october 2011
The seventh energy center of the body is located at the top of the head, the crown chakra. It is called the crown because it signifies the pinnacle of our power. The uppermost chakra of the body and the jewel of our crowning abilities here in this body and on this Earth. It caps off the body and the chakras below and works in harmony with the other energy centers to punctuate just who you are and what you do in your body, on Earth, and reality. The crown to the glory of you. The crown chakra is connected to the pineal gland and is relevant to the rest of the endocrine system.
The seventh energy center is your knowing-ness. In addition to your knowledge is your ability to know, to think, and create through imagination and thought forms. This chakra flows just like all the rest of the chakras, consciously from left to right in the front of the body and unconsciously  from right to left on the back of the body. The sides of the head is where the integration of unconscious and consciousness is evolving.  Nowhere is the flow more important than here for a sense of peace enhanced by intelligence. You have to know yourself  well and have a perception of reality and participate; defined by you and your ability to know. Without a conscious and unconscious vested interest in your knowing you would not exist. Unconsciousness has gotten us this far and consciousness will lead the way to where we go from here. We needed unconscious energy patterns to get us here today and they have served us well. However the future is dependent upon our consciousness taking hold and delivering us knowingly into the time we witness as the future, or infinite possibility. It may be necessary to abandon unconscious and long held energy patterns, replacing them with a conscious perception perhaps unknowable until now. The crown chakra leads the way for our evolution, necessary for survival (first chakra) in the world as it is today, and witnessed in the changing brain chemistry of young people.
The need of the seventh chakra is for a knowing of a greater universal involvement. You have the wherewithal to be a part of the entire universe and know that along with feelings (second chakra) and connection (fourth chakra). The seventh chakra requests that you use the abilities of all your other energy centers to achieve wholeness that supports knowing as part of a universe and the current plan and paradigm. This is, of course, a result of relative truths, and perceptions held to be self-evident. It ties the whole package together into a coherent knowing unique to you as the witness and author. Built into the ability to know is the ability to change (heal), overturning truths as they become rendered, outdated and no longer a reflection of our collective understanding of how things appear to be.  Truth can appear relative with time and space and can only be known using the ability of the seventh energy center of the body, as your present time knowledge. The flow and understanding of how YOU know is vital to expansion of consciousness and becoming less dependent upon the unconscious for survival (first chakra). By empowering (third chakra) us to seek out truth (fifth chakra) as it is today, and trust that to control (third chakra) our knowledge (seventh chakra). This is why the third chakra is so “mental†even though it is located deep in the physical body. The will (fifth chakra) can connect us to the universe, our day-to-day lives on earth, and  by communication with others and to ourselves with the  inner voice.
You never want anyone or anything in the seventh chakra with you. It is very important that this space be for your presence only. If anyone or anything gets corded or somehow connected into the head area, problems occur. Problems in the form of mental suffering, pain, uncertainty, constant doubt, and negative feeling toward the self. Knowing is an ability we all have to deal with on a never-ending basis. If someone is in your head, their energy will usurp your own knowledge and control your space. Religion, propaganda, television, gurus, cults, spiritual advisers, all can get in your head if you allow that to happen. You allow it to happen by matching an energy image you share with someone or something, an ideal, or belief system that may not originate from you. Often people try deliberately to get into your head by conveying a message or even selling a product. It can be very simple or complex depending upon the intention. Headaches are often a cord trying to attach to you by someone else or it could just be dehydration. You have to check in to find out and see what is going on in your space.
You have to constantly maintain your space as belonging to you; never allow anyone to be in ownership of your energy system. If for some reason someone gets in, find out how and why and correct the situation. It happens all the time, whether we like it or not, and it is your responsibility to take care of your space. Seek help if you need it and avoid feeling ashamed by knowing. At times you have to confront doubt or negative thought forms as part of being a human being. You can correct the situation by simply acknowledging that you are aware of the presence of someone in your space, and release them from your space, gently. Negative energy will only attract more negative energy. Finding the energy image or picture they “got in on†is a deeper healing and you may need to enlist someone to help you do that. Finding the picture is the ultimate healing and will completely disconnect you from any further interference and teach you the methods necessary for your knowledge to be realized as you evolve in your body as a life form realized here on Earth.
Sometimes you just know something for reasons you cannot explain. Sometimes you make things up. Sometimes you know something based on proof as witnessed in reality or a truth.
Energetically, these are all the same things just happening at a fluctuating momentum. Your ability to know is vast and expanding exponentially. We currently do not really have a grip on just how all of this works and we often ignore the ability to know because we are filled with doubt and uncertainty. Overcoming any lack of knowledge and embracing spontaneous intelligence is often not validated by us because we do not know how to integrate this skill into our reality perception. You have to teach yourself how to do this or find someone to help you do that, someone who will not get into your head but rather offer you assistance in ownership of your ability on your own. Trusting yourself (third chakra) is the first step, understanding you may run into doubt along the way. Just keep going, practice and hone your ability, and learn from your mistakes!
Addictions and any dependence
Addictions and any dependence upon anything is from the crown chakra and our relationship to control our thought forms. We all want to feel we are sane and in control of reality but that. of course. is relative and subjective to each person. One day you feel sane the next a bit insane. Addiction comes in many forms and we are all addicted to something including knowing we are sane. The only way I know of dealing with addiction is to trust your wholeness and accept that you are fractured. Of course, this is a complicated issue and red hot in today’s world where everything can become an addiction, some perfectly acceptable and encouraged, like a workaholic. This sends very mixed and confusing messages, only you can decipher your way through the maze of information available, and decide your course of action.
The seventh energy center of the body is the polar opposite of the first energy center of the body, yet they provide the polarity that the physical body manifests in our perception of reality. The seventh connects us to the vastness of our universe and the knowledge available while the first grounds us into survival and basic needs of acting through a body. Each hold and access the other chakras in place by utilizing the abilities each offer and completing the package of you and who you are in present time. All chakras interface with each other to format a complete energy system we are currently learning how to operate.
The crown chakra is thought to be the chakra we exit the body through when we die. “We†being our consciousness. It is also reported that we astral travel out the body from the seventh when we deliberately and consciously project ourselves to someplace out of the body. Dreaming and daydreaming occurs in the third chakra. The seventh chakra is an area yet to be explored completely and perhaps holds vast untold or unknown intelligence and skill. We come from matter created by exploding stars so that story is building as we open ourselves up to the possibilities contained in that momentum.