So very different from the first chakra is the second chakra located in the abdominal area of the body, however just like the first chakra, the energy flows is the same. It flows into the left on the front of the body as consciousness and into the right in the back of the body as unconsciousness. The flows may be the same but the function of the second energy center of the body is completely different from the first and provides us with new abilities and needs.  Basically what I mean by needs is that you have to give to get. If you want the second chakra to do its job then you have to meet the action or needs. Being demanding is more like it when it comes to the second chakra, it demands your attention by constantly providing you with feelings.
The second chakra is all about feelings, everything and I mean everything you feel comes from the second chakra. “In charge” of the second chakra are the adrenal glands located above the kidneys in the back of the body, and deeply embedded into the unconscious. The adrenal glands are a part of the endocrine system which is a manifestation of the energetic system represented by chakras throughout the living body.

Much of our feelings come from the unconscious. Nowhere in the body is the unconscious more apparent than in the second chakra. Ninety percent, if not more, of our feelings come from the unconscious into the conscious being. This may surprise you as it did me upon reading people’s energy, but now I understand the vital nature of the second chakra and its health and well-being as a product of this very important relationship. We are unconscious beings becoming conscious. It is really a perfect set up, for without it, we would not be here today.

All of your feelings resonate from the abdominal area of the body, so if you want to feel, go there! All emotional circumstances can be a direct result of how you feel about yourself. This by its very nature fluctuates and reflects the duality of our reality. Sometimes you feel good and sometimes you feel bad, simple and yet super sophisticated in design. You feel your feelings, as well as, the feelings of other people and things around us. We do it unconsciously, but it can be brought into conscious awareness. Nowhere in the body is the unconscious and conscious being so delicately met and operated.

The adrenals give us drive, energy gives us momentum providing emotional fluidity . This area is perhaps the most used and necessary area to our existence by defining who we are by how we feel. I would say most people relate to this area and the ability. Your ability to care for the health in this area is self respect and love. Without self respect and self love this ability to feel is diminished.  A lot of emotional suffering is compounded by our unconscious feelings about ourselves and the feeling of other people entering our space. The ability to feel the feelings of other people vary in each person. Some people are very “gifted” in feeling other people’s feelings, perhaps more so than their own, and this can be confusing. The gift becomes a curse unless you can get a grip on your ability to feel everything you feel all the time. You have to pay attention to the present moment and meet it in order to grasp what you feel consciously. Without conscious attention we default to the unconscious feelings and drag out attention into a past time relationship to our experience.

The second energy center is one of the few places that it is appropriate to allow other people to connect with you and share the space. If you like someone, love someone, want to meet  someone, want to have sex with someone, you better open up that second chakra and let some energy into your space. Sounds so simple but remember the unconscious is deeply involved in just how “open” you are and safe you feel. So much of this area is affected by your level of self love and respect that without it you will pull back and be unable to connect or be connected with, or connect with a very problematic person unconsciously.

When people come to me and say they want a romantic relationship I look into the second chakra to see the energy images they carry about having a relationship. “Havingness ” is measured by self and you determine this reality. You may have a lot of “stuff” but lack sexual intimacy, so your havingness is apparent but is realized differently throughout the body in different ways. Sexual identity is felt in the second chakra but identity is created in the genitals in the first. This very act ties the two very different energy centers together and gives continuity to the body. All the feelings you feel come from here, the second chakra.

Digestion issues obviously come from this area and can be a result of our relationship to our feelings and the interconnectedness of the physical to emotional. The environment you grew up in and now exist in is vital to emotional realization. You literally feel everything all the time even when you sleep. Feeling is perhaps the single most important event of having a body in the first place, to feel! To grow! If you lived your whole life cut off from your feelings then you are used to it and it may not affect you in ways it could affect other people more sensitive and open to constant flow. Everyone personally relates to this area differently, as do men and women. This is partially due to women having their ovaries located in the second chakra and men having the testicles located in the first. The ovaries and testicles are also apart of the endocrine system and are “in charge” of the first chakra. Women have to “go to” the first chakra through the second while men are there already in a sense. This physical difference is one reason why women seem emotionally different  from men. Everything has its benefits depending upon the person and how they approach the ability of “to feel”.

A healthy second chakra means you are open to the future feelings coming to you consciously and unconsciously, feeling in the present moment and experiencing what you are feeling and releasing feelings out into the world as the past. This also means you allow some data energy entering your space to affect the unconscious, as well as, allowing some of the unconscious data energy to affect the conscious. It is basically balancing the left side of the body to right side of the body emotionally. Of all the energy flows of the body the second chakra is perhaps the most fluid, primarily because of the huge unconscious participation when it comes to our feelings, and because we are constantly feeling.

Learn how to operate the human energy system

Maintain good health in this area, by giving to yourself love and respect and you will flourish in your ability to feel your own feelings and the feelings of other people in present time. Practice paying attention to your needs, and make a commitment to learn how to operate the human energy system in general. These actions can help you become conscious of your feelings without an automatic unconscious response.