The love of your life best be yourself. A person’s energy can show if love is directed towards themselves or if that dynamic is lacking. The way it looks in the person’s space is that the flow into the the space from within is not being directed into the self. The self can be seen as the body or it can be images that show the person not connected to this flow of energy. This flow can get cut off for many reasons, a divorce, a death, or just a childhood where this ability was not learned. Self love seems to be a learned experience.
As we emerge in a body on this Earth we have to feel seen or made to understand that we exist. This is usually done by the parent or it can happen naturally on its own. Often we have energies that surround us that are a part of the conscious construct we are, always. These energies are not visible to us when we are in a body and use our eyes. However, as babies we can and often do see these energies for sometime after our birth and they comfort us and can also scare us because they don’t seem to fit in the reality structure of three-dimensional Earth.
As we grow, these energies fade and we often forget they were ever there. Some of us remember and that is a function of your life purpose and conscious evolution unique to your presence. When you die, these energies come back so to speak and we regroup with them as they are always a part of us. Clairvoyantly, they are always visible and mediums can communicate with these energies if they are true mediums and don’t get all commercial with the  “I see dead people thing.”
When the dynamic of energy of self-love is clairvoyantly visible, Â it starts to paint a picture of the relationship you have with love as an energy. Because everything is ultimately energy, this consideration allows for love to be symbolized as an intention to purpose. You can live a whole life just learning to love yourself. The process becomes your experience in life as you grow and learn this simple truth. The ability to love yourself fist is a huge energy dynamic that is emerging on Earth right now. This is a level of responsibility that unless embraced by you can cause you to suffer.
What is the purpose of your being expressed this way?
Without a self-directed energy of love coming from within the life experience you will feel a concern about being alone. The alone experience can become anxious over time because of this lacking. Attempts at relationships with other people if not fueled by the internal energy of source causes the relationship to suffer. Self-directed love is one way to sustain a life force in tune with an abundant experience of the now. What this looks like clairvoyantly is that energy flows within you coming from all directions, below you, above you and from your sides. These energies are literally you and when you self-directed, these energies, they begin to mix in the area of the chest or heart. These energies fuel the heart mindedness of love. We call it love here on Earth, but it has many names. The name of the energy is not important, it is the occurrence of the event that matters.
Relationships in general are difficult to maintain without self-love, because the hunger for love or any energy is lacking to satisfy the loss of energy directed toward oneself. If you are not connected into this flow you will not be able to bring yourself fully into a radiance of authentic presence. Authentic presence is knowing just how vital your energy is to the whole. The whole is within you and you reflect that or you don’t. When you have self-directed love the sustained momentum causes an abundance to be available and everyone becomes your lover because you radiate the heart mindedness of ease.
It is not necessary to have a loving relationship in an exclusive sense so often portrayed to us in movies and stories. The true relationship is within each of us and that wholeness is easily given through us to everyone because there is plenty to go around. You don’t have to focus on one person and make it exclusive. Exclusivity can separate us from the very thing we so desire in a loving experience. Nevertheless, having a lover, wife, husband or partner is one of the more enjoyable experiences of life, if the fuel for that event is able to grounded internally. Without the internal grounding the exclusive lover will eventually fail because it cuts you off from source. You are the source of everything and you manage the events of your experience with the ultimate responsibility of having your existence be loved by you without compromise.
The greatest love of all is within and not outside of yourself with another person. This is hard to grasp since we are conditioned to believe that we cannot be happy until we meet someone and love and live happily ever after. There is nothing wrong or right with this occurrence, however it is not the point of a conscious being of love. Whenever I do a reading with a person and they ask me about a relationship, I always look to see if they, in fact, have a relationship space set up in their energy package. The relationship space will show the exact dynamic available to that person in present time. If the space is “set up” it usually indicates that some degree of self-directed love is occurring. A trickle of self-directed love is obviously not ideal to the success of an “outside” relationship with another person, but it can allow you to meet someone and have a challenging experience. This is often a part of the conscious evolution of this particular person and it is not to be judged as good or bad because it is the experience they are having and it is valid.
The pictures that are visible in the relationship space will tell the story of just how possible a relationship is or is not. The location of the relationship space in the energy field provides a ton of information about just what is available. A general example of location would be if the relationship space is located in the left leg, just that location alone will tell you that relationships for this person are probably about receiving security and feeling or needing love. If the location is in the thigh on the left side in the back then the particulars of this relationship may be unconsciously about repeating feeling over and over again, because this is the purpose of the relationship occurring in the first place. This can also mean that emotions build up over time and this storage of feeling can be unexpressed and often felt as a longing.
Obviously there are many ways to “look” at this and it is completely dependent upon who you are looking at and witnessing as a whole. Each of us is whole, but that may not be the experience you are having. The love of your life is whole unto you as you emerge into life and out of life, the continuous flow of conscious energy.