reality. If you choose to live your life unconsciously or through reactions to survival based in fear you will never establish the confidence to move on to a experience other than the options you see feed to you on television, the evening news, economic manipulations, and the suffering you hold on to as true, and believed of value. Clinging to a material saturated experience is an unconscious choice, and will cause your confidence to be tied to what you ‘do’ and not who you ‘be’.
There is absolutely nothing wrong or right with any of the examples I gave to having a day to day experience especially the particular way that anything occurs. However exactly how YOU BE when you are meeting any experience holding the knowledge that you ARE the experience, and are not doing anything other than having an experience gives you a pretty solid indication of the reason you are here on Earth now. If you are here to shop for shoes, yell at your employees, join weight watchers, snort heroin then thats your reason to be here. Like I said there is nothing wrong or right about any of it because in essence it is all exactly the same thing – you doing life just in different settings.
Stability is different for each consciously evolving being. If your stability is tied to money or any material option then you will experience into that manifestation a value tied to conditions of how you go about believing that this is created by you. In fact you create nothing. You are born stable, and have always been stable, and will die stable as conscious energy. If you trump your conscious expansion with an ego drive clinging to a material presence you will experience stability conditioned by this set of circumstances.
The setting establishes the feelings of stability. Stability in energy is seen as balanced if when viewed clairvoyantly there is an actual flow or movement to, and from within the space/time relationship that is identified as you, or me or any conscious creature. This flow actually looks like it is streaming from within the person who is the energy being looked at, and the balance is a suggested presence held in the consciousness of that being. It is all based on relationships within the presence as seen in the NOW. So in this case the left, and right, top, and bottom, back, and front will all be relationships visible as energy, and often told as a story, picture, or energy image. Checking yourself to see if your experience is in balance will lend insight into your stable presence as a consciously evolving being who is having a material experience. You are having an experience, and that is where you are most stable, and by knowing you are a confident being responsible to your conscious evolution provides you with an option to any experience without a need for an application of duality to be applied, or judged as right wrong, better worse, more less, etc etc …. Breaking free from a dualistic reality structure takes time, and practice while you install a reality program built from the energy identity we are constructing together in this book and then considering what there is available as we meet the experience we are having in the NOW.
We what to consciously evolve because we can. It is really that simple of a desire that I see emerging from within peoples energy aware that they have a source to their energy, and it is within them, and streamed out into the world as reality. Consciousness precedes reality. These people are a graphic emergence of presence in the NOW. You do not know what is possible until you are having the experience, and are aware that you are an experience. In cases such as this, these people are aware that they are exploring with their consciousness, and unconsciousness, and are willing to meet whatever experience they ARE. It is not always a smooth ride but these people are very much alive vibrant, and they are very clear about the reasons they are here, and now. These people represent to me teachers, and guides into the structure of reality by allowing me to clairvoyantly participate with them. I tell them exactly what I see from a neutral perspective, and a story emerges that captures pictures of their presence as it looks right here in the right NOW. They usually have a relationship with the NOW, and accept that it is a developing experience of emergence, and that reality as they know it is changing, and they accept this as a consequence. The one thing I can say is that never ever do any of these people look like anything similar or as if they are going through something remotely alike. It always looks like it is coming directly from within them, and is who they are right NOW.
I know I want to consciously evolve because I’m aware that without my consciousness, and use of my awareness I would have no reality, or experience to meet. I am very aware that I am an experience, and that I am making the effort to BE the experience. It’s not MY experience, and once I let go of that way of meeting the experience as MINE I was able to access more of the potential stored within me as my energy streamed as source. It totally changed my experience because I was no longer attached to it as my experience
Each of us projects into a reality structure our own presence of being, and that looks different for each individual, and yet we have become vividly aware that we are connected to each other, and everything in our universe – everything always. I am a continuous unfolding of my conscious application, and the universe is my vested interest. This simple truth has emerged for me out of the science of physics, and when applied to my ability to think, and use my brain my consciousness changes the dynamic of that experience. This I have learned from observing other people, and how their consciousness changes anything they place their attention on. It’s what matters to them, and sometimes it matters to me also. I consider this a collective conscious agreement.
Each of us has an effect on anything we look at because our consciousness when combined with our presence as the NOW we ARE aware of this as potential, and when we place our attention as presence on the NOW we are able to meet our experience in different ways. It is only in the past five to ten years that the collective consciousness has begun to take responsibility for itself by constructing, a collective energy identity. We are literally the conscious energy that is the emergence into everything, and everything is composed of energy.
Without consciousness there is no survival into the next moment. Only consciousness can fully embraces the complex structure of our Earth and why we are here. We are here on Earth because we are conscious beings, and we are an experience in a physical body, or so it seems. Regardless of what you believe, feel , or know you exist as conscious energy only. Everything else is the illusion providing consciousness with an evolving backdrop weather you want to take responsibility for that or not. To overlook or ignore your conscious presence will default your experience often to an unconscious energy pattern that does not serve you or your needs, and this is what you see occurring as a reality today. The problem of the world as well as the joy of the world is there because you are conscious. You and your consciousness is all, and everything you see before you as the experience you are having in this moment.
To embrace your consciousness is why you exist, and developing the abilities that comes with that undertaking as you, as energy expand, and grow.Â
This continuous change is your choice to be conscious of or not. To even consider this as a responsibility is entirely your choice. Intentionally choosing to consciously evolve allows you the pleasure of meeting your manifested experience not based in a fear driven survival but as an ability developing because you make that choice. The comfort of surviving consciously gives you the beginning of a satisfaction to explore abilities that emerge because you allow yourself a presence not based in fear but rather a presence based in a relationship to the present moment. You then occur as a healthy consideration to your ability to survive, and move on to the possibilities that exist as a potential with you, and your identity as energy. As energy I meet people continuously reflecting images clairvoyantly to me in a reading as an abundance of choices that show possibility to exist in potential states of energy within them, and in the present moment streamed into their manifested reality. They posses the ability necessary to meet this manifestation because they are consciously aware that they are evolving.
