The sixth chakra is the energy center where all ideas, values and vision is realized. Beliefs, thought forms and the ability to see happen in this area of the body. This is the chakra that I do all my clairvoyant readings from and is where anyone can “see” energy.  A strong feature of the sixth chakra is the ability to create a neutral space to read energy from so you don’t judge what you see. It takes practice but worth the effort. The head, above the nose and below the hairline is the home of the sixth energy center of the body. The pituitary gland is connected to this chakra.

The need of the sixth chakra is for a sense of rapture. A feeling of bliss occurs as consciousness connected to the body. This feeling of rapture needs regular contact from you for this experience. It is often overlooked, the result is dullness and depression in thought, this affects what we see, and our vision becomes compromised.

Like all the energy centers of the body, energy flows into the area of the head around the eyes from the left as the future incoming data or information. The present moment is right between the eyes and provides us the ability to see right now on all level into all things. Here is where we can and do default into unconsciousness because of habit and lack of inspiration. We release the energy to the right as our vision, or how we see things to be, and as an offering to our world as our perception. This would reflect the present moment experience automatically, if not consciously paid attention to all the time. If things don’t look so good to you; check into this area and understand that you are the creator of your sight into our world and you participate in creating the values you place there. If you don’t like what you see it is your responsibility to adjust the perception and meet the need of the sixth chakra.

I consider this energy center to be perhaps the most important to me because I use it so much and it is how I personally get through this experience I am having on this planet and in this body. Many people are deeply connected to this chakra and have all the abilities available to them that this chakra offers but do not know how to use it, or just don’t take advantage of their skills. It may or may not be the same for you. We all have different abilities we identify with and are stronger in one area then we are in another. You have to know yourself enough to be able to “own” who you are and what you do best.

Subtle ability sensitivity is a very common occurrence I witness in many people, but in our world these abilities are often not validated. Because of this people can feel ashamed of their sensitive nature and hide it or worse deny it. Many people suffer a great deal because they are unsure just how to use the abilities of the sixth chakra and become challenged. Perhaps they feel they don’t ‘fit in” simply because of judgment directed at them. Our society doesn’t offer them psychological shelter and care as valid human beings. It is obvious that we are not all the same nor do we all have the same or even similar purpose as we express ourselves through our consciousness in bodies, perceiving a reality. It is up to you to surround yourself with like people and validate yourself for your unique abilities and offer yourself a place of significance here on Earth. This can take a lifetime to achieve, patience and self-love and respect (second chakra) is necessary to learn.

The sixth chakra is where we idealize and store our unique and often subtle abilities. Being a free conscious being, free to express your particular skill takes a good strong flow of energy and being okay with yourself is often not enough. Self realization and trust of a budding conscious being takes daily upkeep and patience as you grow into yourself in present time. Meditation can help here, but it is truly up to you to do whatever you need to do to stake claim to your beliefs and vision you proclaim out into our world.

Other people’s energy

The sixth energy center of the body is especially one place you do not want to have other people’s energy. Much like the third and first, it is very inappropriate to have another person cord you or share this space with you. Other people often get into our heads trying to understand us or wanting us to believe what they believe. This is very much the case with dogma or anything categorized as spiritual. Gurus, cults, teachers, guides, anything that has to do with your beliefs and values, as well as, other people’s ideas on how you “should” look at something. It can get very complicated here and often congested with crisscrossing energy. Be careful not to get anyone in your head with you, it can lead to very uncomfortable thoughts or thought patterns. Often this is unconscious and it is your responsibility to shine the light of consciousness here, revealing affinity (fourth chakra) with the power (third chakra) you have available to you.

You want to protect your asset of seeing clearly very carefully and not be controlled by what other people want you to believe or see. Of course we often are influenced by other people’s ideas and sometimes it is important to be inspired by a new thought or value that comes from someone else. This however is different then letting someone control the space in our heads and compromise our ability to do this on our own. Autonomy and independence in ideas, values and beliefs is essential for the sixth chakra health and well being.

It is a common misinterpretation that to see in the clairvoyant or psychic sense is exactly like seeing with the open eyes. It is not the case and often why people think that they are not “gifted” with these abilities. There is no “gift” involved, everyone has the subtle ability of sensory perception but it is a muscle that has to be trained and you have to be interested in it in the first place. Anyone can learn to play the piano, but not everyone is talented or interested in it enough to actually be good at it. The same goes for clairvoyance or psychic ability, you either are into it or you are not.
Keeping this area free of cords or outside interference is pretty much a constant maintenance issue. You have to always check in with yourself and see if, in fact, you are situated in a place where you can match the energy with out a lot of effort and that sometimes takes considerable time to establish. If the energy around you is not a suitable match move on. Mismatching is very draining to the sixth chakra and you will feel exhausted energetically, you won’t see clearly. Your ideas and values will come into question, and this can be very uncomfortable. This may lead you to believe that your suffering is caused by things outside yourself and actually “look” that way to you. However it is never “out there” it all comes from you. Clear thinking is a huge responsibility only you can manage and here, again, offer to our world through your perception of reality.

A healthy sixth chakra is free of manipulation and clear to feel the rapture of consciousness and the reality experience. Ideas flow easily and values do not conflict, and when they do, you can make a conscious effort to understand why. You can “see” yourself as you move through the present moment without interference or obstruction. You regularly apply conscious application to unconscious energy patterns and learn how to understand the vast resources of the sixth energy center of the body. You have to try, make an effort, do whatever YOU need to do to feel the rapture of a conscious human being and use the sixth chakra to create a perception that meets the demands of our world each day. Nothing will change or heal until you do that for yourself and reflect that back out from your energetic space into the reality you participate  within. The sixth chakra is truly a gift to us for survival into a fully conscious human being and vital to our evolution.