What’s Happening to Us ?




What is happening to me?  This is a universal question and theme playing throughout all the readings I have been doing with people now for about three years. The very fabric of energy that composes us is undergoing a substantial change and expansion. We are gaining momentum which often “looks like” we are getting bigger as we learn how to stabilize sustainable energy and power.

We are individually each going through an evolution, a rapid evolution. If you quiet your mind and tune into your body you can actually feel the energy fields momentum.  Every reading I do shows me the energy systems of people expanding. This translates into a bigger and more powerful energy field. This power is an accomplished strength held within. Often people do not know what “to do” with this revelation or experience they are having of themselves.

I have not met one person who is not expanding the energy to the left and right sides of the physical body. This only adds more dimension to the already torus shape of our energy field. This doughnut shape literally moves energy and, now with this expansion, new abilities will be available to us. The experience has power, strength, peace, content and most of all presence.

We do not yet “know” what abilities are available to us from this evolution. Trying “to know”  seems to distract from the experience of the evolution possibly because it is not about knowing “this.” Also possibly this event is about being outside of containment and a thought dominated structure. I do not know because I too experience this expansion and when I read the energy in myself and in others it does tell a story.

The stories being told often describe a situation that gives an example of a new experience. The new experience is portrayed as a need to BEING open to a new experience that you are definitely unaware of and quite possibly not anything you have even remotely experienced before. In other words, you cannot know this and you are learning, often the pictures are about letting go and surrendering to the experience.

These pictures “look” different in everyone but have a similar THEME, TONE & TEXTURE.

Consciousness is expanding and literally generating more energy in these areas. Consciousness has the capacity to self-expand when reasoned.

Knowledge gives attention to the desire for compassion and this courage reveals truth.
This truth describes what got consciousness to where we are today. Where consciousness is going is up to you.

Checking in with your sixth chakra and seeing if your values are changing can be helpful.

What are some of the intentions you currently hold and provide for your consciousness?

What is happening to us is that our consciousness is growing in its self-awareness and alters reality. The people I have done readings with in the past three years may not articulate this quite as I have here, but they are aware that they are changing. This is perhaps all you really need to know. Because as I have witnessed in countless people, “knowing” is just a very small part of the expansion of intentions.

This action is being structured into space that previously lacked awareness. What I see to the left of the physical body from above the head and running the entire length of the body to below the feet is an energy field.  The exact same thing is happening on the right side of the body.

This energy field is composed of  “a process of transmutation”. One form is changing into another. This is actually the STUFF that is BEING the energy field. It is a process, an energy process that changes one form into another without actually having any form just a presence of BEING.

So these areas are composed of your consciousness of being and what that means to you. You have to consider going beyond MIND with consciousness in order to expand. It is not mental, it is BEING. It helps to just BE all you ARE.

It also helps to remember that you are having an experience and some days that is clear and other days it may not BE clear at all. Trust the process and explore the possibility.

This process allows for more possibilities to exist simultaneously. Basically more energy is becoming available. “To what end” is up to the person doing the expanding. Quite possibly your entire life could be turned upside down, in a good way.

To the left side this space is manifesting out of conscious possibilities or potential. This energy is composed of the choices we don’t make and or use in our conscious awareness of day-to day-life. This “left over” energy despite not being chosen is nevertheless still energy in a potential form. We intentionally are moving this energy. This motion allows for space time to expand into a dimension to our left that is composed of choices we did not make and infuse them into our unconscious energy bank. We are BEING something, and I’m learning how to read this as energy.

The same thing is happening to the right side. In this case the leftover energy comes from the unconscious and into an expanding space time to our right; BEING another dimension. These are the unconscious choices we did not use in our unconscious presence. This energy is infused into our conscious energy bank.

I’m using the word BEING because that is how it looks and the capacity “to do” is not an option here in this dimension. Often people want to know what to do and these types of questions don’t compute. In other words, they don’t make sense and it is obvious we are entering a very different set of conditions that perhaps have no conditions!

How do you tell someone how TO BE. You are occurring . . .

We are literally “being” a sustainable energy resource within our own energy system. These spaces to the left and right are composed out of the same stuff that the front and back of the body are composed of, fundamental energy and matter. It is readable and has structure. It tells a story. The only thing that I don’t see is a groundedness to this energy. Most of it is mental and although it is obvious that this energy INTENDS to expand from head to toe it is only viable to about the chest area.

