Maui 2012
What are we doing here on earth? We are having an experience.
It is best not to think about it too much, because that is a part of the experience. Any reference to “me†or “I†creating this experience will take you out of the experience and into the ego and its demands. We are all a part of the experience both individually and collectively with everything else, always. If you feel separate that feeling is a reflection of your experience. Feelings are how we pick up or generate into the experience. We feel love or fear and everything in the experience is a reflection of those feelings.
We receive electrochemical signals in our brain that translates our five senses. This signal is electrical chemical and we either taste, hear, smell or see the experience. This is as “real†as it gets “out thereâ€. The momentum of your energy is our universe experiencing itself. We are experiencing our energy all the time, any reference to self or I is a part of thinking and ego and will alter the experience and it will no longer be an experience, it will be ego drama.
Consciousness is the glue that holds the experience in place and is the actual momentum of our energy and all energy in this particular dimension. Unconsciousness is basically “auto pilot†for the brain as well as stored answers to our five senses reflected in the experience. An unconscious experience is very different from a conscious experience, and often very tricky to understand or differentiate. It is like a memory, simply not of the moment.
We are becoming conscious of the experience. Consciousness affects the experience because it allows us to be a part of the experience fully and it can change or heal the experience. Consciousness also makes the experience “grow†or expand as we seek out answers to questions generated by the electric-chemical signal in our brain. Everything “exists†as a probability until consciousness-experiences.
You look like a body and you smell like a body, you taste and you hear but you are not here. You are not you, everything is you. Once you wrap the experience around this “the you†changes and meets the experience completely differently and life as we know it changes. Yes, my friend, it is all an illusion, and there is more! You don’t exist! I know it blows, but there is good news. You my dear dear friend are pure consciousness and you can do whatever you desire and I say that loosely because it is not literal. You has to give it up and the conscious desire has to be projected. Weird to say the least, but true for this moment in time, which of course, is also an illusion.
What are we doing here on Earth? We are changing the experience and that looks different to each person having the experience. It depends upon your frequency and resonance with the tone of internal consciousness, the one that connects all of us to other living things. It is here within you, past the self and past any identity, past anything and everything body level, past your unconscious, to the consciousness of one. From whence you came to here and now.
None of this will make any sense if you are not able to consider this and perhaps you would not even be here reading this at all unless you felt the quickening. The quickening is the momentum from where it all began. The signal in your brain has stopped transmitting at the frequency it has been for some time now. It has come up octave in pitch and the frequency will be noticeable in preparation of full consciousness.
This is happening outside of the space time paradigm and you will not see it, taste it, hear it, or smell it, but you will feel it. It is occurring right now, broadcast style within the paradigm. TUNE in to tune IN. The experience you witness is the broadcast within you transmitted by your brain signal and transmuted through the experience, (your experience). And as hokey and cliche as it sounds, I’m going to say it anyway, the signal being sent through consciousness is love. Not the kind of love you see in movies, or feel towards someone when you are “in loveâ€. This is original love, the essence and reason for your being here in the first place, it’s how you got here, distorted however by the learning curve of human existence. It is all love always. Fear is really just love distorted and disfigured. The distortion and disfigurement is all around you in the experience. The distortion and disfigurement can be changed but it is not about you changing it ego style.
Your consciousness never ever stops even when you are dead
This is a completely different way of operating and being through the body level experience. It is not magic and it is not salvation, it is a recognition of the distortion and fear. You have many “bodies†but you probably only believe or see the physical body we all know and agree upon. Your consciousness never ever stops even when you are dead in the fourth dimensional “we†experience. You are either experiencing you are on a journey or not, it all depends upon what you are here to experience.There is no right or wrong experience, better or best, evolved or not evolved. All that is projected through the signal in your brain and a construct of collective mirroring. You are having an experience and that is multidimensional. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant because that too is a part of the experience YOU are having.
So, what we are doing here on Earth? Suddenly, in just a few paragraphs, it became so much more than, having a family, going to school, growing old, who you are, what you do, etc. etc.
If you look up at the night sky without any artificial light to diminish the view there is a front row seat of the experience and more.  Witness “the family†and all that is a part of the experience. Notice I took the YOU out of all of these sentences in this paragraph so that there is an understanding that you have nothing to do with it. “You†is a construct of the fourth dimension and very clever indeed, for the experience to learn and to let consciousness have that in order to expand. All living things are conscious and consciousness is experiencing itself from infinite probability.
Today as you walk around in your experience here on Earth, experience that everything-including you, and the “youâ€- is energy . . .  the thoughts, the other people, the smells, the view, the tastes, the sounds, the feelings, are all energy, and the experience. Now locate the source of the signal that stimulates the experience. Here is a hint, it is energy. It is pouring out of experience reflected to you, through your consciousness. Yes YOUR consciousness, don’t get carried away with the “you†but at the same time get totally carried away and let the consciousness you have show you what you are doing here on Earth.