Being conscious, being unconscious, conscious of being unconscious, and unconscious of being conscious? Pretty much all the same thing, or as we say in Hawaii same-same. This is what I call an energetic loop, it goes around and comes around like a cycle. The conscious and unconscious energy loop is always at play. The beauty of the stephanotis in the picture-taken in Hawaii, by the way – is both conscious and unconscious to me –  but I’m not aware of that in this way, just partially aware by thinking. Thinking however is only somewhat aware, total awareness involves full use of all the energy centers, including and using all of the abilities available, and not just thinking. By using full evaluating potential you greatly impact the perception, and of course the experience. Most everyone is too busy to consider this “matter”, and are continuously allowing for distractions as a believed relief from their dark elements or feelings. It really is a busy world we have going on here regardless of how you want to look at it. It is the busy that gives it its glamor and charm. Yet even within all the distractions, the experience you are having is unconscious and conscious at the same time. Awareness is hopefully moving more towards the direction of consciousness, particularly as witnessed as presence in present time, and meeting the experience.

The busier you are the more validation you receive, consciously as well as unconsciously. Our values sometimes glorify a “doer”.  But who can really tell the difference anyway? Conscious or unconscious, validation in this content is validation and often times “looks like it” originated outside of your space, as a projection from within the experience. It is all still you, but it looks like it’s coming from another person or situation and appears as if it is out there somewhere. You might as well take validation when you can, and at the same time be done with it altogether. Unless it is coming from you to you, validation is reduced to “nice.” It simply doesn’t matter, ultimately your awareness of the energy dynamic is enough momentum to consciously evolve.
So let’s consider beauty here since we have this lovely example or – some people’s – idea of beauty pictured above. Beauty does appear to be in the eye of the beholder, and that pretty much sums it up. Anything outside, and limited to the light spectrum we “see” in is non-existent for most folks unless you happen to be a scientist, physicist, molecular biologist, cosmologist, mathematician, or are a person interested in things unseen by the everyday eye, like me. Perhaps you too are very much aware of feeling, thoughts, sensations, insights, telepathy, knowingness, wisdom, or anything that falls outside of, “just the things we can see with our eyes”. There is a whole huge ‘multiple worlds’ experience available through us and not “visible” to three dimensional reality but just as real.

Conscious energy presence

Everyone is capable of seeing not just the pretty stephanotis but also its energy. This takes conscious energy presence from the eye of the beholder and intentionally tuned to see that which is invisible, and is very possible to “be”. I say to “be” intentionally because this is not something you can do, it is something to be. Possibility is a key factor, and we live in a world that believes in possible and impossible. So much is impossible simply because often no one wants to genuinely believe much less feel into what they cannot see with the eyes. It can be scary. These considerations sold as fact and often packaged as truth is the condition that impacts distress-fullness into the wholeness held within the flower pictured above. This life you live is not much different, and your constant conscious or unconscious participation is what defines the event of looking at the picture above as beautiful, just okay, or not seeing it at all.

Sightlessness is  perhaps the opportunity to see, try “looking” at the picture above with your eyes closed, using your advantage of having first looked at it, and now imagining what it looks like without the help of your eyesight. In our reality pretending is child’s play and yet pretending is exactly what we are doing all the time. We don’t want to admit that, fear comes in many colors my friends, and pretending to not see is one of the ways that shows up. We collectively agree unconsciously what to see and what not to see, it is an agreement made long ago. Today we are rehashing this agreement and NOW through being present we have begun to break free from the binds that tether our thinking. We are capable of pretending and imagining complex experiences and with an understanding that is under development, we consciously evolve. Our awareness allows us to “see” that illusion is woven into our energetic fabric. NOW as embodied beings, we look at the beautiful flower pictured above as visible in five dimensions. It is entirely up to you how you meet your experience.

We also have the other senses: taste, smell, hearing and touch to meet our experience, and are constantly using the ability of consciousness without fully considering this potential, or with regard for that meeting with our experience. We just are conscious without really being conscious of that as an ability. We have abundant abilities we use ALL THE TIME without the slightest awareness of using them. We don’t consider learning how to fully use our abilities, and validate ourselves as  evolving energy systems, to our advantage. Right now we are contained within a perceived living body, this containment scares us and we shut down our resources and settle for thinking only. I don’t know, doesn’t anyone think it’s all a bit odd and perhaps a gigantic opportunity to do something other than, oh let’s say shop, complain, struggle to survive, give up, the list is long and we all know it inside and out. All Americans are in a position to take full advantage of our having the basic needs met, granted not always easily or equally, but nevertheless we have the TIME to take responsibility for our conscious evolution and find out all of what we can do while we are here on earth. Obviously other nations have this opportunity facing them at this time too. It is not just an American situation, but a global opportunity.

This life you live is undergoing considerable transformations right here and right now. Often in readings people ask me, “What is happening to me, why do I feel this way, scared and insane?” Because you are, sister . . . And you have to stop pretending that you don’t and start pretending something else. All of us want the “how do I do this?” button to magically appear and we get to push it and “poof” problem solved. The truth is it is that easy, and that button is within you, learn to use it, and learn to use it now. ASAP as they say. Accept  that being scared and insane is a part of the human condition and a necessary ingredient to consciously evolve NOW.
Nothing will “get better” until you stop seeing in that way. Yes it is crunch time, my friend, and we all smell it, that stench of something is a bit “off.”  That is not because something is not happening, that’s because ”it not happening” is being pretended more, and your conscious attention is needed to meet the experience. Together we can pretty much do anything imaginable,  including finding the “how do I do this?” button. That is what I’m here for, providing that service to you.