I am pretty sure that the only law is in your head.

It does seem as though like attracts like, but is this a law of attraction? Like attracting like is within the flow of energy around the body and through the body. I am not sure if you can call this a law, but it certainly is visible and seems to be alway energetically in place. Laws are only law until they are proven otherwise. Yet attraction is a biggie for Earthlings and a major theme underlying most of why we do the things we do. We are attracted to it.

But being attracted to something and a law of attraction are different things, often confused and honored as the same, unconsciously of course. We exist as an energy field that is built upon attracting energies. I base most of my reading of energy upon the ability to identify like energy. If I can’t recognize the energy then I cannot read it. So whenever you meet a psychic that says they are all knowing and can see everything, they are not really telling you the truth. Nobody knows everything. You are lucky if you can find some shred of likeness between you and anyone – think of the billions of people you never meet and never will. You have “no like” energy.

I find that the flow of energy in and around the body is vital to a healthy life. We attract what we put out. It is reflected back to us in the experience. This may not seem obvious to you and yet it is the most consistent energy arrangement to the human life form and in the experience. It is a lot like living in a prism, everything is a reflection of something else and a multi-faceted encasement of our energy field. We constantly get to see ourselves reflected back to us by the mirror of like energy. It is all around you all the time and within you. In this case, the like energy is the law of attraction, you attract yourself!

We often find ourselves attracted to something or someone who does not seem to share the attraction, and a great example of how random an attraction can be, as well as, unrequited. No law here, the attraction goes unnoticed. Or does it? The attraction is often felt or noticed but not returned and we have all been there. Move on and consider other options, or investigate what is really being reflected back at you in the experience. Often this information reveals a lot about us and where we are at in present time.

Attraction is what comes naturally to you as you move through life. Understanding of course that you generate the entire field of energy around you and are responsible for the content. If you are full of anger and frustration and are blasting that out of your space, even unconsciously, you are setting the stage for more and more of the same. The same goes for love and kindness, try sharing  that for a while and see what happens.

We attract everything to us

It is sometimes hard to believe that we attract everything to us, especially when things are not seemingly going as well as we would like. The key word here is seemingly because we project so much “stuff” onto things that the attraction gets blurred and we lose track. Staying alert and present to the moment we are in is helpful and necessary to observe what we are attracting. Always consider what you witness around you, because you are being guided on your growth cycle through the experience you are having.

Often people ask me, “How can I attract a person into my life for a relationship?” or, “Do you see anyone attracted to me?” These questions are visible by observing the flow of energy towards the person and is in the incoming or future time energy. Future time energy is very hard to read because it is always changing, and it exists as infinite possibility. You have to go with what it looks like right now, understanding it can change in the next second. When I look at stuff like this I always check what the person is putting out to see if there is any pattern to the energy dynamic relative to attraction, perhaps the law of attraction! If you are not giving you are not receiving, plain and simple. There has to be some outward flow that addresses the question at hand. What are you putting out there in order to attract someone into or towards your space? This question may seem simple but, in fact, it is a loaded question full of many many loopholes and bigger questions that will and do overshadow a simple request for a relationship. I would have to dig deep into the energy dynamic of the person to see just what is going on in the relationship space being held at that time and if attraction is even the point in fact. Relationship energy is very often in past time and this can create unwanted present time experiences unconsciously.

So in nutshell, attraction is complicated and if there is a “law” it is a very flexible law and perhaps not a law at all, only a possibility.  “Attract” we do all the time and, in fact, is what keeps the momentum of energy going in the first place. Without attraction there would be very little motivation to do anything. Even basic needs are based in attraction to some extent. Food, shelter, money and survival are basic to our life but we usually default to the setting of what we are attracted to . . . Eat, live, work, etc. You have to like it to do it, unless you are able to do things you don’t like to do, which is very possible and another story entirely. These situations of doing and attracting stuff or people we do not like or feel good about is alway past time and unconscious. It happens all the time and is the reason for developing a relationship with present time and awareness of who you really are in this moment.

A lot of times when people say they want to attract something to them they don’t really want to put out the energy that would make that a reality. They hold a perfect picture image of what they want but are unwilling to actually do what it takes to bring it home and have it at all. Having-ness is a huge deal when we consider attracting anything. Are you able to have it in the first place? Can you actually do what it takes to have what you want? Pretty basic stuff but often overlooked because we want it magically to happen or hope that it will just show up. That is not out of the realm of possibilities but it is way way out there. Like winning the lotto, yes it COULD happen but should you wait for it to happen? What usually shows up is a unconscious default setting and a hard lesson often times repeated over and over again. We then ask why does this always happen to me?

If the law of attraction is in your head then consider using it by following the rules. Your rules combined with the rules of energy flow. If you want magic, put some magic out there. If you want a relationship put yourself out there, a lot.  Things will just show up but if you really want or desire something check and see if in fact YOU really want it, desire it, or was it something you saw in a movie and it looked good to you. This is not the same thing, it’s fantasy. If you truly desire something there is no guarantee you will get it, now that’s the law of attraction. But if you make a little effort and pinpoint your desire and know it is yours and in the realm of possibilities then take the common sense steps to make it a reality. Be absolutely sure you have a relationship with the present moment and that you are conscious of the experience you are having NOW.

Give and you shall receive. True enough but not always accurate to what you will get back. Sometimes backing off the effort level is helpful. Giving too much is just as useless as giving too little. It is a recipe that only you can come up with and suitable to you and what you actually can HAVE in the present moment. Knowing yourself is vital, loving yourself is vital and respecting yourself and where you are right now is the gift of giving to yourself and the people around you. When you are in synch with yourself the door opens to incoming energy and the attractions you feel are honored.

September 2011