My conclusion is that the heart energy center is somehow involved with this space opening up and will shortly extend all the way to the feet and into the earth. I suggest practicing how to ground this energy so that it can be available as a renewable sustainable source of power.

There are also A LOT of FEELINGS that are associated with this expansion and keeping a journal of these feelings can be very helpful when navigating.

It is amazing how our environmental demand for more energy is apparent in our energy systems. Our energy system runs on very different fuel than what we have come to believe is our food and our only alternative. The very idea of food as a source of energy is changing and along with it the nutritional values previously associated.

The people who are expanding their energy oftentimes tell me that they are super sensitive to pretty much everything. Food is hypersensitive so anything you put into your body has a profound feedback loop. This expanded energy field does not require the same foods you may have been able to eat before. You have to pay attention to what works and what does not work. All the food allergies people are experiencing now is a reflection of the desire to expand the energy field.

Maintaining the physical body has taken an enormous turn toward an EVERYDAY exercise routine. Every moment is a consideration of energy expenditures. The presence of the expanded energy restructures your day-to-day life to meet this energy resourcefulness. You have to be consciously physically available. This changes reality as we make time to take care of our conscious energy needs compared to what we may have previously thought was needed to survive.

Behavior is perhaps the most changed aspect of this expanded energy. Without a moment to moment presence, the expansion defaults to unconscious and often past time or inappropriate energy patterns. Behavior is the most obvious characteristic of this sustainable energy we need. Consider what the very meaning of renewable and sustainable tells us.

These words describe the behavior necessary to be revived, restored, upheld, supported, kept going and replenished are but a few.

Are these an accurate description of your presence in any situation?

If your behavior is not an energy match to the expansion, your doughnut energy shape will have a dent or caved in portion and you will be unable to expand proportionally. It will be visible clairvoyantly, but more importantly you will not feel great. You will feel off, a sense of restlessness or irritation of the skin will occur. Remember you ARE expanding and the events of your day-to-day life have to resonate with this or the discord will literally be felt.

There has to be harmony in frequency and tonality, so much so that the BEING (person) that  you ARE shows up in your moment to moment lifestyle. If your lifestyle is disharmony so too is the expansion.

It would look something like this – consciously you ARE expanding your energy field in response to a renewable sustainable energy resource NEED. However, in your day-to-day lifestyle you ARE NOT particularly taking good care of yourSELF. You are eating whatever, struggling to exercise, working too much, worried about money, etc. This is not an energy match and the expansion will feel like just another thing you have to DO instead of BEING who you ARE, you become an energy slave. Giving your energy away to the things that do not support your sustainability. What is happening to you?

Another huge consideration is how you treat other BEINGS (people). In readings I find this to be the most important action, and is apparent in the outflow of energy, or giving. Noticing how you behave is a major consideration of who you ARE. The treatment of self and others is a fundamental element of the torus (doughnut) shape and flows within the energy field. It is the whole key to sustainability and the unlimited power we have within our source of BEING.

Your behavior is a reflection of the experience within you. You are literally a self generating sustainable renewable power experienced as your behavior.

This is the most intense fine tuning any of us have ever experienced and it is because our consciousness is growing, literally, figuratively, dimensionally and successfully. Failure is not an option.

I can only say it is BEING experienced as it is BEING or not. This is entirely up to you. When I say failure is not an option I mean to point to the intention of the energy systems I have been privileged to witness in readings. There is no going back. The bar, in a sense, has been set and self-sufficiency to unlimited power that is renewable and sustainable is the measure.

I can see this as plain as day. These are everyday people just like you or me, nothing special going on except that they are entering a new dimension of BEING and anyone is welcome to join. You of course have the option to not join, but I have not met anyone yet who has made that choice.

past time unconscious pre-programed energy pattern


Like I said, behavior may be the variable that determines the choice to default to a vibration of past time unconscious pre-programed energy pattern. Essentially, this would be a vote to not expand. The expansion would still take place but you would not BE in it. Weird as that may sound, it is how it looks. That energy would end up going someplace and it may not be in your best interest as a conscious being. It would be similar to slavery, an energy slave. Your energy would be sold like a product.

I have discussed this in a previous blog called Organically Ready to Change the World. You have to BE AWARE of what is going on with your energy, always.

We are definitely going into a “new age”, if you pay attention you can actually FEEL the expansion to the left and right of your shoulders. Check it out by BEING.