As we move up the body ascending to the third energy center, the need to understand our reality becomes important. Just surviving and having feelings is no longer enough to sustain the body and the being expressing itself through its manifestation. The third chakra is simply thought of as the power pump of the body. It regulates our energy demands and provides the power we exude, unique to each being. This also like the first chakra and second chakra, holds some information as to our identity by the way we use our power. The pancreas is connected to the thrd chakra and helps define its characteristics as a part of the endocrine system.
The flow of energy is exactly the same as in the first and second chakra and is true for all the energy centers of the body. The conscious being in front and unconscious in back, with energy flowing from left to right in the font and right to left in the back. This flow in the third chakra determines just how trusting you are, how much power you have and how much control you have over situations in your life. The flow also influences you as in being in control or being controlling along with the unconscious being and the stored information found there.
This influences our trust, power and control
Here in the third chakra is where we begin to get a blast of how mental we are and how this influences our trust, power and control. The third energy center of the body needs to have a rational and clear understanding of the situations in our lives. Without this need being met by you the third chakra will not function properly for you. You feel powerless, perhaps out of control. Overly controlling and manipulative people are victims of third chakra problems, often unconscious. We can abuse our own power by not completely understanding a situation, this makes the third chakra appear very mental. It is mental in what it needs from us in order to do its job of providing us with enough power to get through the day  and beyond.
The pancreas is the organ ‘in charge’ of the third chakra and deeply regulates the incoming conscious energy coming into our space through trust. It also plays heavily into the present moment and the empowerment necessary to sustain a life experience. The pancreas is the sweetness of life in present time. Unlike the second energy center where it is appropriate to connect with other people and let them share your space, the third is not. It is vitally important that no one and nothing be interfering or have control over your power.
Examples of people and situations that can be inappropriately involved with you in the third chakra are, parents, bosses, legal contracts, banks, loved ones, jobs, gurus and therapists. No one and nothing belongs in the third chakra with you ever. Removing these cords and energy connections can completely change and heal your life. Be on the lookout for contracts or agreements that you make that involve your commitment to something, anything that would compromise your power. Never ever compromise your trust, your power, or the control you have in the present moment. Third chakra interference is perhaps the biggest problem I witness in reading people’s energy and is very fixable once you understand the reason how they got there in the first place.
You want to be in complete ownership of the third chakra so you can have full power in your life. If you are experiencing a lack of understanding of a situation in your life, fix it, gather the understanding you need, this will give the third chakra what it needs in order to provide you with the abilities of the third energy center of the body. Any lack in understanding or confusion can happen, don’t let it drag on and on, find meaning and clear confusion from your space as soon as possible and you will not experience diminished energy.
The thoracic vertebra meeting up with the lumbar vertebra are a part of the third chakra and involves unconscious foundational support for your power. Any back problems in this area are important to consider as third chakra issues and conditions to compromised power. The spine is the foundation to our overall energy and ability to be flexible in situations in our lives. Flexibility and trust are both necessary to the third chakra and determine our power needs and usage as we meet the demands of having control over our reality. “Going with the flow†is never more important than when we address the third chakra and the abilities provided.
All ‘out of body experiences’ are stored here in the third energy center of the body. Dreams are also stored here, so if you want to remember your dreams talk to the third chakra. Astral travel is also recorded here for reference. The third chakra is the site of where all the pictures or energy images are created and stored for the body and the experiences you are having in the past as well as the present. These functions all are a part of the same network, and are for the most part the same things, each realized and experienced differently depending upon your awareness and interest.
A lot goes on in this chakra, this is where we really start to become complex organisms with unique abilities. I consider the first, second and third chakras a grouping of energy centers that really deal with body level function and usage. Each person has a unique relationship to these chakras and the abilities they provide for use as we grow and change in our lives. Having a presence in this area of the body sometimes takes a whole lifetime to accomplish and for some it never really happens. Everything depends upon who you are and how you participate with your body. The more time and energy you consider necessary to explore your energy system the more you will tap into the abilities available to you in present time.