The reason these people and many people are aware of their conscious evolution is because they are making choices into the space that all potential energy exists in as potential states. Why they are consciously evolving is because they are choosing to meet their manifested experience as a conscious presence in reality.
Whenever I participate in a clairvoyant reading I get the opportunity to see images in a person’s energy field that reflect to me a validation that this person has a identity of themselves as energy.
An energy identity that is of service to itself is constructed by a person intentionally. This action is about developing abilities that informs them of their relationship to consciousness as well as their unconsciousness. In most people nothing really matters to them except their own personal alignment to their specific goals, and desires. This is where evolutions work is because debating if something is right or wrong with yourself or anyone else is always a personal choice. It becomes apparent that taking a side for or against anything is not the point because we are evolving to understand that life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you choose to allow it to be, and it all depend upon the thoughts you practice as you meet your experience. Everything is ultimately dependent upon the thoughts you practice, and this is the bases to your success. So ask yourself how much time and space do you practice thoughts that activate joy, and how much do you practice thoughts that activate pain.
As life-form we are composed of conscious and unconscious energy, and everything is ultimately energy. Your thought form is your life form. Asking yourself if you are conscious or unconscious of this action will reveal to you the choices you are making matter into your experience – or not.
The reality of the life of a consciously aware being understands, and feels they are the experience they are having, and any change or healing is an action to the events they meet as manifested. Your day to day moment to moment challenge is what manifests, and is a result of choices made consciously, and hopefully intentionally. The majority of choices I witness made in peoples energy field are unconscious, and the obvious healing is that these people are intentionally being aware of themselves as conscious energy, and making choices that reflect a conscious presence into their experience. This action is the evolution visible in people as a present time revolution into conscious evolution.
Consciousness is the common link that lends insightfulness into life circumstance. The complex challenge of global survival is one reason we individually, and collectively consciously evolve. What I see emerging from within the energy structure of individuals when I meet them clairvoyantly is the possibility, many possibilities to meet their own conscious abilities evolving. We evolve so we can access new abilities to meet the challenge of our emerging conscious presence in present time.
Any real conscious evolution is contained in a present moment. Each of us face our moment either thought-filled with awareness or not. Only you truly know what you are able to bring through you as you meet the manifested experiences, and told through you as your consciousness. Ask yourself are you evolving?
We solve our issues by finding within us the resources necessary for our sustainability, and for our collective conscious to survive. What is emerging is the survival of conscious evolution as the driving force behind individual, and collective survival. Consciousness desires to expand, grow, and evolve as the resource fueling the solutions to the global problems facing us today. Consciousness is also the source of the global problems facing us today, and bewildered by the unconscious being sedated by the past.
In order to survive our energy is telling us that we have to start to act as energy, and act with the responsibilities that come with being that presence. Our ability to be present in the now of space-time is the emerging consideration to our needs as humans. We now know that everything is energy, and we are a part of a universal occurrence, and not separate from anything. We are empowered by the wholeness of our three dimensional space, and fourth dimensional time being expanded into a multidimensional awareness of ourselves as a possibility potential that is entirely energy.
It is becoming clear that we desire to consciously evolve because we are also aware that to not evolve leads us into a life of unconscious patterns of behaviors that ultimately separate you from the very experience you desire to feel whole within. This looks like behavior that blames others or making choices that over look our needs because we are too afraid to admit that we are the responsible energy behind the entire manifested experience.
The reasons many of us are overwhelmed by the events depicted in the evening news is because we feel separated from any solutions, and because we are afraid. This fear is very real, and drives the current paradigm based entirely upon survival. Survival based in fear separates each of us from our abilities to meet manifested realty keeping us locked into a fear based survival.
We fear life, and we fear death, and without a consciousness responsible to a wholeness there can never be an ongoing inward peace. As energy we learn that consciousness gives us the experience of life. Consciousness now desires to expand, and meet our challenges because this challenge is from the source of our energy. Our energy is a constant streaming that looks like the life you live. This life you live is your experience, and your experience comes from within you. An abundant resource of possibilities. As energy you are existing as your experience, and as potential states of energy, some at rest, and some brought into action through choice. Once you completely emerge into the experience, and accept that you are an experience you are then in a position to be aware that as an experience you do not need to identify with the experience as YOURS but rather just an experience. You are an experience but it does not belong to you as if it were your possession. It is not YOUR experience you are having but you ARE having an experience. This slight adjustment to engagement to the actual meeting of the experience allows the source that streams through you to be whole, and not separated by the ego or the mind to make it yours. This step of ownership of the experience as “all yours†will separate you unnecessarily from the source that streams through you, and ultimately present an obstruction to the conscious momentum. This ever so slight adjustment when witnessed by me in readings makes obvious the congestion such a separation can reverberate through an otherwise unobstructed space-time occurrence.
By choosing to consciously evolve you tap into a rich resourcefulness, that only an abundance of possibilities can BE reached at with the power of choice. The choice of challenge you observe as the world or as a problem to be solved are all within you the source of all matter. This you is also an ‘us’ of a collective conscious whole.
We desire to consciously evolve because that momentum is a salvation. Salvation is the source within our whole, and from a conscious presence emerging into a more multifaceted version of experience as presence is a multidimensional expanded manifested reality.
Conscious evolution is entirely streamed through the source that we meet when manifested. We want to evolve because consciousness precedes reality.