What is an Energy Healing ?

A energy healing is change. All we really experience here on earth is change, and awareness of this is the healing. It sounds so simple yet embracing this and  possibly  framing change  into  a reality experience is easily overlooked. We simply get use to this condition, and change is lots in illusion. The illusion is that we are powerless over our experience. Change as a healing energy requires a respect for the power of the force change is in our lives on a moment to moment bases. The illusion is that we are powerless and that is a very seemingly real condition woven into the over all life journey. Often this conditioning is started at birth and is reinforced throughout life. The actual momentum of the life force is compromised and never really again realized or felt.

If you can build your identity to be based in a consideration that you are energy you can start the journey of witnessing change as a healing energy. All identity is held in the genitals. This is a identity composed of an experience we meet in a three dimensional space with time being the fourth dimension. Earth is a dimension we take in through our five senses and project outward as a reality paradigm. For many of us this is the way we spend our lives contained within a four dimensional experience unaware of the constant change. We most likely experience change as time.

When ever we talk about healing we are taking about change. Healing is really the ability to see time as change in the moment and not as an arrow in a direction. The arrow of time limits our experience but is universally accepted as a given condition. A truth in energy is that time is a construct of our experience and not exclusively a condition of direction. If you want to heal or change you have to build an identity as energy. This identity must be built through awareness and intension. Taking the identity off of the genitals exclusively and including additional aspects of our being is essential conscious evolution. We very often build our entire identity as a first charka survival modality never venturing too far from the perception of survival. We then identify by what we do such as our jobs, careers, family, food, homes, fashion. This containment is intentional to keeping the energy of your source draining into a investment in exchange  for these experiences. Consumption becomes the purpose.

One of the evolving identities I often witness while reading energy is that intention is paid to other energy centers in the physical body. Since the genitals are located in the first energy center of the physical body momentum into a expended identity is generated through the inclusion of second, third, and fourth energy centers as well as the first. This expands the energy field of the human energy system and gives the identity a continuously changing energy resource. This change is a healing to the individuals experience and the ability to see change as an expanded present time phenomenon is manifested into being. This expanded opportunity is available to anyone courageous enough to simply give it a go. If you can imagine the possibility of this expanded awareness you will start to question the conditions of a exclusive first chakra based identity prison. The prison is paid for and supported by you in exchange for your vital energy.

Each moment is a opportunity to be present and witness change. Energy is power and you are composed of energy. It is essential to the process that you build an energy identity that is inclusive to all four chakra and expand into the space around the physical body. By being involved in this way you purposely intend to witness yourself as energy and meet your experience multidimensionally. A multidimensional experience will not look like the life you witness in a three dimensional with the fourth dimension as time reality. You no longer will be able to be in your life in quite the same way you were before. You as “you” begins to feel whole again and not separated from everything in your life.

This takes a huge amount of courage and resourcefulness because you will encounter fear. You begin to understand that the fear in within you and not out there somewhere. This fear is powerful because it is connected to to the source of your being. This fear is the fear you felt at birth and is purposeful to meeting the experience. The experience is your life on Earth and this fear can set you free to expand into the ability to meet your experience in a completely new way. By choosing to be more then a first chakra based identity you expand into all of the space you have available. This expanded space will change the manifested reality you see projected out in front of you. Expanding beyond your basic five senses using your extrasensory perceptions shifts your paradigm.

your energy is a healing to your life

You begin to see how everything “out there” is really literally inside of you. Whoa, I know! Your are the experience you are having and how you meet that experience will determine how your energy is a healing to your life. Nothing will ever be the same, and how could it, you are no longer a slave to how your energy is used to construct the reality paradigm we all exist within day in and day out. You as energy can meet your experience as a whole being. This is how energy is a healing energy. What is a healing energy? Your are the only healing energy in the universe.

If you want to chat about more on this topic let me know and we can set up a chat space on google plus and discuss the options available to us NOW.